Lineage for Protein: Aspartokinase

  1. Root: SCOP 1.73
  2. 713694Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (334 folds)
  3. 723373Fold d.58: Ferredoxin-like [54861] (55 superfamilies)
    alpha+beta sandwich with antiparallel beta-sheet; (beta-alpha-beta)x2
  4. 725281Superfamily d.58.18: ACT-like [55021] (12 families) (S)
    regulatory domain linked to a wide range of metabolic enzymes
  5. 725399Family d.58.18.10: Aspartokinase allosteric domain-like [143390] (1 protein)
    duplication: tandem repeat of two ACT-like domains; similar subunit and oligomeric structures to the VC0802-like family
  6. 725400Protein Aspartokinase [143391] (3 species)


  1. 725401Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [143393] (2 PDB entries)
    Lysine-sensitive aspartokinase 3
    1. Domains for 2j0w:
      1. 725402Domain d2j0wa2: 2j0w A:295-385 [137924]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j0wa1
        complexed with adp, asp, cl, mg
      2. 725403Domain d2j0wa3: 2j0w A:386-449 [137925]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j0wa1
        complexed with adp, asp, cl, mg
    2. Domains for 2j0x:
      1. 725404Domain d2j0xa2: 2j0x A:295-385 [137927]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j0xa1, d2j0xb1
        automatically matched to 2J0W A:295-385
        complexed with asp, lys, po4
      2. 725405Domain d2j0xa3: 2j0x A:386-449 [137928]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j0xa1, d2j0xb1
        automatically matched to 2J0W A:386-449
        complexed with asp, lys, po4
      3. 725406Domain d2j0xb2: 2j0x B:295-385 [137930]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j0xa1, d2j0xb1
        automatically matched to 2J0W A:295-385
        complexed with asp, lys, po4
      4. 725407Domain d2j0xb3: 2j0x B:386-449 [137931]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j0xa1, d2j0xb1
        automatically matched to 2J0W A:386-449
        complexed with asp, lys, po4
  2. 725408Methanococcus jannaschii [TaxId:2190] [143392] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 725417Thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana) [TaxId:3702] [143394] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein Aspartokinase from d.58.18.10: Aspartokinase allosteric domain-like

Timeline for Protein Aspartokinase from d.58.18.10: Aspartokinase allosteric domain-like:

  • Protein Aspartokinase from d.58.18.10: Aspartokinase allosteric domain-like is new in SCOP 1.73
  • Protein Aspartokinase from d.58.18.10: Aspartokinase allosteric domain-like appears in SCOP 1.75
  • Protein Aspartokinase from d.58.18.10: Aspartokinase allosteric domain-like appears in the current release, SCOPe 2.08