Lineage for Protein: Arginine deiminase

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2923792Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds)
  3. 2974297Fold d.126: Pentein, beta/alpha-propeller [55908] (1 superfamily)
    duplication: composed of 5 alpha-beta(2)-alpha-beta units arranged around pseudo fivefold axis
  4. 2974298Superfamily d.126.1: Pentein [55909] (8 families) (S)
  5. 2974335Family d.126.1.4: Arginine deiminase [103232] (1 protein)
    functionally related to the amidinotransferase, similar active sites
  6. 2974336Protein Arginine deiminase [103233] (2 species)


  1. 2974337Mycoplasma arginini [TaxId:2094] [103235] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1lxy:
      1. 2974340Domain d1lxya_: 1lxy A: [91154]
        complexed with cir, trs
      2. 2974341Domain d1lxyb_: 1lxy B: [91155]
        complexed with cir, trs
    2. Domains for 1s9r:
      1. 2974338Domain d1s9ra_: 1s9r A: [98758]
        complexed with arg, trs, unx
      2. 2974339Domain d1s9rb_: 1s9r B: [98759]
        complexed with arg, trs, unx
  2. 2974342Pseudomonas aeruginosa [TaxId:287] [103234] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1rxx:
      1. 2974351Domain d1rxxa_: 1rxx A: [98061]
      2. 2974352Domain d1rxxb_: 1rxx B: [98062]
      3. 2974353Domain d1rxxc_: 1rxx C: [98063]
      4. 2974354Domain d1rxxd_: 1rxx D: [98064]
    2. Domains for 2a9g:
      1. 2974343Domain d2a9ga1: 2a9g A:6-417 [126435]
        complexed with arg
      2. 2974344Domain d2a9gb_: 2a9g B: [126436]
        automated match to d1rxxb_
        complexed with arg
      3. 2974345Domain d2a9gc_: 2a9g C: [126437]
        automated match to d1rxxb_
        complexed with arg
      4. 2974346Domain d2a9gd_: 2a9g D: [126438]
        automated match to d1rxxb_
        complexed with arg
    3. Domains for 2aaf:
      1. 2974347Domain d2aafa1: 2aaf A:6-417 [126471]
      2. 2974348Domain d2aafb_: 2aaf B: [126472]
        automated match to d1rxxb_
      3. 2974349Domain d2aafc_: 2aaf C: [126473]
        automated match to d1rxxb_
      4. 2974350Domain d2aafd_: 2aaf D: [126474]
        automated match to d1rxxb_
    4. Domains for 2abr:
      1. 2974359Domain d2abra1: 2abr A:6-417 [126530]
      2. 2974360Domain d2abrb_: 2abr B: [126531]
        automated match to d1rxxb_
      3. 2974361Domain d2abrc_: 2abr C: [126532]
        automated match to d1rxxb_
      4. 2974362Domain d2abrd_: 2abr D: [126533]
        automated match to d1rxxb_
    5. Domains for 2aci:
      1. 2974355Domain d2acia1: 2aci A:6-417 [126551]
      2. 2974356Domain d2acib_: 2aci B: [126552]
        automated match to d1rxxb_
      3. 2974357Domain d2acic_: 2aci C: [126553]
        automated match to d1rxxb_
      4. 2974358Domain d2acid_: 2aci D: [126554]
        automated match to d1rxxb_

More info for Protein Arginine deiminase from d.126.1.4: Arginine deiminase

Timeline for Protein Arginine deiminase from d.126.1.4: Arginine deiminase: