Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2352458Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (178 folds)
  3. 2423914Fold b.82: Double-stranded beta-helix [51181] (7 superfamilies)
    one turn of helix is made by two pairs of antiparallel strands linked with short turns
    has appearance of a sandwich of distinct architecture and jelly-roll topology
  4. 2426017Superfamily b.82.3: cAMP-binding domain-like [51206] (4 families) (S)
  5. 2426023Family b.82.3.2: cAMP-binding domain [51210] (13 proteins)
    Pfam PF00027
  6. 2426174Protein automated matches [190352] (9 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2426175Escherichia coli K-12 [TaxId:83333] [225712] (8 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3kcc:
      1. 2426178Domain d3kcca1: 3kcc A:8-137 [212285]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kcca2, d3kccb2
        automated match to d1g6na2
        complexed with cmp; mutant
      2. 2426179Domain d3kccb1: 3kcc B:9-137 [212287]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kcca2, d3kccb2
        automated match to d1g6na2
        complexed with cmp; mutant
    2. Domains for 4hzf:
      1. 2426180Domain d4hzfa1: 4hzf A:9-138 [234739]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hzfa2, d4hzfb2
        automated match to d4hzfb1
        complexed with cmp, gol, po4
      2. 2426181Domain d4hzfb1: 4hzf B:10-138 [228636]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hzfa2, d4hzfb2
        automated match to d1hw5a2
        complexed with cmp, gol, po4
    3. Domains for 4i01:
      1. 2426194Domain d4i01a1: 4i01 A:6-138 [228648]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i01a2, d4i01b2
        automated match to d1hw5a2
        complexed with cmp; mutant
      2. 2426195Domain d4i01b1: 4i01 B:9-138 [228650]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i01a2, d4i01b2
        automated match to d1hw5a2
        complexed with cmp; mutant
    4. Domains for 4i02:
      1. 2426184Domain d4i02a1: 4i02 A:3-138 [234744]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i02a2, d4i02b2, d4i02c2, d4i02d2, d4i02e2, d4i02f2
        automated match to d4i02e1
        complexed with cmp; mutant
      2. 2426185Domain d4i02b1: 4i02 B:1-138 [234747]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i02a2, d4i02b2, d4i02c2, d4i02d2, d4i02e2, d4i02f2
        automated match to d4i02e1
        complexed with cmp; mutant
      3. 2426186Domain d4i02c1: 4i02 C:9-138 [234746]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i02a2, d4i02b2, d4i02c2, d4i02d2, d4i02e2, d4i02f2
        automated match to d4i02e1
        complexed with cmp; mutant
      4. 2426187Domain d4i02d1: 4i02 D:1-138 [234750]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i02a2, d4i02b2, d4i02c2, d4i02d2, d4i02e2, d4i02f2
        automated match to d4i02e1
        complexed with cmp; mutant
      5. 2426188Domain d4i02e1: 4i02 E:9-138 [228638]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i02a2, d4i02b2, d4i02c2, d4i02d2, d4i02e2, d4i02f2
        automated match to d1hw5a2
        complexed with cmp; mutant
      6. 2426189Domain d4i02f1: 4i02 F:9-138 [234745]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i02a2, d4i02b2, d4i02c2, d4i02d2, d4i02e2, d4i02f2
        automated match to d4i02e1
        complexed with cmp; mutant
    5. Domains for 4i09:
      1. 2426190Domain d4i09a1: 4i09 A:6-138 [234756]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i09a2, d4i09b2
        automated match to d4i09b1
        complexed with cmp; mutant
      2. 2426191Domain d4i09b1: 4i09 B:9-138 [228642]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i09a2, d4i09b2
        automated match to d1hw5a2
        complexed with cmp; mutant
    6. Domains for 4i0a:
      1. 2426192Domain d4i0aa1: 4i0a A:8-138 [228640]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i0aa2, d4i0ab2
        automated match to d1hw5a2
        complexed with cmp, gol; mutant
      2. 2426193Domain d4i0ab1: 4i0a B:9-138 [234754]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i0aa2, d4i0ab2
        automated match to d4i0aa1
        complexed with cmp, gol; mutant
    7. Domains for 4i0b:
      1. 2426176Domain d4i0ba1: 4i0b A:9-138 [228644]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i0ba2, d4i0bb2
        automated match to d1hw5a2
        complexed with cmp; mutant
      2. 2426177Domain d4i0bb1: 4i0b B:9-138 [228646]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i0ba2, d4i0bb2
        automated match to d1hw5a2
        complexed with cmp; mutant
    8. Domains for 4r8h:
      1. 2426182Domain d4r8ha1: 4r8h A:9-138 [275218]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4r8ha2, d4r8hb2
        automated match to d4i02b1
        complexed with gol, sp1
      2. 2426183Domain d4r8hb1: 4r8h B:9-138 [275220]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4r8ha2, d4r8hb2
        automated match to d4i02b1
        complexed with gol, sp1
  2. 2426196Escherichia coli [TaxId:469008] [255647] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1db7:
    2. Domain for 1db8:
    3. Domain for 1db9:
    4. Domains for 2wc2:
      1. 2426200Domain d2wc2a1: 2wc2 A:1-137 [244112]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wc2a2, d2wc2b2
        automated match to d4i02b1
      2. 2426201Domain d2wc2b1: 2wc2 B:1-137 [244114]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wc2a2, d2wc2b2
        automated match to d4i02b1
  3. 2426202Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [189505] (8 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2mng:
    2. Domain for 2mpf:
    3. Domain for 3otf:
    4. Domain for 3u10:
    5. Domains for 3u11:
      1. 2426204Domain d3u11a_: 3u11 A: [186053]
        automated match to d1q5oa_
        complexed with cmp, gol
      2. 2426205Domain d3u11b_: 3u11 B: [186054]
        automated match to d1q5oa_
        complexed with cmp, gol
    6. Domain for 4hbn:
    7. Domains for 4kl1:
      1. 2426209Domain d4kl1a_: 4kl1 A: [256868]
        automated match to d4nvpa_
        complexed with act, gol, pcg
      2. 2426210Domain d4kl1b_: 4kl1 B: [262829]
        automated match to d4nvpa_
        complexed with act, gol, pcg
      3. 2426211Domain d4kl1c_: 4kl1 C: [262830]
        automated match to d4nvpa_
        complexed with act, gol, pcg
      4. 2426212Domain d4kl1d_: 4kl1 D: [262831]
        automated match to d4nvpa_
        complexed with act, gol, pcg
    8. Domain for 4nvp:
  4. 2426215Mesorhizobium loti [TaxId:266835] [257109] (1 PDB entry)
  5. 2426218Mesorhizobium loti [TaxId:381] [188511] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2kxl:
    2. Domains for 3co2:
      1. 2426219Domain d3co2a_: 3co2 A: [173363]
        automated match to d1vp6a_
      2. 2426220Domain d3co2b_: 3co2 B: [173364]
        automated match to d1vp6a_
      3. 2426221Domain d3co2c_: 3co2 C: [173365]
        automated match to d1vp6a_
      4. 2426222Domain d3co2d_: 3co2 D: [173366]
        automated match to d1vp6a_
  6. 2426224Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [187178] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3etq:
      1. 2426225Domain d3etqa_: 3etq A: [175217]
        automated match to d1q5oa_
        complexed with cmp; mutant
      2. 2426226Domain d3etqb_: 3etq B: [175218]
        automated match to d1q5oa_
        complexed with cmp; mutant
    2. Domains for 3ffq:
      1. 2426227Domain d3ffqa_: 3ffq A: [175758]
        automated match to d1q5oa_
        complexed with br
      2. 2426228Domain d3ffqb_: 3ffq B: [175759]
        automated match to d1q5oa_
        complexed with br
    3. Domains for 3u0z:
      1. 2426229Domain d3u0za_: 3u0z A: [186050]
        automated match to d1q5oa_
        complexed with cmp
      2. 2426230Domain d3u0zb_: 3u0z B: [186051]
        automated match to d1q5oa_
        complexed with cmp
  7. 2426231Purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) [TaxId:7668] [188850] (1 PDB entry)
  8. 2426233Rhizobium loti [TaxId:381] [187243] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2k0g:
    2. Domains for 3cl1:
      1. 2426234Domain d3cl1a_: 3cl1 A: [156750]
        automated match to d1vp6a_
        complexed with cl, k, pcg, pol
      2. 2426235Domain d3cl1b_: 3cl1 B: [156751]
        automated match to d1vp6a_
        complexed with cl, k, pcg, pol
    3. Domains for 3clp:
      1. 2426236Domain d3clpa_: 3clp A: [173315]
        automated match to d1vp6a_
        complexed with cmp; mutant
      2. 2426237Domain d3clpc_: 3clp C: [173316]
        automated match to d1vp6a_
        complexed with cmp; mutant
  9. 2426239Yersinia pestis [TaxId:214092] [353902] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein automated matches from b.82.3.2: cAMP-binding domain

Timeline for Protein automated matches from b.82.3.2: cAMP-binding domain: