Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2854798Fold c.17: Caspase-like [52128] (1 superfamily)
    3 layers, a/b/a; core: mixed beta-sheet of 6 strands, order 213456, strand 6 is antiparallel to the rest
  4. 2854799Superfamily c.17.1: Caspase-like [52129] (3 families) (S)
    mature protein may be composed of two chains folded in a single domain
  5. 2854800Family c.17.1.1: Caspase catalytic domain [52130] (8 proteins)
  6. 2854926Protein automated matches [190398] (2 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2854927Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) [TaxId:7227] [196246] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 2854932Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [187267] (13 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2ar9:
      1. 2854944Domain d2ar9a_: 2ar9 A: [162879]
        automated match to d1jxqa_
        complexed with mlt
      2. 2854945Domain d2ar9b_: 2ar9 B: [162880]
        automated match to d1jxqa_
        complexed with mlt
      3. 2854946Domain d2ar9c_: 2ar9 C: [162881]
        automated match to d1jxqa_
        complexed with mlt
      4. 2854947Domain d2ar9d_: 2ar9 D: [162882]
        automated match to d1jxqa_
        complexed with mlt
    2. Domains for 3deh:
      1. 2854954Domain d3deha_: 3deh A: [157576]
        automated match to d1nmqa_
        complexed with rxa
      2. 2854955Domain d3dehb_: 3deh B: [157577]
        automated match to d1nmqa_
        complexed with rxa
      3. 2854956Domain d3dehc_: 3deh C: [157578]
        automated match to d1nmqa_
        complexed with rxa
      4. 2854957Domain d3dehd_: 3deh D: [157579]
        automated match to d1nmqa_
        complexed with rxa
    3. Domains for 3dei:
      1. 2854962Domain d3deia_: 3dei A: [157580]
        automated match to d1nmqa_
        complexed with rxb
      2. 2854963Domain d3deib_: 3dei B: [157581]
        automated match to d1nmqa_
        complexed with rxb
      3. 2854964Domain d3deic_: 3dei C: [157582]
        automated match to d1nmqa_
        complexed with rxb
      4. 2854965Domain d3deid_: 3dei D: [157583]
        automated match to d1nmqa_
        complexed with rxb
    4. Domains for 3dej:
      1. 2854958Domain d3deja_: 3dej A: [157584]
        automated match to d1nmqa_
        complexed with rxc
      2. 2854959Domain d3dejb_: 3dej B: [157585]
        automated match to d1nmqa_
        complexed with rxc
      3. 2854960Domain d3dejc_: 3dej C: [157586]
        automated match to d1nmqa_
        complexed with rxc
      4. 2854961Domain d3dejd_: 3dej D: [157587]
        automated match to d1nmqa_
        complexed with rxc
    5. Domains for 3dek:
      1. 2854948Domain d3deka_: 3dek A: [157588]
        automated match to d1nmqa_
        complexed with rxd
      2. 2854949Domain d3dekb_: 3dek B: [157589]
        automated match to d1nmqa_
        complexed with rxd
      3. 2854950Domain d3dekc_: 3dek C: [157590]
        automated match to d1nmqa_
        complexed with rxd
      4. 2854951Domain d3dekd_: 3dek D: [157591]
        automated match to d1nmqa_
        complexed with rxd
    6. Domain for 3h11:
    7. Domain for 3h13:
    8. Domains for 4hqr:
      1. 2854942Domain d4hqra_: 4hqr A: [252485]
        automated match to d1gqfa_
      2. 2854943Domain d4hqrb_: 4hqr B: [252486]
        automated match to d1gqfa_
    9. Domain for 4jj7:
    10. Domains for 4jj8:
      1. 2854952Domain d4jj8a_: 4jj8 A: [202747]
        automated match to d4jj8b_
      2. 2854953Domain d4jj8b_: 4jj8 B: [197325]
        automated match to d1i4oa_
    11. Domain for 4jje:
    12. Domain for 4prz:
    13. Domains for 4ps1:
      1. 2854935Domain d4ps1a_: 4ps1 A: [268587]
        automated match to d2funb_
        complexed with dtt
      2. 2854936Domain d4ps1b_: 4ps1 B: [268589]
        automated match to d2funb_
        complexed with dtt
      3. 2854937Domain d4ps1c_: 4ps1 C: [268581]
        automated match to d2funb_
        complexed with dtt
      4. 2854938Domain d4ps1d_: 4ps1 D: [268582]
        automated match to d2funb_
        complexed with dtt

More info for Protein automated matches from c.17.1.1: Caspase catalytic domain

Timeline for Protein automated matches from c.17.1.1: Caspase catalytic domain: