Lineage for Species: Cucumaria echinata [TaxId: 40245]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2923792Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds)
  3. 3009628Fold d.281: Hemolytic lectin CEL-III, C-terminal domain [111264] (1 superfamily)
    unusual fold
  4. 3009629Superfamily d.281.1: Hemolytic lectin CEL-III, C-terminal domain [111265] (1 family) (S)
  5. 3009630Family d.281.1.1: Hemolytic lectin CEL-III, C-terminal domain [111266] (1 protein)
  6. 3009631Protein Hemolytic lectin CEL-III, C-terminal domain [111267] (1 species)
  7. 3009632Species Cucumaria echinata [TaxId:40245] [111268] (4 PDB entries)
    Uniprot Q868M7 11-442

PDB entries in Species: Cucumaria echinata [TaxId: 40245]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1vcl:
    1. 3009637Domain d1vcla3: 1vcl A:284-432 [108500]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1vcla1, d1vcla2, d1vclb1, d1vclb2
      complexed with btb, ca, cl, mg
    2. 3009638Domain d1vclb3: 1vcl B:284-432 [108503]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1vcla1, d1vcla2, d1vclb1, d1vclb2
      complexed with btb, ca, cl, mg
  2. Domain(s) for 2z48:
    1. 3009633Domain d2z48a3: 2z48 A:284-432 [154038]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2z48a1, d2z48a2, d2z48b1, d2z48b2
      automated match to d1vcla3
      complexed with a2g, ca, mg, nga
    2. 3009634Domain d2z48b3: 2z48 B:284-432 [154041]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2z48a1, d2z48a2, d2z48b1, d2z48b2
      automated match to d1vcla3
      complexed with a2g, ca, mg, nga
  3. Domain(s) for 2z49:
    1. 3009635Domain d2z49a3: 2z49 A:284-432 [154044]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2z49a1, d2z49a2, d2z49b1, d2z49b2
      automated match to d1vcla3
      complexed with amg, ca, mg
    2. 3009636Domain d2z49b3: 2z49 B:284-432 [154047]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2z49a1, d2z49a2, d2z49b1, d2z49b2
      automated match to d1vcla3
      complexed with amg, ca, mg
  4. Domain(s) for 3w9t:
    1. 3009639Domain d3w9ta3: 3w9t A:284-432 [237903]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3w9ta1, d3w9ta2, d3w9ta4, d3w9tb1, d3w9tb2, d3w9tb4, d3w9tc1, d3w9tc2, d3w9tc4, d3w9td1, d3w9td2, d3w9td4, d3w9te1, d3w9te2, d3w9te4, d3w9tf1, d3w9tf2, d3w9tf4, d3w9tg1, d3w9tg2, d3w9tg4
      automated match to d1vcla3
      complexed with ca, mg
    2. 3009640Domain d3w9tb3: 3w9t B:284-432 [237906]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3w9ta1, d3w9ta2, d3w9ta4, d3w9tb1, d3w9tb2, d3w9tb4, d3w9tc1, d3w9tc2, d3w9tc4, d3w9td1, d3w9td2, d3w9td4, d3w9te1, d3w9te2, d3w9te4, d3w9tf1, d3w9tf2, d3w9tf4, d3w9tg1, d3w9tg2, d3w9tg4
      automated match to d1vcla3
      complexed with ca, mg
    3. 3009641Domain d3w9tc3: 3w9t C:284-432 [237900]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3w9ta1, d3w9ta2, d3w9ta4, d3w9tb1, d3w9tb2, d3w9tb4, d3w9tc1, d3w9tc2, d3w9tc4, d3w9td1, d3w9td2, d3w9td4, d3w9te1, d3w9te2, d3w9te4, d3w9tf1, d3w9tf2, d3w9tf4, d3w9tg1, d3w9tg2, d3w9tg4
      automated match to d1vcla3
      complexed with ca, mg
    4. 3009642Domain d3w9td3: 3w9t D:284-432 [237897]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3w9ta1, d3w9ta2, d3w9ta4, d3w9tb1, d3w9tb2, d3w9tb4, d3w9tc1, d3w9tc2, d3w9tc4, d3w9td1, d3w9td2, d3w9td4, d3w9te1, d3w9te2, d3w9te4, d3w9tf1, d3w9tf2, d3w9tf4, d3w9tg1, d3w9tg2, d3w9tg4
      automated match to d1vcla3
      complexed with ca, mg
    5. 3009643Domain d3w9te3: 3w9t E:284-432 [237909]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3w9ta1, d3w9ta2, d3w9ta4, d3w9tb1, d3w9tb2, d3w9tb4, d3w9tc1, d3w9tc2, d3w9tc4, d3w9td1, d3w9td2, d3w9td4, d3w9te1, d3w9te2, d3w9te4, d3w9tf1, d3w9tf2, d3w9tf4, d3w9tg1, d3w9tg2, d3w9tg4
      automated match to d1vcla3
      complexed with ca, mg
    6. 3009644Domain d3w9tf3: 3w9t F:284-432 [237912]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3w9ta1, d3w9ta2, d3w9ta4, d3w9tb1, d3w9tb2, d3w9tb4, d3w9tc1, d3w9tc2, d3w9tc4, d3w9td1, d3w9td2, d3w9td4, d3w9te1, d3w9te2, d3w9te4, d3w9tf1, d3w9tf2, d3w9tf4, d3w9tg1, d3w9tg2, d3w9tg4
      automated match to d1vcla3
      complexed with ca, mg
    7. 3009645Domain d3w9tg3: 3w9t G:284-432 [237915]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3w9ta1, d3w9ta2, d3w9ta4, d3w9tb1, d3w9tb2, d3w9tb4, d3w9tc1, d3w9tc2, d3w9tc4, d3w9td1, d3w9td2, d3w9td4, d3w9te1, d3w9te2, d3w9te4, d3w9tf1, d3w9tf2, d3w9tf4, d3w9tg1, d3w9tg2, d3w9tg4
      automated match to d1vcla3
      complexed with ca, mg

More info for Species Cucumaria echinata [TaxId:40245] from d.281.1.1 Hemolytic lectin CEL-III, C-terminal domain

Timeline for Species Cucumaria echinata [TaxId:40245] from d.281.1.1 Hemolytic lectin CEL-III, C-terminal domain: