Lineage for Species: Pseudomonas aeruginosa [TaxId: 287]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2739516Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds)
  3. 2821276Fold b.115: Calcium-mediated lectin [82025] (1 superfamily)
    sandwich; 9 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key
  4. 2821277Superfamily b.115.1: Calcium-mediated lectin [82026] (2 families) (S)
  5. 2821278Family b.115.1.1: Calcium-mediated lectin [82027] (3 proteins)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF07472
  6. 2821332Protein automated matches [190094] (4 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2821366Species Pseudomonas aeruginosa [TaxId:287] [186815] (11 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Pseudomonas aeruginosa [TaxId: 287]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1w8f:
    1. 2821367Domain d1w8fa_: 1w8f A: [120722]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, gol, so4
    2. 2821368Domain d1w8fb_: 1w8f B: [120723]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, gol, so4
    3. 2821369Domain d1w8fc_: 1w8f C: [120724]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, gol, so4
    4. 2821370Domain d1w8fd_: 1w8f D: [120725]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, gol, so4
  2. Domain(s) for 1w8h:
    1. 2821407Domain d1w8ha_: 1w8h A: [120726]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, gol, so4
    2. 2821408Domain d1w8hb_: 1w8h B: [120727]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, gol, so4
    3. 2821409Domain d1w8hc_: 1w8h C: [120728]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, gol, so4
    4. 2821410Domain d1w8hd_: 1w8h D: [120729]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, gol, so4
  3. Domain(s) for 2jdh:
    1. 2821375Domain d2jdha_: 2jdh A: [147979]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, so4, ta5
    2. 2821376Domain d2jdhb_: 2jdh B: [147980]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, so4, ta5
    3. 2821377Domain d2jdhc_: 2jdh C: [147981]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, so4, ta5
    4. 2821378Domain d2jdhd_: 2jdh D: [147982]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, so4, ta5
  4. Domain(s) for 2jdk:
    1. 2821371Domain d2jdka_: 2jdk A: [147983]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, so4, t45
    2. 2821372Domain d2jdkb_: 2jdk B: [147984]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, so4, t45
    3. 2821373Domain d2jdkc_: 2jdk C: [147985]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, so4, t45
    4. 2821374Domain d2jdkd_: 2jdk D: [147986]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, so4, t45
  5. Domain(s) for 2jdm:
    1. 2821403Domain d2jdma_: 2jdm A: [166119]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, mfu, so4; mutant
    2. 2821404Domain d2jdmb_: 2jdm B: [166120]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, mfu, so4; mutant
    3. 2821405Domain d2jdmc_: 2jdm C: [166121]
      automated match to d1oxca_
      complexed with ca, fuc, mfu, so4; mutant
    4. 2821406Domain d2jdmd_: 2jdm D: [166122]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, mfu, so4; mutant
  6. Domain(s) for 2jdn:
    1. 2821379Domain d2jdna_: 2jdn A: [166123]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, mma, so4; mutant
    2. 2821380Domain d2jdnb_: 2jdn B: [166124]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, mma, so4; mutant
    3. 2821381Domain d2jdnc_: 2jdn C: [166125]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, mma, so4; mutant
    4. 2821382Domain d2jdnd_: 2jdn D: [166126]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, mma, so4; mutant
  7. Domain(s) for 2jdp:
    1. 2821387Domain d2jdpa_: 2jdp A: [166127]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, mfu; mutant
    2. 2821388Domain d2jdpb_: 2jdp B: [166128]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, mfu; mutant
    3. 2821389Domain d2jdpc_: 2jdp C: [166129]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, mfu; mutant
    4. 2821390Domain d2jdpd_: 2jdp D: [166130]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, mfu; mutant
  8. Domain(s) for 2jdu:
    1. 2821391Domain d2jdua_: 2jdu A: [166132]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, gol, mfu, so4; mutant
    2. 2821392Domain d2jdub_: 2jdu B: [166133]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, gol, mfu, so4; mutant
    3. 2821393Domain d2jduc_: 2jdu C: [166134]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, gol, mfu, so4; mutant
    4. 2821394Domain d2jdud_: 2jdu D: [166135]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, gol, mfu, so4; mutant
  9. Domain(s) for 2jdy:
    1. 2821395Domain d2jdya_: 2jdy A: [166137]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, mma; mutant
    2. 2821396Domain d2jdyb_: 2jdy B: [166138]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, mma; mutant
    3. 2821397Domain d2jdyc_: 2jdy C: [166139]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, mma; mutant
    4. 2821398Domain d2jdyd_: 2jdy D: [166140]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, mma; mutant
  10. Domain(s) for 2vuc:
    1. 2821383Domain d2vuca_: 2vuc A: [168828]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, so4, yx0
    2. 2821384Domain d2vucb_: 2vuc B: [168829]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, so4, yx0
    3. 2821385Domain d2vucc_: 2vuc C: [168830]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, so4, yx0
    4. 2821386Domain d2vucd_: 2vuc D: [168831]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, so4, yx0
  11. Domain(s) for 2vud:
    1. 2821399Domain d2vuda_: 2vud A: [168832]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, lz0, so4
    2. 2821400Domain d2vudb_: 2vud B: [168833]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, lz0, so4
    3. 2821401Domain d2vudc_: 2vud C: [168834]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, lz0, so4
    4. 2821402Domain d2vudd_: 2vud D: [168835]
      automated match to d1gzta_
      complexed with ca, fuc, lz0, so4

More info for Species Pseudomonas aeruginosa [TaxId:287] from b.115.1.1 automated matches

Timeline for Species Pseudomonas aeruginosa [TaxId:287] from b.115.1.1 automated matches: