Lineage for Protein: Non-hem ferritin

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2685877Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (290 folds)
  3. 2700837Fold a.25: Ferritin-like [47239] (6 superfamilies)
    core: 4 helices; bundle, closed, left-handed twist; 1 crossover connection
  4. 2700838Superfamily a.25.1: Ferritin-like [47240] (10 families) (S)
    contains bimetal-ion centre in the middle of the bundle
  5. 2700839Family a.25.1.1: Ferritin [47241] (10 proteins)
  6. 2702136Protein Non-hem ferritin [63524] (7 species)


  1. 2702137Archaeoglobus fulgidus [TaxId:2234] [140432] (1 PDB entry)
    Uniprot O29424 3-164
  2. 2702139Campylobacter jejuni [TaxId:197] [69005] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 2702141Escherichia coli [TaxId:1110693] [260578] (1 PDB entry)
  4. 2702148Escherichia coli [TaxId:83333] [319417] (1 PDB entry)
  5. 2702155Escherichia coli, FtnA [TaxId:562] [63525] (1 PDB entry)
  6. 2702162Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries [TaxId:37319] [188675] (9 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3e6r:
      1. 2702223Domain d3e6ra_: 3e6r A: [174695]
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2702224Domain d3e6rb_: 3e6r B: [174696]
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with so4
      3. 2702225Domain d3e6rc_: 3e6r C: [174697]
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with so4
      4. 2702226Domain d3e6rd_: 3e6r D: [174698]
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with so4
      5. 2702227Domain d3e6re_: 3e6r E: [174699]
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with so4
      6. 2702228Domain d3e6rf_: 3e6r F: [174700]
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with so4
    2. Domains for 3e6s:
      1. 2702169Domain d3e6sa_: 3e6s A: [174701]
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with fe, so4
      2. 2702170Domain d3e6sb_: 3e6s B: [174702]
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with fe, so4
      3. 2702171Domain d3e6sc_: 3e6s C: [174703]
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with fe, so4
      4. 2702172Domain d3e6sd_: 3e6s D: [174704]
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with fe, so4
      5. 2702173Domain d3e6se_: 3e6s E: [174705]
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with fe, so4
      6. 2702174Domain d3e6sf_: 3e6s F: [174706]
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with fe, so4
    3. Domains for 4ism:
      1. 2702191Domain d4isma_: 4ism A: [223348]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with zn
      2. 2702192Domain d4ismb_: 4ism B: [223349]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with zn
      3. 2702193Domain d4ismc_: 4ism C: [223350]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with zn
      4. 2702194Domain d4ismd_: 4ism D: [223351]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with zn
      5. 2702195Domain d4isme_: 4ism E: [223352]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with zn
      6. 2702196Domain d4ismf_: 4ism F: [223353]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with zn
      7. 2702197Domain d4ismg_: 4ism G: [223354]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with zn
      8. 2702198Domain d4ismh_: 4ism H: [223355]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with zn
    4. Domains for 4isp:
      1. 2702215Domain d4ispa_: 4isp A: [202666]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      2. 2702216Domain d4ispb_: 4isp B: [202667]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      3. 2702217Domain d4ispc_: 4isp C: [197406]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      4. 2702218Domain d4ispd_: 4isp D: [202668]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      5. 2702219Domain d4ispe_: 4isp E: [196687]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      6. 2702220Domain d4ispf_: 4isp F: [202669]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      7. 2702221Domain d4ispg_: 4isp G: [202670]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      8. 2702222Domain d4isph_: 4isp H: [202671]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
    5. Domains for 4itt:
      1. 2702207Domain d4itta_: 4itt A: [223368]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      2. 2702208Domain d4ittb_: 4itt B: [223369]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      3. 2702209Domain d4ittc_: 4itt C: [223370]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      4. 2702210Domain d4ittd_: 4itt D: [223371]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      5. 2702211Domain d4itte_: 4itt E: [223372]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      6. 2702212Domain d4ittf_: 4itt F: [223373]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      7. 2702213Domain d4ittg_: 4itt G: [223374]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      8. 2702214Domain d4itth_: 4itt H: [223375]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
    6. Domains for 4itw:
      1. 2702183Domain d4itwa_: 4itw A: [223380]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      2. 2702184Domain d4itwb_: 4itw B: [223381]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      3. 2702185Domain d4itwc_: 4itw C: [223382]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      4. 2702186Domain d4itwd_: 4itw D: [223383]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      5. 2702187Domain d4itwe_: 4itw E: [223384]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      6. 2702188Domain d4itwf_: 4itw F: [223385]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      7. 2702189Domain d4itwg_: 4itw G: [223386]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      8. 2702190Domain d4itwh_: 4itw H: [223387]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
    7. Domains for 4iwj:
      1. 2702175Domain d4iwja_: 4iwj A: [223440]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      2. 2702176Domain d4iwjb_: 4iwj B: [223441]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      3. 2702177Domain d4iwjc_: 4iwj C: [223442]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      4. 2702178Domain d4iwjd_: 4iwj D: [223443]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      5. 2702179Domain d4iwje_: 4iwj E: [223444]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      6. 2702180Domain d4iwjf_: 4iwj F: [223445]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      7. 2702181Domain d4iwjg_: 4iwj G: [223446]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      8. 2702182Domain d4iwjh_: 4iwj H: [223447]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
    8. Domains for 4iwk:
      1. 2702163Domain d4iwka_: 4iwk A: [223448]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      2. 2702164Domain d4iwkb_: 4iwk B: [223449]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      3. 2702165Domain d4iwkc_: 4iwk C: [223450]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      4. 2702166Domain d4iwkd_: 4iwk D: [223451]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      5. 2702167Domain d4iwke_: 4iwk E: [223452]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      6. 2702168Domain d4iwkf_: 4iwk F: [223453]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
    9. Domains for 4ixk:
      1. 2702199Domain d4ixka_: 4ixk A: [223459]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      2. 2702200Domain d4ixkb_: 4ixk B: [223460]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      3. 2702201Domain d4ixkc_: 4ixk C: [223461]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      4. 2702202Domain d4ixkd_: 4ixk D: [223462]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      5. 2702203Domain d4ixke_: 4ixk E: [223463]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      6. 2702204Domain d4ixkf_: 4ixk F: [223464]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      7. 2702205Domain d4ixkg_: 4ixk G: [223465]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
      8. 2702206Domain d4ixkh_: 4ixk H: [223466]
        automated match to d3e6sa_
        complexed with fe
  7. 2702229Thermotoga maritima [TaxId:2336] [109783] (5 PDB entries)
    Uniprot Q9X0L2
    1. Domains for 1vlg:
      1. 2702230Domain d1vlga_: 1vlg A: [108816]
        Structural genomics target
        complexed with fe, gol, so4
      2. 2702231Domain d1vlgb_: 1vlg B: [108817]
        Structural genomics target
        complexed with fe, gol, so4
      3. 2702232Domain d1vlgc_: 1vlg C: [108818]
        Structural genomics target
        complexed with fe, gol, so4
      4. 2702233Domain d1vlgd_: 1vlg D: [108819]
        Structural genomics target
        complexed with fe, gol, so4
      5. 2702234Domain d1vlge_: 1vlg E: [108820]
        Structural genomics target
        complexed with fe, gol, so4
      6. 2702235Domain d1vlgf_: 1vlg F: [108821]
        Structural genomics target
        complexed with fe, gol, so4
      7. 2702236Domain d1vlgg_: 1vlg G: [108822]
        Structural genomics target
        complexed with fe, gol, so4
      8. 2702237Domain d1vlgh_: 1vlg H: [108823]
        Structural genomics target
        complexed with fe, gol, so4
    2. Domain for 7dy8:
    3. Domains for 7dy9:
      1. 3085127Domain d7dy9a_: 7dy9 A: [421444]
        automated match to d1vlga_
      2. 3085174Domain d7dy9b_: 7dy9 B: [421491]
        automated match to d1vlga_
    4. Domains for 7dya:
      1. 3085115Domain d7dyab_: 7dya B: [421432]
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with ca, fe
      2. 3085126Domain d7dyac_: 7dya C: [421443]
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with ca, fe
      3. 3085161Domain d7dyag_: 7dya G: [421478]
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with ca, fe
      4. 3085167Domain d7dyae_: 7dya E: [421484]
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with ca, fe
      5. 3085178Domain d7dyaf_: 7dya F: [421495]
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with ca, fe
      6. 3085180Domain d7dyah_: 7dya H: [421497]
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with ca, fe
      7. 3085186Domain d7dyad_: 7dya D: [421503]
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with ca, fe
      8. 3085225Domain d7dyaa_: 7dya A: [421542]
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with ca, fe
    5. Domains for 7dyb:
      1. 3085206Domain d7dyba_: 7dyb A: [421523]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7dybb_
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with fe; mutant
      2. 3085221Domain d7dybh_: 7dyb H: [421538]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7dybb_
        automated match to d1vlga_
        complexed with fe; mutant

More info for Protein Non-hem ferritin from a.25.1.1: Ferritin

Timeline for Protein Non-hem ferritin from a.25.1.1: Ferritin: