Lineage for Protein: Monoamine oxidase B

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.06
  2. 2170735Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (385 folds)
  3. 2180483Fold d.16: FAD-linked reductases, C-terminal domain [54372] (1 superfamily)
    alpha+beta sandwich
  4. 2180484Superfamily d.16.1: FAD-linked reductases, C-terminal domain [54373] (8 families) (S)
    N-terminal domain is beta/beta/alpha common fold
  5. 2180697Family d.16.1.5: L-aminoacid/polyamine oxidase [54394] (6 proteins)
  6. 2180750Protein Monoamine oxidase B [69673] (2 species)


  1. 2180751Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [69674] (39 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1gos:
      1. 2180826Domain d1gosa2: 1gos A:290-401 [65426]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1gosa1, d1gosb1
        complexed with fad, nyp
      2. 2180827Domain d1gosb2: 1gos B:290-401 [65428]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1gosa1, d1gosb1
        complexed with fad, nyp
    2. Domains for 1oj9:
      1. 2180812Domain d1oj9a2: 1oj9 A:290-401 [93093]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oj9a1, d1oj9b1
        complexed with 1pb, fad
      2. 2180813Domain d1oj9b2: 1oj9 B:290-401 [93095]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oj9a1, d1oj9b1
        complexed with 1pb, fad
    3. Domains for 1oja:
      1. 2180764Domain d1ojaa2: 1oja A:290-401 [93097]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ojaa1, d1ojab1
        complexed with fad, isn
      2. 2180765Domain d1ojab2: 1oja B:290-401 [93099]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ojaa1, d1ojab1
        complexed with fad, isn
    4. Domains for 1ojb:
      1. 2180808Domain d1ojba4: 1ojb A:290-401 [302856]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ojba3, d1ojbb3
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with 1lp, fad
      2. 2180809Domain d1ojbb4: 1ojb B:290-401 [302858]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ojba3, d1ojbb3
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with 1lp, fad
    5. Domains for 1ojc:
      1. 2180814Domain d1ojca2: 1ojc A:290-401 [93105]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ojca1, d1ojcb1
        complexed with fad, laz
      2. 2180815Domain d1ojcb2: 1ojc B:290-401 [93107]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ojca1, d1ojcb1
        complexed with fad, laz
    6. Domains for 1ojd:
      1. 2180828Domain d1ojda2: 1ojd A:290-401 [93109]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ojda1, d1ojdb1, d1ojdc1, d1ojdd1, d1ojde1, d1ojdf1, d1ojdg1, d1ojdh1, d1ojdi1, d1ojdl1
        complexed with fad, lda
      2. 2180829Domain d1ojdb2: 1ojd B:290-401 [93111]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ojda1, d1ojdb1, d1ojdc1, d1ojdd1, d1ojde1, d1ojdf1, d1ojdg1, d1ojdh1, d1ojdi1, d1ojdl1
        complexed with fad, lda
      3. 2180830Domain d1ojdc2: 1ojd C:290-401 [93113]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ojda1, d1ojdb1, d1ojdc1, d1ojdd1, d1ojde1, d1ojdf1, d1ojdg1, d1ojdh1, d1ojdi1, d1ojdl1
        complexed with fad, lda
      4. 2180831Domain d1ojdd2: 1ojd D:290-401 [93115]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ojda1, d1ojdb1, d1ojdc1, d1ojdd1, d1ojde1, d1ojdf1, d1ojdg1, d1ojdh1, d1ojdi1, d1ojdl1
        complexed with fad, lda
      5. 2180832Domain d1ojde2: 1ojd E:290-401 [93117]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ojda1, d1ojdb1, d1ojdc1, d1ojdd1, d1ojde1, d1ojdf1, d1ojdg1, d1ojdh1, d1ojdi1, d1ojdl1
        complexed with fad, lda
      6. 2180833Domain d1ojdf2: 1ojd F:290-401 [93119]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ojda1, d1ojdb1, d1ojdc1, d1ojdd1, d1ojde1, d1ojdf1, d1ojdg1, d1ojdh1, d1ojdi1, d1ojdl1
        complexed with fad, lda
      7. 2180834Domain d1ojdg2: 1ojd G:290-401 [93121]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ojda1, d1ojdb1, d1ojdc1, d1ojdd1, d1ojde1, d1ojdf1, d1ojdg1, d1ojdh1, d1ojdi1, d1ojdl1
        complexed with fad, lda
      8. 2180835Domain d1ojdh2: 1ojd H:290-401 [93123]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ojda1, d1ojdb1, d1ojdc1, d1ojdd1, d1ojde1, d1ojdf1, d1ojdg1, d1ojdh1, d1ojdi1, d1ojdl1
        complexed with fad, lda
      9. 2180836Domain d1ojdi2: 1ojd I:290-401 [93125]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ojda1, d1ojdb1, d1ojdc1, d1ojdd1, d1ojde1, d1ojdf1, d1ojdg1, d1ojdh1, d1ojdi1, d1ojdl1
        complexed with fad, lda
      10. 2180837Domain d1ojdl2: 1ojd L:290-401 [93127]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ojda1, d1ojdb1, d1ojdc1, d1ojdd1, d1ojde1, d1ojdf1, d1ojdg1, d1ojdh1, d1ojdi1, d1ojdl1
        complexed with fad, lda
    7. Domains for 1s2q:
      1. 2180800Domain d1s2qa2: 1s2q A:290-401 [98396]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s2qa1, d1s2qb1
        complexed with fad, ras
      2. 2180801Domain d1s2qb2: 1s2q B:290-401 [98398]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s2qa1, d1s2qb1
        complexed with fad, ras
    8. Domains for 1s2y:
      1. 2180802Domain d1s2ya2: 1s2y A:290-401 [98409]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s2ya1, d1s2yb1
        complexed with fad
      2. 2180803Domain d1s2yb2: 1s2y B:290-401 [98411]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s2ya1, d1s2yb1
        complexed with fad
    9. Domains for 1s3b:
      1. 2180774Domain d1s3ba2: 1s3b A:290-401 [98423]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s3ba1, d1s3bb1
        complexed with fad
      2. 2180775Domain d1s3bb2: 1s3b B:290-401 [98425]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s3ba1, d1s3bb1
        complexed with fad
    10. Domains for 1s3e:
      1. 2180756Domain d1s3ea2: 1s3e A:290-401 [98427]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s3ea1, d1s3eb1
        complexed with fad
      2. 2180757Domain d1s3eb2: 1s3e B:290-401 [98429]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s3ea1, d1s3eb1
        complexed with fad
    11. Domains for 2bk3:
      1. 2180786Domain d2bk3a2: 2bk3 A:290-401 [128649]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2bk3a1, d2bk3b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, foh
      2. 2180787Domain d2bk3b2: 2bk3 B:290-401 [128651]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2bk3a1, d2bk3b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, foh
    12. Domains for 2bk4:
      1. 2180782Domain d2bk4a2: 2bk4 A:290-401 [128653]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2bk4a1, d2bk4b1
        automatically matched to d1o5wa2
        complexed with fad, ras; mutant
      2. 2180783Domain d2bk4b2: 2bk4 B:290-401 [128655]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2bk4a1, d2bk4b1
        automatically matched to d1o5wa2
        complexed with fad, ras; mutant
    13. Domains for 2bk5:
      1. 2180778Domain d2bk5a2: 2bk5 A:290-401 [128657]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2bk5a1, d2bk5b1
        automatically matched to d1o5wa2
        complexed with fad, isn; mutant
      2. 2180779Domain d2bk5b2: 2bk5 B:290-401 [128659]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2bk5a1, d2bk5b1
        automatically matched to d1o5wa2
        complexed with fad, isn; mutant
    14. Domains for 2byb:
      1. 2180816Domain d2byba2: 2byb A:290-401 [129473]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2byba1, d2bybb1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with dpk, fad
      2. 2180817Domain d2bybb2: 2byb B:290-401 [129475]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2byba1, d2bybb1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with dpk, fad
    15. Domains for 2c64:
      1. 2180810Domain d2c64a2: 2c64 A:290-401 [129970]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c64a1, d2c64b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, ma0
      2. 2180811Domain d2c64b2: 2c64 B:290-401 [129972]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c64a1, d2c64b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, ma0
    16. Domains for 2c65:
      1. 2180770Domain d2c65a2: 2c65 A:290-401 [129974]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c65a1, d2c65b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with 4cr, fad
      2. 2180771Domain d2c65b2: 2c65 B:290-401 [129976]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c65a1, d2c65b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with 4cr, fad
    17. Domains for 2c66:
      1. 2180822Domain d2c66a2: 2c66 A:290-401 [129978]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c66a1, d2c66b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, rm2
      2. 2180823Domain d2c66b2: 2c66 B:290-401 [129980]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c66a1, d2c66b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, rm2
    18. Domains for 2c67:
      1. 2180772Domain d2c67a2: 2c67 A:290-401 [129982]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c67a1, d2c67b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, rm1
      2. 2180773Domain d2c67b2: 2c67 B:290-401 [129984]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c67a1, d2c67b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, rm1
    19. Domains for 2c70:
      1. 2180794Domain d2c70a2: 2c70 A:290-401 [130014]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c70a1, d2c70b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, pnz; mutant
      2. 2180795Domain d2c70b2: 2c70 B:290-401 [130016]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c70a1, d2c70b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, pnz; mutant
    20. Domains for 2c72:
      1. 2180788Domain d2c72a2: 2c72 A:290-401 [130019]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c72a1, d2c72b1
        automatically matched to d1o5wa2
        complexed with fad, rsa; mutant
      2. 2180789Domain d2c72b2: 2c72 B:290-401 [130021]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c72a1, d2c72b1
        automatically matched to d1o5wa2
        complexed with fad, rsa; mutant
    21. Domains for 2c73:
      1. 2180818Domain d2c73a2: 2c73 A:290-401 [130023]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c73a1, d2c73b1
        automatically matched to d1o5wa2
        complexed with fad, rsa; mutant
      2. 2180819Domain d2c73b2: 2c73 B:290-401 [130025]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c73a1, d2c73b1
        automatically matched to d1o5wa2
        complexed with fad, rsa; mutant
    22. Domains for 2c75:
      1. 2180766Domain d2c75a2: 2c75 A:290-401 [130027]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c75a1, d2c75b1
        automatically matched to d1o5wa2
        complexed with fad, rsa; mutant
      2. 2180767Domain d2c75b2: 2c75 B:290-401 [130029]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c75a1, d2c75b1
        automatically matched to d1o5wa2
        complexed with fad, rsa; mutant
    23. Domains for 2c76:
      1. 2180768Domain d2c76a2: 2c76 A:290-401 [130031]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c76a1, d2c76b1
        automatically matched to d1o5wa2
        complexed with fad, rsa; mutant
      2. 2180769Domain d2c76b2: 2c76 B:290-401 [130033]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c76a1, d2c76b1
        automatically matched to d1o5wa2
        complexed with fad, rsa; mutant
    24. Domains for 2v5z:
      1. 2180758Domain d2v5za2: 2v5z A:290-401 [152582]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v5za1, d2v5zb1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, sag
      2. 2180759Domain d2v5zb2: 2v5z B:290-401 [152584]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v5za1, d2v5zb1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, sag
    25. Domains for 2v60:
      1. 2180784Domain d2v60a2: 2v60 A:290-401 [152586]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v60a1, d2v60b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with c17, fad
      2. 2180785Domain d2v60b2: 2v60 B:290-401 [152588]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v60a1, d2v60b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with c17, fad
    26. Domains for 2v61:
      1. 2180760Domain d2v61a2: 2v61 A:290-401 [152590]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v61a1, d2v61b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with c18, fad
      2. 2180761Domain d2v61b2: 2v61 B:290-401 [152592]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v61a1, d2v61b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with c18, fad
    27. Domains for 2vrl:
      1. 2180806Domain d2vrla2: 2vrl A:290-401 [153515]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vrla1, d2vrlb1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, mbn
      2. 2180807Domain d2vrlb2: 2vrl B:290-401 [153517]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vrla1, d2vrlb1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, mbn
    28. Domains for 2vrm:
      1. 2180820Domain d2vrma2: 2vrm A:290-401 [153519]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vrma1, d2vrmb1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, pyj
      2. 2180821Domain d2vrmb2: 2vrm B:290-401 [153521]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vrma1, d2vrmb1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, pyj
    29. Domains for 2vz2:
      1. 2180804Domain d2vz2a2: 2vz2 A:290-401 [206541]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vz2a1, d2vz2b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with c15, fad, mfg
      2. 2180805Domain d2vz2b2: 2vz2 B:290-401 [206543]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vz2a1, d2vz2b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with c15, fad, mfg
    30. Domains for 2xcg:
      1. 2180776Domain d2xcga2: 2xcg A:290-401 [207178]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xcga1, d2xcgb1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with 3pl, c15, fa8, xcg
      2. 2180777Domain d2xcgb2: 2xcg B:290-401 [207180]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xcga1, d2xcgb1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with 3pl, c15, fa8, xcg
    31. Domains for 2xfn:
      1. 2180752Domain d2xfna2: 2xfn A:290-401 [207195]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xfna1, d2xfnb1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with c15, fad, xcg
      2. 2180753Domain d2xfnb2: 2xfn B:290-401 [207197]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xfna1, d2xfnb1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with c15, fad, xcg
    32. Domains for 2xfp:
      1. 2180754Domain d2xfpa2: 2xfp A:290-401 [207199]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xfpa1, d2xfpb1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with c15, fad, isn, xcg
      2. 2180755Domain d2xfpb2: 2xfp B:290-401 [207201]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xfpa1, d2xfpb1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with c15, fad, isn, xcg
    33. Domains for 2xfq:
      1. 2180790Domain d2xfqa2: 2xfq A:290-401 [207203]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xfqa1, d2xfqb1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with c15, fad, ras, xcg
      2. 2180791Domain d2xfqb2: 2xfq B:290-401 [207205]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xfqa1, d2xfqb1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with c15, fad, ras, xcg
    34. Domains for 2xfu:
      1. 2180798Domain d2xfua2: 2xfu A:290-401 [170084]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xfua1, d2xfub1
        complexed with 3pl, fa8
      2. 2180799Domain d2xfub2: 2xfu B:290-401 [170086]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xfua1, d2xfub1
        complexed with 3pl, fa8
    35. Domains for 3po7:
      1. 2180792Domain d3po7a2: 3po7 A:290-401 [214884]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3po7a1, d3po7b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, zon
      2. 2180793Domain d3po7b2: 3po7 B:290-401 [214886]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3po7a1, d3po7b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, zon
    36. Domains for 4a79:
      1. 2180780Domain d4a79a2: 4a79 A:290-401 [218681]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4a79a1, d4a79b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, p1b
      2. 2180781Domain d4a79b2: 4a79 B:290-401 [218683]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4a79a1, d4a79b1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, p1b
    37. Domains for 4a7a:
      1. 2180762Domain d4a7aa2: 4a7a A:290-401 [218685]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4a7aa1, d4a7ab1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, rgz
      2. 2180763Domain d4a7ab2: 4a7a B:290-401 [218687]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4a7aa1, d4a7ab1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with fad, rgz
    38. Domains for 4crt:
      1. 2180796Domain d4crta2: 4crt A:290-401 [238136]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4crta1, d4crtb1
        automated match to d2v5za2
        complexed with ass, fad
      2. 2180797Domain d4crtb2: 4crt B:290-401 [238137]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4crta1, d4crtb1
        automated match to d2v5za2
        complexed with ass, fad
    39. Domains for 5mrl:
      1. 2180824Domain d5mrla2: 5mrl A:290-401 [328100]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5mrla1, d5mrlb1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with f2m, fad
      2. 2180825Domain d5mrlb2: 5mrl B:290-401 [328140]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5mrla1, d5mrlb1
        automated match to d1s3ea2
        complexed with f2m, fad
  2. 2180838Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] [102801] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein Monoamine oxidase B from d.16.1.5: L-aminoacid/polyamine oxidase

Timeline for Protein Monoamine oxidase B from d.16.1.5: L-aminoacid/polyamine oxidase: