Lineage for Protein: Beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase II

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.04
  2. 1565955Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 1626713Fold c.95: Thiolase-like [53900] (1 superfamily)
    consists of two similar domains related by pseudo dyad; duplication
    3 layers: a/b/a; mixed beta-sheet of 5 strands, order 32451; strand 5 is antiparallel to the rest
  4. 1626714Superfamily c.95.1: Thiolase-like [53901] (3 families) (S)
  5. 1626715Family c.95.1.1: Thiolase-related [53902] (9 proteins)
  6. 1626874Protein Beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase II [53909] (6 species)


  1. 1626875Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [53910] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1b3n:
      1. 1626882Domain d1b3na1: 1b3n A:2-251 [35966]
        complexed with cer
      2. 1626883Domain d1b3na2: 1b3n A:252-412 [35967]
        complexed with cer
    2. Domains for 1kas:
      1. 1626880Domain d1kasa1: 1kas A:2-251 [35964]
      2. 1626881Domain d1kasa2: 1kas A:252-412 [35965]
    3. Domains for 2gfv:
      1. 1626876Domain d2gfva1: 2gfv A:2-251 [135110]
        automated match to d1e5ma1
      2. 1626877Domain d2gfva2: 2gfv A:252-412 [135111]
        automated match to d1e5ma2
    4. Domains for 2gfx:
      1. 1626878Domain d2gfxa1: 2gfx A:2-251 [135114]
        automated match to d1e5ma1
        complexed with pmn
      2. 1626879Domain d2gfxa2: 2gfx A:252-412 [135115]
        automated match to d1e5ma2
        complexed with pmn
  2. 1626884Pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae) [TaxId:1313] [89793] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1ox0:
      1. 1626885Domain d1ox0a1: 1ox0 A:-5-251 [87495]
        complexed with mg
      2. 1626886Domain d1ox0a2: 1ox0 A:252-409 [87496]
        complexed with mg
    2. Domains for 1oxh:
      1. 1626895Domain d1oxha1: 1oxh A:2-251 [87509]
        complexed with mg
      2. 1626896Domain d1oxha2: 1oxh A:252-409 [87510]
        complexed with mg
      3. 1626897Domain d1oxhb1: 1oxh B:2-251 [87511]
        complexed with mg
      4. 1626898Domain d1oxhb2: 1oxh B:252-409 [87512]
        complexed with mg
      5. 1626899Domain d1oxhc1: 1oxh C:2-251 [87513]
        complexed with mg
      6. 1626900Domain d1oxhc2: 1oxh C:252-409 [87514]
        complexed with mg
      7. 1626901Domain d1oxhd1: 1oxh D:2-251 [87515]
        complexed with mg
      8. 1626902Domain d1oxhd2: 1oxh D:252-409 [87516]
        complexed with mg
    3. Domains for 2alm:
      1. 1626903Domain d2alma1: 2alm A:-2-251 [126978]
        automated match to d1ox0a1
        complexed with mg; mutant
      2. 1626904Domain d2alma2: 2alm A:252-409 [126979]
        automated match to d1ox0a2
        complexed with mg; mutant
    4. Domains for 2rjt:
      1. 1626887Domain d2rjta1: 2rjt A:2-251 [206139]
        automated match to d1ox0a1
      2. 1626888Domain d2rjta2: 2rjt A:252-409 [206140]
        automated match to d1ox0a2
      3. 1626889Domain d2rjtb1: 2rjt B:2-251 [206141]
        automated match to d1ox0a1
      4. 1626890Domain d2rjtb2: 2rjt B:252-409 [206142]
        automated match to d1ox0a2
      5. 1626891Domain d2rjtc1: 2rjt C:2-251 [206143]
        automated match to d1ox0a1
      6. 1626892Domain d2rjtc2: 2rjt C:252-409 [206144]
        automated match to d1ox0a2
      7. 1626893Domain d2rjtd1: 2rjt D:2-251 [206145]
        automated match to d1ox0a1
      8. 1626894Domain d2rjtd2: 2rjt D:252-409 [206146]
        automated match to d1ox0a2
  3. 1626905Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId:1280] [225072] (1 PDB entry)
  4. 1626910Synechocystis sp. [TaxId:1143] [53911] (1 PDB entry)
  5. 1626913Thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana), mitochondrial isoform [TaxId:3702] [117749] (2 PDB entries)
    Uniprot Q8L3X9
    1. Domains for 1w0i:
      1. 1626918Domain d1w0ia1: 1w0i A:31-300 [114065]
        complexed with k, so4
      2. 1626919Domain d1w0ia2: 1w0i A:301-461 [114066]
        complexed with k, so4
      3. 1626920Domain d1w0ib1: 1w0i B:31-300 [114067]
        complexed with k, so4
      4. 1626921Domain d1w0ib2: 1w0i B:301-461 [114068]
        complexed with k, so4
    2. Domains for 2ix4:
      1. 1626914Domain d2ix4a1: 2ix4 A:31-300 [137759]
        automated match to d1w0ia1
        complexed with 6na, k
      2. 1626915Domain d2ix4a2: 2ix4 A:301-461 [137760]
        automated match to d1w0ia2
        complexed with 6na, k
      3. 1626916Domain d2ix4b1: 2ix4 B:31-300 [137761]
        automated match to d1w0ia1
        complexed with 6na, k
      4. 1626917Domain d2ix4b2: 2ix4 B:301-461 [137762]
        automated match to d1w0ia2
        complexed with 6na, k
  6. 1626922Thermus thermophilus [TaxId:274] [89792] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein Beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase II from c.95.1.1: Thiolase-related

Timeline for Protein Beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase II from c.95.1.1: Thiolase-related: