Lineage for Protein: Eukaryotic, cytoplasmic (80S ribosome functional complex)

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 3042554Class i: Low resolution protein structures [58117] (25 folds)
  3. 3042555Fold i.1: Ribosome and ribosomal fragments [58118] (1 superfamily)
  4. 3042556Superfamily i.1.1: Ribosome and ribosomal fragments [58119] (3 families) (S)
  5. 3042557Family i.1.1.1: Ribosome complexes [58120] (3 proteins)
  6. 3043338Protein Eukaryotic, cytoplasmic (80S ribosome functional complex) [267636] (5 species)


  1. 3043339Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [TaxId:4932] [267689] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1s1h:
      1. 3043340Domain d1s1hb_: 1s1h B: [105155]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        40S subunit; the 60S subunit is in 1S1I
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      2. 3043341Domain d1s1hc_: 1s1h C: [105156]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        40S subunit; the 60S subunit is in 1S1I
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      3. 3043342Domain d1s1hd_: 1s1h D: [105157]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        40S subunit; the 60S subunit is in 1S1I
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      4. 3043343Domain d1s1he_: 1s1h E: [105158]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        40S subunit; the 60S subunit is in 1S1I
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      5. 3043344Domain d1s1hg_: 1s1h G: [105159]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        40S subunit; the 60S subunit is in 1S1I
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      6. 3043345Domain d1s1hh_: 1s1h H: [105160]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        40S subunit; the 60S subunit is in 1S1I
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      7. 3043346Domain d1s1hi_: 1s1h I: [105161]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        40S subunit; the 60S subunit is in 1S1I
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      8. 3043347Domain d1s1hj_: 1s1h J: [105162]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        40S subunit; the 60S subunit is in 1S1I
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      9. 3043348Domain d1s1hk_: 1s1h K: [105163]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        40S subunit; the 60S subunit is in 1S1I
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      10. 3043349Domain d1s1hl_: 1s1h L: [105164]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        40S subunit; the 60S subunit is in 1S1I
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      11. 3043350Domain d1s1hm_: 1s1h M: [105165]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        40S subunit; the 60S subunit is in 1S1I
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      12. 3043351Domain d1s1hn_: 1s1h N: [105166]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        40S subunit; the 60S subunit is in 1S1I
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      13. 3043352Domain d1s1ho_: 1s1h O: [105167]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        40S subunit; the 60S subunit is in 1S1I
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      14. 3043353Domain d1s1hq_: 1s1h Q: [105168]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        40S subunit; the 60S subunit is in 1S1I
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      15. 3043354Domain d1s1hs_: 1s1h S: [105169]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        40S subunit; the 60S subunit is in 1S1I
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      16. 3043355Domain d1s1ht_: 1s1h T: [105170]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        40S subunit; the 60S subunit is in 1S1I
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
    2. Domains for 1s1i:
      1. 3043356Domain d1s1i0_: 1s1i 0: [105171]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      2. 3043357Domain d1s1i9_: 1s1i 9: [105174]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      3. 3043358Domain d1s1ia_: 1s1i A: [105175]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      4. 3043359Domain d1s1ib_: 1s1i B: [105176]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      5. 3043360Domain d1s1ic_: 1s1i C: [105177]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      6. 3043361Domain d1s1id_: 1s1i D: [105178]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      7. 3043362Domain d1s1ie_: 1s1i E: [105179]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      8. 3043363Domain d1s1if_: 1s1i F: [105180]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      9. 3043364Domain d1s1ig_: 1s1i G: [105181]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      10. 3043365Domain d1s1ih_: 1s1i H: [105182]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      11. 3043366Domain d1s1ii_: 1s1i I: [105183]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      12. 3043367Domain d1s1ij_: 1s1i J: [105184]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      13. 3043368Domain d1s1ik_: 1s1i K: [105185]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      14. 3043369Domain d1s1il_: 1s1i L: [105186]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      15. 3043370Domain d1s1im_: 1s1i M: [105187]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      16. 3043371Domain d1s1in_: 1s1i N: [105188]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      17. 3043372Domain d1s1io_: 1s1i O: [105189]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      18. 3043373Domain d1s1ip_: 1s1i P: [105190]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      19. 3043374Domain d1s1iq_: 1s1i Q: [105191]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      20. 3043375Domain d1s1ir_: 1s1i R: [105192]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      21. 3043376Domain d1s1is_: 1s1i S: [105193]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      22. 3043377Domain d1s1it_: 1s1i T: [105194]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      23. 3043378Domain d1s1iu_: 1s1i U: [105195]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      24. 3043379Domain d1s1iv_: 1s1i V: [105196]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      25. 3043380Domain d1s1iw_: 1s1i W: [105197]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      26. 3043381Domain d1s1ix_: 1s1i X: [105198]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      27. 3043382Domain d1s1iy_: 1s1i Y: [105199]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      28. 3043383Domain d1s1iz_: 1s1i Z: [105200]
        MQ NA # low resolution complex structure
        60S subunit; the 40S subunit is in 1S1H
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
  2. 3043384Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [TaxId:559292] [267998] (4 PDB entries)
    Because SCOP is not case sensitive, we included upper case chains from 3u5c and 3u5e and lower case chains from 3u5g and 3u5i
    1. Domains for 3u5c:
      1. 3043436Domain d3u5ca_: 3u5c A: [265431]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      2. 3043437Domain d3u5cb_: 3u5c B: [265432]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      3. 3043438Domain d3u5cc_: 3u5c C: [265433]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      4. 3043439Domain d3u5cd_: 3u5c D: [265434]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      5. 3043440Domain d3u5ce_: 3u5c E: [265435]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      6. 3043441Domain d3u5cf_: 3u5c F: [265436]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      7. 3043442Domain d3u5cg_: 3u5c G: [265437]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      8. 3043443Domain d3u5ch_: 3u5c H: [265438]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      9. 3043444Domain d3u5ci_: 3u5c I: [265439]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      10. 3043445Domain d3u5cj_: 3u5c J: [265440]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      11. 3043446Domain d3u5ck_: 3u5c K: [265441]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      12. 3043447Domain d3u5cl_: 3u5c L: [265442]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      13. 3043448Domain d3u5cm_: 3u5c M: [265443]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      14. 3043449Domain d3u5cn_: 3u5c N: [265444]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      15. 3043450Domain d3u5co_: 3u5c O: [265445]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      16. 3043451Domain d3u5cp_: 3u5c P: [265446]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      17. 3043452Domain d3u5cq_: 3u5c Q: [265447]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      18. 3043453Domain d3u5cr_: 3u5c R: [265448]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      19. 3043454Domain d3u5cs_: 3u5c S: [265449]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      20. 3043455Domain d3u5ct_: 3u5c T: [265450]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      21. 3043456Domain d3u5cu_: 3u5c U: [265451]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      22. 3043457Domain d3u5cv_: 3u5c V: [265452]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      23. 3043458Domain d3u5cw_: 3u5c W: [265453]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      24. 3043459Domain d3u5cx_: 3u5c X: [265454]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      25. 3043460Domain d3u5cy_: 3u5c Y: [265455]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      26. 3043461Domain d3u5cz_: 3u5c Z: [265456]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
    2. Domains for 3u5e:
      1. 3043404Domain d3u5ea_: 3u5e A: [265457]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      2. 3043405Domain d3u5eb_: 3u5e B: [265458]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      3. 3043406Domain d3u5ec_: 3u5e C: [265459]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      4. 3043407Domain d3u5ed_: 3u5e D: [265460]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      5. 3043408Domain d3u5ee_: 3u5e E: [265461]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      6. 3043409Domain d3u5ef_: 3u5e F: [265462]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      7. 3043410Domain d3u5eg_: 3u5e G: [265463]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      8. 3043411Domain d3u5eh_: 3u5e H: [265464]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      9. 3043412Domain d3u5ei_: 3u5e I: [265465]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      10. 3043413Domain d3u5ej_: 3u5e J: [265466]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      11. 3043414Domain d3u5el_: 3u5e L: [265467]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      12. 3043415Domain d3u5em_: 3u5e M: [265468]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      13. 3043416Domain d3u5en_: 3u5e N: [265469]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      14. 3043417Domain d3u5eo_: 3u5e O: [265470]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      15. 3043418Domain d3u5ep_: 3u5e P: [265471]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      16. 3043419Domain d3u5eq_: 3u5e Q: [265472]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      17. 3043420Domain d3u5er_: 3u5e R: [265473]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      18. 3043421Domain d3u5es_: 3u5e S: [265474]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      19. 3043422Domain d3u5et_: 3u5e T: [265475]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      20. 3043423Domain d3u5eu_: 3u5e U: [265476]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      21. 3043424Domain d3u5ev_: 3u5e V: [265477]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      22. 3043425Domain d3u5ew_: 3u5e W: [265478]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      23. 3043426Domain d3u5ex_: 3u5e X: [265479]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      24. 3043427Domain d3u5ey_: 3u5e Y: [265480]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      25. 3043428Domain d3u5ez_: 3u5e Z: [265481]
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
    3. Domains for 3u5g:
      1. 3043429Domain d3u5ga_: 3u5g a: [265482]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5gh_
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      2. 3043430Domain d3u5gb_: 3u5g b: [265483]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5gh_
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      3. 3043431Domain d3u5gc_: 3u5g c: [265484]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5gh_
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      4. 3043432Domain d3u5gd_: 3u5g d: [265485]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5gh_
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      5. 3043433Domain d3u5ge_: 3u5g e: [265486]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5gh_
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      6. 3043434Domain d3u5gf_: 3u5g f: [265487]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5gh_
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      7. 3043435Domain d3u5gg_: 3u5g g: [265488]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5gh_
        Guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit beta-like protein (ASC1, RACK1)
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
    4. Domains for 3u5i:
      1. 3043385Domain d3u5ia_: 3u5i a: [265490]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5ig2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      2. 3043386Domain d3u5ib_: 3u5i b: [265491]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5ig2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      3. 3043387Domain d3u5ic_: 3u5i c: [265492]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5ig2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      4. 3043388Domain d3u5id_: 3u5i d: [265493]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5ig2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      5. 3043389Domain d3u5ie_: 3u5i e: [265494]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5ig2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      6. 3043390Domain d3u5if_: 3u5i f: [265495]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5ig2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      7. 3043391Domain d3u5ig1: 3u5i g:2-108 [265496]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5ig2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      8. 3043392Domain d3u5ih_: 3u5i h: [265497]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5ig2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      9. 3043393Domain d3u5ii_: 3u5i i: [265498]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5ig2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      10. 3043394Domain d3u5ij_: 3u5i j: [265499]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5ig2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      11. 3043395Domain d3u5ik_: 3u5i k: [265500]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5ig2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      12. 3043396Domain d3u5il_: 3u5i l: [265501]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5ig2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      13. 3043397Domain d3u5im_: 3u5i m: [265502]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5ig2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      14. 3043398Domain d3u5in_: 3u5i n: [265503]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5ig2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      15. 3043399Domain d3u5io_: 3u5i o: [265504]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5ig2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      16. 3043400Domain d3u5ip_: 3u5i p: [265505]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5ig2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      17. 3043401Domain d3u5iq_: 3u5i q: [265506]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5ig2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      18. 3043402Domain d3u5ir_: 3u5i r: [265507]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5ig2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      19. 3043403Domain d3u5is_: 3u5i s: [265508]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u5ig2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
  3. 3043462Dog (Canis familiaris) [TaxId:9615] [267690] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2zkq:
      1. 3043463Domain d2zkqe1: 2zkq e:10-156 [154592]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zkqc1
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      2. 3043464Domain d2zkqh1: 2zkq h:5-130 [154593]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zkqc1
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      3. 3043465Domain d2zkqi1: 2zkq i:9-146 [154594]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zkqc1
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      4. 3043466Domain d2zkqj1: 2zkq j:19-114 [154595]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zkqc1
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      5. 3043467Domain d2zkqk1: 2zkq k:23-147 [154596]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zkqc1
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      6. 3043468Domain d2zkql1: 2zkq l:27-140 [154597]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zkqc1
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      7. 3043469Domain d2zkqm1: 2zkq m:13-142 [154598]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zkqc1
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      8. 3043470Domain d2zkqn1: 2zkq n:21-49 [154599]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zkqc1
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      9. 3043471Domain d2zkqo1: 2zkq o:1-85 [154600]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zkqc1
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      10. 3043472Domain d2zkqs1: 2zkq s:47-126 [154601]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zkqc1
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
    2. Domains for 2zkr:
      1. 3043473Domain d2zkr21: 2zkr 2:3-53 [154602]
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      2. 3043474Domain d2zkr41: 2zkr 4:2-92 [154603]
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      3. 3043475Domain d2zkra1: 2zkr a:2-244 [154604]
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      4. 3043476Domain d2zkrc1: 2zkr c:7-260 [154605]
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      5. 3043477Domain d2zkrd1: 2zkr d:10-171 [154606]
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      6. 3043478Domain d2zkre1: 2zkr e:10-184 [154607]
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      7. 3043479Domain d2zkrh1: 2zkr h:3-167 [154608]
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      8. 3043480Domain d2zkrj1: 2zkr j:6-141 [154609]
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      9. 3043481Domain d2zkrk1: 2zkr k:16-139 [154610]
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      10. 3043482Domain d2zkro1: 2zkr o:21-138 [154611]
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      11. 3043483Domain d2zkrq1: 2zkr q:5-98 [154612]
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      12. 3043484Domain d2zkrr1: 2zkr r:10-152 [154613]
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      13. 3043485Domain d2zkrs1: 2zkr s:76-150 [154614]
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      14. 3043486Domain d2zkru1: 2zkr u:4-56 [154615]
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      15. 3043487Domain d2zkrv1: 2zkr v:4-60 [154616]
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      16. 3043488Domain d2zkrx1: 2zkr x:22-96 [154617]
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
      17. 3043489Domain d2zkrz1: 2zkr z:12-81 [154618]
        protein/RNA complex
        protein/RNA complex
  4. 3043490Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) [TaxId:7227] [267999] (2 PDB entries)
    Because SCOP is not case sensitive, we included upper case chains from 3j38 and 3j39 and lower case chains from 3j3a and 3j3b
    1. Domains for 3j38:
      1. 3043517Domain d3j38a_: 3j38 A: [264856]
      2. 3043518Domain d3j38b_: 3j38 B: [264857]
      3. 3043519Domain d3j38c_: 3j38 C: [264858]
      4. 3043520Domain d3j38d_: 3j38 D: [264859]
      5. 3043521Domain d3j38e_: 3j38 E: [264860]
      6. 3043522Domain d3j38f_: 3j38 F: [264861]
      7. 3043523Domain d3j38g_: 3j38 G: [264862]
      8. 3043524Domain d3j38h_: 3j38 H: [264863]
      9. 3043525Domain d3j38i_: 3j38 I: [264864]
      10. 3043526Domain d3j38j_: 3j38 J: [264865]
      11. 3043527Domain d3j38k_: 3j38 K: [264866]
      12. 3043528Domain d3j38l_: 3j38 L: [264867]
      13. 3043529Domain d3j38m_: 3j38 M: [264868]
      14. 3043530Domain d3j38n_: 3j38 N: [264869]
      15. 3043531Domain d3j38o_: 3j38 O: [264870]
      16. 3043532Domain d3j38p_: 3j38 P: [264871]
      17. 3043533Domain d3j38q_: 3j38 Q: [264872]
      18. 3043534Domain d3j38r_: 3j38 R: [264873]
      19. 3043535Domain d3j38s_: 3j38 S: [264874]
      20. 3043536Domain d3j38t_: 3j38 T: [264875]
      21. 3043537Domain d3j38u_: 3j38 U: [264876]
      22. 3043538Domain d3j38v_: 3j38 V: [264877]
      23. 3043539Domain d3j38w_: 3j38 W: [264878]
      24. 3043540Domain d3j38x_: 3j38 X: [264879]
      25. 3043541Domain d3j38y_: 3j38 Y: [264880]
      26. 3043542Domain d3j38z_: 3j38 Z: [264881]
    2. Domains for 3j39:
      1. 3043491Domain d3j39a_: 3j39 A: [264882]
      2. 3043492Domain d3j39b_: 3j39 B: [264883]
      3. 3043493Domain d3j39c_: 3j39 C: [264884]
      4. 3043494Domain d3j39d_: 3j39 D: [264885]
      5. 3043495Domain d3j39e_: 3j39 E: [264886]
      6. 3043496Domain d3j39f_: 3j39 F: [264887]
      7. 3043497Domain d3j39g_: 3j39 G: [264888]
      8. 3043498Domain d3j39h_: 3j39 H: [264889]
      9. 3043499Domain d3j39i_: 3j39 I: [264890]
      10. 3043500Domain d3j39j_: 3j39 J: [264891]
      11. 3043501Domain d3j39k_: 3j39 K: [264892]
      12. 3043502Domain d3j39l_: 3j39 L: [264893]
      13. 3043503Domain d3j39m_: 3j39 M: [264894]
      14. 3043504Domain d3j39n_: 3j39 N: [264895]
      15. 3043505Domain d3j39o_: 3j39 O: [264896]
      16. 3043506Domain d3j39p_: 3j39 P: [264897]
      17. 3043507Domain d3j39q_: 3j39 Q: [264898]
      18. 3043508Domain d3j39r_: 3j39 R: [264899]
      19. 3043509Domain d3j39s_: 3j39 S: [264900]
      20. 3043510Domain d3j39t_: 3j39 T: [264901]
      21. 3043511Domain d3j39u_: 3j39 U: [264902]
      22. 3043512Domain d3j39v_: 3j39 V: [264903]
      23. 3043513Domain d3j39w_: 3j39 W: [264904]
      24. 3043514Domain d3j39x_: 3j39 X: [264905]
      25. 3043515Domain d3j39y_: 3j39 Y: [264906]
      26. 3043516Domain d3j39z_: 3j39 Z: [264907]
  5. 3043543Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [268000] (2 PDB entries)
    Because SCOP is not case sensitive, we included upper case chains from 3j38 and 3j39 and lower case chains from 3j3a and 3j3b
    1. Domains for 3j3a:
      1. 3043567Domain d3j3aa_: 3j3a a: [264908]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3j3ag_, d3j3az1, d3j3az2, d3j3az3, d3j3az4, d3j3az5
      2. 3043568Domain d3j3ab_: 3j3a b: [264909]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3j3ag_, d3j3az1, d3j3az2, d3j3az3, d3j3az4, d3j3az5
      3. 3043569Domain d3j3ac_: 3j3a c: [264910]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3j3ag_, d3j3az1, d3j3az2, d3j3az3, d3j3az4, d3j3az5
      4. 3043570Domain d3j3ad_: 3j3a d: [264911]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3j3ag_, d3j3az1, d3j3az2, d3j3az3, d3j3az4, d3j3az5
      5. 3043571Domain d3j3ae_: 3j3a e: [264912]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3j3ag_, d3j3az1, d3j3az2, d3j3az3, d3j3az4, d3j3az5
      6. 3043572Domain d3j3af_: 3j3a f: [264913]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3j3ag_, d3j3az1, d3j3az2, d3j3az3, d3j3az4, d3j3az5
    2. Domains for 3j3b:
      1. 3043544Domain d3j3ba_: 3j3b a: [264920]
      2. 3043545Domain d3j3bb_: 3j3b b: [264921]
      3. 3043546Domain d3j3bc_: 3j3b c: [264922]
      4. 3043547Domain d3j3bd_: 3j3b d: [264923]
      5. 3043548Domain d3j3be_: 3j3b e: [264924]
      6. 3043549Domain d3j3bf_: 3j3b f: [264925]
      7. 3043550Domain d3j3bg_: 3j3b g: [264926]
      8. 3043551Domain d3j3bh_: 3j3b h: [264927]
      9. 3043552Domain d3j3bi_: 3j3b i: [264928]
      10. 3043553Domain d3j3bj_: 3j3b j: [264929]
      11. 3043554Domain d3j3bk_: 3j3b k: [264930]
      12. 3043555Domain d3j3bl_: 3j3b l: [264931]
      13. 3043556Domain d3j3bm_: 3j3b m: [264932]
      14. 3043557Domain d3j3bn_: 3j3b n: [264933]
      15. 3043558Domain d3j3bo_: 3j3b o: [264934]
      16. 3043559Domain d3j3bp_: 3j3b p: [264935]
      17. 3043560Domain d3j3bq_: 3j3b q: [264936]
      18. 3043561Domain d3j3br_: 3j3b r: [264937]
      19. 3043562Domain d3j3bs_: 3j3b s: [264938]
      20. 3043563Domain d3j3bt_: 3j3b t: [264939]
      21. 3043564Domain d3j3bu_: 3j3b u: [264940]
      22. 3043565Domain d3j3bv_: 3j3b v: [264941]
      23. 3043566Domain d3j3bz_: 3j3b z: [264942]

More info for Protein Eukaryotic, cytoplasmic (80S ribosome functional complex) from i.1.1.1: Ribosome complexes

Timeline for Protein Eukaryotic, cytoplasmic (80S ribosome functional complex) from i.1.1.1: Ribosome complexes:

  • Protein Eukaryotic, cytoplasmic (80S ribosome functional complex) from i.1.1.1: Ribosome complexes first appeared in SCOPe 2.05
  • Protein Eukaryotic, cytoplasmic (80S ribosome functional complex) from i.1.1.1: Ribosome complexes appears in SCOPe 2.07