Lineage for Species: Streptococcus suis [TaxId: 1307]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2685877Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (290 folds)
  3. 2700837Fold a.25: Ferritin-like [47239] (6 superfamilies)
    core: 4 helices; bundle, closed, left-handed twist; 1 crossover connection
  4. 2700838Superfamily a.25.1: Ferritin-like [47240] (10 families) (S)
    contains bimetal-ion centre in the middle of the bundle
  5. 2700839Family a.25.1.1: Ferritin [47241] (10 proteins)
  6. 2701715Protein Dodecameric ferritin homolog [47250] (16 species)
  7. 2702018Species Streptococcus suis [TaxId:1307] [101134] (8 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Streptococcus suis [TaxId: 1307]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1umn:
    1. 2702043Domain d1umna_: 1umn A: [99607]
      complexed with ca, cl, epe
    2. 2702044Domain d1umnb_: 1umn B: [99608]
      complexed with ca, cl, epe
    3. 2702045Domain d1umnc_: 1umn C: [99609]
      complexed with ca, cl, epe
    4. 2702046Domain d1umnd_: 1umn D: [99610]
      complexed with ca, cl, epe
    5. 2702047Domain d1umne_: 1umn E: [99611]
      complexed with ca, cl, epe
    6. 2702048Domain d1umnf_: 1umn F: [99612]
      complexed with ca, cl, epe
    7. 2702049Domain d1umng_: 1umn G: [99613]
      complexed with ca, cl, epe
    8. 2702050Domain d1umnh_: 1umn H: [99614]
      complexed with ca, cl, epe
    9. 2702051Domain d1umni_: 1umn I: [99615]
      complexed with ca, cl, epe
    10. 2702052Domain d1umnj_: 1umn J: [99616]
      complexed with ca, cl, epe
    11. 2702053Domain d1umnk_: 1umn K: [99617]
      complexed with ca, cl, epe
    12. 2702054Domain d1umnl_: 1umn L: [99618]
      complexed with ca, cl, epe
  2. Domain(s) for 2bw1:
    1. 2702031Domain d2bw1a_: 2bw1 A: [129305]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, epe, fe
    2. 2702032Domain d2bw1b_: 2bw1 B: [129306]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, epe, fe
    3. 2702033Domain d2bw1c_: 2bw1 C: [129307]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, epe, fe
    4. 2702034Domain d2bw1d_: 2bw1 D: [129308]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, epe, fe
    5. 2702035Domain d2bw1e_: 2bw1 E: [129309]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, epe, fe
    6. 2702036Domain d2bw1f_: 2bw1 F: [129310]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, epe, fe
    7. 2702037Domain d2bw1g_: 2bw1 G: [129311]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, epe, fe
    8. 2702038Domain d2bw1h_: 2bw1 H: [129312]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, epe, fe
    9. 2702039Domain d2bw1i_: 2bw1 I: [129313]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, epe, fe
    10. 2702040Domain d2bw1j_: 2bw1 J: [129314]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, epe, fe
    11. 2702041Domain d2bw1k_: 2bw1 K: [129315]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, epe, fe
    12. 2702042Domain d2bw1l_: 2bw1 L: [129316]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, epe, fe
  3. Domain(s) for 2ux1:
    1. 2702019Domain d2ux1a_: 2ux1 A: [152237]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, zn
    2. 2702020Domain d2ux1b_: 2ux1 B: [152238]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, zn
    3. 2702021Domain d2ux1c_: 2ux1 C: [152239]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, zn
    4. 2702022Domain d2ux1d_: 2ux1 D: [152240]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, zn
    5. 2702023Domain d2ux1e_: 2ux1 E: [152241]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, zn
    6. 2702024Domain d2ux1f_: 2ux1 F: [152242]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, zn
    7. 2702025Domain d2ux1g_: 2ux1 G: [152243]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, zn
    8. 2702026Domain d2ux1h_: 2ux1 H: [152244]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, zn
    9. 2702027Domain d2ux1i_: 2ux1 I: [152245]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, zn
    10. 2702028Domain d2ux1j_: 2ux1 J: [152246]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, zn
    11. 2702029Domain d2ux1k_: 2ux1 K: [152247]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, zn
    12. 2702030Domain d2ux1l_: 2ux1 L: [152248]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, zn
  4. Domain(s) for 2v15:
    1. 2702079Domain d2v15a_: 2v15 A: [152372]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, tb
    2. 2702080Domain d2v15b_: 2v15 B: [152373]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, tb
    3. 2702081Domain d2v15c_: 2v15 C: [152374]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, tb
    4. 2702082Domain d2v15d_: 2v15 D: [152375]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, tb
    5. 2702083Domain d2v15e_: 2v15 E: [152376]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, tb
    6. 2702084Domain d2v15f_: 2v15 F: [152377]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, tb
    7. 2702085Domain d2v15g_: 2v15 G: [152378]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, tb
    8. 2702086Domain d2v15h_: 2v15 H: [152379]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, tb
    9. 2702087Domain d2v15i_: 2v15 I: [152380]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, tb
    10. 2702088Domain d2v15j_: 2v15 J: [152381]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, tb
    11. 2702089Domain d2v15k_: 2v15 K: [152382]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, tb
    12. 2702090Domain d2v15l_: 2v15 L: [152383]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, tb
  5. Domain(s) for 2xjm:
    1. 2702091Domain d2xjma_: 2xjm A: [170134]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, co, epe
    2. 2702092Domain d2xjmb_: 2xjm B: [170135]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, co, epe
    3. 2702093Domain d2xjmc_: 2xjm C: [170136]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, co, epe
    4. 2702094Domain d2xjmd_: 2xjm D: [170137]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, co, epe
    5. 2702095Domain d2xjme_: 2xjm E: [170138]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, co, epe
    6. 2702096Domain d2xjmf_: 2xjm F: [170139]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, co, epe
    7. 2702097Domain d2xjmg_: 2xjm G: [170140]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, co, epe
    8. 2702098Domain d2xjmh_: 2xjm H: [170141]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, co, epe
    9. 2702099Domain d2xjmi_: 2xjm I: [170142]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, co, epe
    10. 2702100Domain d2xjmj_: 2xjm J: [170143]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, co, epe
    11. 2702101Domain d2xjmk_: 2xjm K: [170144]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, co, epe
    12. 2702102Domain d2xjml_: 2xjm L: [170145]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, co, epe
  6. Domain(s) for 2xjn:
    1. 2702055Domain d2xjna_: 2xjn A: [170146]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, cu, epe
    2. 2702056Domain d2xjnb_: 2xjn B: [170147]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, cu, epe
    3. 2702057Domain d2xjnc_: 2xjn C: [170148]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, cu, epe
    4. 2702058Domain d2xjnd_: 2xjn D: [170149]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, cu, epe
    5. 2702059Domain d2xjne_: 2xjn E: [170150]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, cu, epe
    6. 2702060Domain d2xjnf_: 2xjn F: [170151]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, cu, epe
    7. 2702061Domain d2xjng_: 2xjn G: [170152]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, cu, epe
    8. 2702062Domain d2xjnh_: 2xjn H: [170153]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, cu, epe
    9. 2702063Domain d2xjni_: 2xjn I: [170154]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, cu, epe
    10. 2702064Domain d2xjnj_: 2xjn J: [170155]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, cu, epe
    11. 2702065Domain d2xjnk_: 2xjn K: [170156]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, cu, epe
    12. 2702066Domain d2xjnl_: 2xjn L: [170157]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, cu, epe
  7. Domain(s) for 2xjo:
    1. 2702067Domain d2xjoa_: 2xjo A: [170158]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, ni
    2. 2702068Domain d2xjob_: 2xjo B: [170159]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, ni
    3. 2702069Domain d2xjoc_: 2xjo C: [170160]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, ni
    4. 2702070Domain d2xjod_: 2xjo D: [170161]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, ni
    5. 2702071Domain d2xjoe_: 2xjo E: [170162]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, ni
    6. 2702072Domain d2xjof_: 2xjo F: [170163]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, ni
    7. 2702073Domain d2xjog_: 2xjo G: [170164]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, ni
    8. 2702074Domain d2xjoh_: 2xjo H: [170165]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, ni
    9. 2702075Domain d2xjoi_: 2xjo I: [170166]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, ni
    10. 2702076Domain d2xjoj_: 2xjo J: [170167]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, ni
    11. 2702077Domain d2xjok_: 2xjo K: [170168]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, ni
    12. 2702078Domain d2xjol_: 2xjo L: [170169]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, ni
  8. Domain(s) for 2xkq:
    1. 2702103Domain d2xkqa_: 2xkq A: [170182]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, mn3
    2. 2702104Domain d2xkqb_: 2xkq B: [170183]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, mn3
    3. 2702105Domain d2xkqc_: 2xkq C: [170184]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, mn3
    4. 2702106Domain d2xkqd_: 2xkq D: [170185]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, mn3
    5. 2702107Domain d2xkqe_: 2xkq E: [170186]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, mn3
    6. 2702108Domain d2xkqf_: 2xkq F: [170187]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, mn3
    7. 2702109Domain d2xkqg_: 2xkq G: [170188]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, mn3
    8. 2702110Domain d2xkqh_: 2xkq H: [170189]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, mn3
    9. 2702111Domain d2xkqi_: 2xkq I: [170190]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, mn3
    10. 2702112Domain d2xkqj_: 2xkq J: [170191]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, mn3
    11. 2702113Domain d2xkqk_: 2xkq K: [170192]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, mn3
    12. 2702114Domain d2xkql_: 2xkq L: [170193]
      automated match to d1umng_
      complexed with ca, cl, epe, mn3

More info for Species Streptococcus suis [TaxId:1307] from a.25.1.1 Dodecameric ferritin homolog

Timeline for Species Streptococcus suis [TaxId:1307] from a.25.1.1 Dodecameric ferritin homolog: