Lineage for Species: Plasmodium falciparum [TaxId: 36329]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2923792Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds)
  3. 2938974Fold d.20: UBC-like [54494] (1 superfamily)
    alpha-beta(4)-alpha(3); core: meander beta-sheet plus one helix 2
  4. 2938975Superfamily d.20.1: UBC-like [54495] (5 families) (S)
  5. 2938976Family d.20.1.1: UBC-related [54496] (7 proteins)
  6. 2939257Protein automated matches [190124] (13 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2939379Species Plasmodium falciparum [TaxId:36329] [187963] (5 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Plasmodium falciparum [TaxId: 36329]:

  1. Domain(s) for 2onu:
  2. Domain(s) for 2r0j:
  3. Domain(s) for 3e95:
    1. 2939389Domain d3e95a_: 3e95 A: [174767]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3e95c_
      automated match to d1j7db_
      complexed with unx
    2. 2939390Domain d3e95b_: 3e95 B: [174768]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3e95c_
      automated match to d1j7db_
      complexed with unx
  4. Domain(s) for 4jue:
    1. 2939383Domain d4juea_: 4jue A: [224033]
      automated match to d3rczb_
    2. 2939384Domain d4jueb_: 4jue B: [224034]
      automated match to d3rczb_
    3. 2939385Domain d4juec_: 4jue C: [224035]
      automated match to d3rczb_
    4. 2939386Domain d4jued_: 4jue D: [224036]
      automated match to d3rczb_
  5. Domain(s) for 4m1n:
    1. 2939380Domain d4m1na_: 4m1n A: [224810]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4m1nb2
      automated match to d2grra_
      complexed with na
    2. 2939381Domain d4m1nb1: 4m1n B:2-159 [224811]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4m1nb2
      automated match to d2grra_
      complexed with na
    3. 2939382Domain d4m1nc_: 4m1n C: [224812]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4m1nb2
      automated match to d2grra_
      complexed with na

More info for Species Plasmodium falciparum [TaxId:36329] from d.20.1.1 automated matches

Timeline for Species Plasmodium falciparum [TaxId:36329] from d.20.1.1 automated matches: