Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (376 folds) |
Fold d.28: Ribosomal protein S19 [54569] (1 superfamily) alpha-beta-X-beta(2); 2 layers: alpha/beta; mixed beta-sheet, order: 123 |
Superfamily d.28.1: Ribosomal protein S19 [54570] (1 family) |
Family d.28.1.1: Ribosomal protein S19 [54571] (1 protein) |
Protein Ribosomal protein S19 [54572] (2 species) |
Species Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [160144] (26 PDB entries) Uniprot P0A7U3 2-80 |
Domain d2vhos1: 2vho S:2-80 [153141] Other proteins in same PDB: d2vhob1, d2vhoc1, d2vhoc2, d2vhod1, d2vhoe1, d2vhoe2, d2vhof1, d2vhog1, d2vhoh1, d2vhoi1, d2vhoj1, d2vhok1, d2vhol1, d2vhom1, d2vhon1, d2vhoo1, d2vhop1, d2vhoq1, d2vhor1, d2vhot1, d2vhou1 automatically matched to 2AVY S:2-80 complexed with mg |
PDB Entry: 2vho (more details), 3.74 Å
SCOP Domain Sequences for d2vhos1:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d2vhos1 d.28.1.1 (S:2-80) Ribosomal protein S19 {Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562]} rslkkgpfidlhllkkvekavesgdkkplrtwsrrstifpnmigltiavhngrqhvpvfv tdemvghklgefaptrtyr
Timeline for d2vhos1: