Lineage for Protein: DNA-directed RNA polymerase alpha(2), beta, beta-prime and omega subunits

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 3042554Class i: Low resolution protein structures [58117] (25 folds)
  3. 3044682Fold i.8: RNA polymerase [58180] (1 superfamily)
  4. 3044683Superfamily i.8.1: RNA polymerase [58181] (1 family) (S)
  5. 3044684Family i.8.1.1: RNA polymerase [58182] (2 proteins)
  6. 3044852Protein DNA-directed RNA polymerase alpha(2), beta, beta-prime and omega subunits [58183] (1 species)


  • 3044853Thermus aquaticus [TaxId:271] [58184] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1hqm:
      1. 3044854Domain d1hqma_: 1hqm A: [45972]
        complexed with mg, zn
      2. 3044855Domain d1hqmb_: 1hqm B: [45973]
        complexed with mg, zn
      3. 3044856Domain d1hqmc_: 1hqm C: [45974]
        complexed with mg, zn
      4. 3044857Domain d1hqmd_: 1hqm D: [45975]
        complexed with mg, zn
      5. 3044858Domain d1hqme_: 1hqm E: [45976]
        complexed with mg, zn
    2. Domains for 1l9u:
      1. 3044859Domain d1l9ua_: 1l9u A: [73748]
        holoenzyme at 4 Angstrom resolution
        complexed with mg, zn
      2. 3044860Domain d1l9ub_: 1l9u B: [73749]
        holoenzyme at 4 Angstrom resolution
        complexed with mg, zn
      3. 3044861Domain d1l9uc_: 1l9u C: [73750]
        holoenzyme at 4 Angstrom resolution
        complexed with mg, zn
      4. 3044862Domain d1l9ud_: 1l9u D: [73751]
        holoenzyme at 4 Angstrom resolution
        complexed with mg, zn
      5. 3044863Domain d1l9ue_: 1l9u E: [73752]
        holoenzyme at 4 Angstrom resolution
        complexed with mg, zn
      6. 3044864Domain d1l9uh_: 1l9u H: [73753]
        holoenzyme at 4 Angstrom resolution
        complexed with mg, zn
      7. 3044865Domain d1l9uj_: 1l9u J: [73754]
        holoenzyme at 4 Angstrom resolution
        complexed with mg, zn
      8. 3044866Domain d1l9uk_: 1l9u K: [73755]
        holoenzyme at 4 Angstrom resolution
        complexed with mg, zn
      9. 3044867Domain d1l9ul_: 1l9u L: [73756]
        holoenzyme at 4 Angstrom resolution
        complexed with mg, zn
      10. 3044868Domain d1l9um_: 1l9u M: [73757]
        holoenzyme at 4 Angstrom resolution
        complexed with mg, zn
      11. 3044869Domain d1l9un_: 1l9u N: [73758]
        holoenzyme at 4 Angstrom resolution
        complexed with mg, zn
      12. 3044870Domain d1l9uq_: 1l9u Q: [73759]
        holoenzyme at 4 Angstrom resolution
        complexed with mg, zn
    3. Domains for 1l9z:
      1. 3044871Domain d1l9za_: 1l9z A: [73766]
        holoenzyme/fork-junction promoter DNA complex at 6.5 Angstrom resolution
        protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, zn
      2. 3044872Domain d1l9zb_: 1l9z B: [73767]
        holoenzyme/fork-junction promoter DNA complex at 6.5 Angstrom resolution
        protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, zn
      3. 3044873Domain d1l9zc_: 1l9z C: [73768]
        holoenzyme/fork-junction promoter DNA complex at 6.5 Angstrom resolution
        protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, zn
      4. 3044874Domain d1l9zd_: 1l9z D: [73769]
        holoenzyme/fork-junction promoter DNA complex at 6.5 Angstrom resolution
        protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, zn
      5. 3044875Domain d1l9ze_: 1l9z E: [73770]
        holoenzyme/fork-junction promoter DNA complex at 6.5 Angstrom resolution
        protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, zn
      6. 3044876Domain d1l9zh_: 1l9z H: [73771]
        holoenzyme/fork-junction promoter DNA complex at 6.5 Angstrom resolution
        protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, zn

More info for Protein DNA-directed RNA polymerase alpha(2), beta, beta-prime and omega subunits from i.8.1.1: RNA polymerase

Timeline for Protein DNA-directed RNA polymerase alpha(2), beta, beta-prime and omega subunits from i.8.1.1: RNA polymerase: