Lineage for Species: Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId: 83331]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2852293Fold c.14: ClpP/crotonase [52095] (1 superfamily)
    core: 4 turns of (beta-beta-alpha)n superhelix
  4. 2852294Superfamily c.14.1: ClpP/crotonase [52096] (5 families) (S)
  5. 2853595Family c.14.1.0: automated matches [191346] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2853596Protein automated matches [190246] (71 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2854016Species Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:83331] [315286] (2 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId: 83331]:

  1. Domain(s) for 5e0s:
    1. 2854030Domain d5e0sa_: 5e0s A: [315301]
      automated match to d1y7oc_
    2. 2854031Domain d5e0sb_: 5e0s B: [315629]
      automated match to d1y7oc_
    3. 2854032Domain d5e0sc_: 5e0s C: [315650]
      automated match to d1y7oc_
    4. 2854033Domain d5e0sd_: 5e0s D: [315654]
      automated match to d1y7oc_
    5. 2854034Domain d5e0se_: 5e0s E: [315299]
      automated match to d1y7oc_
    6. 2854035Domain d5e0sf_: 5e0s F: [315655]
      automated match to d1y7oc_
    7. 2854036Domain d5e0sg_: 5e0s G: [315653]
      automated match to d1y7oc_
    8. 2854037Domain d5e0sh_: 5e0s H: [315652]
      automated match to d2cbyd_
    9. 2854038Domain d5e0si_: 5e0s I: [315651]
      automated match to d2cbyd_
    10. 2854039Domain d5e0sj_: 5e0s J: [315649]
      automated match to d2cbyd_
    11. 2854040Domain d5e0sk_: 5e0s K: [315376]
      automated match to d2cbyd_
    12. 2854041Domain d5e0sl_: 5e0s L: [315288]
      automated match to d2cbyd_
    13. 2854042Domain d5e0sm_: 5e0s M: [315600]
      automated match to d2cbyd_
    14. 2854043Domain d5e0sn_: 5e0s N: [315287]
      automated match to d2cbyd_
  2. Domain(s) for 6vgk:
    1. 2854017Domain d6vgka_: 6vgk A: [382515]
      automated match to d5e0sb_
    2. 2854018Domain d6vgkb_: 6vgk B: [382548]
      automated match to d5e0sb_
    3. 2854019Domain d6vgkc_: 6vgk C: [382529]
      automated match to d5e0sb_
    4. 2854020Domain d6vgkd_: 6vgk D: [382531]
      automated match to d5e0sb_
    5. 2854021Domain d6vgkf_: 6vgk F: [382550]
      automated match to d5e0sb_
    6. 2854022Domain d6vgkg_: 6vgk G: [382505]
      automated match to d5e0sb_
    7. 2854023Domain d6vgkh_: 6vgk H: [382530]
      automated match to d5e0sh_
    8. 2854024Domain d6vgki_: 6vgk I: [382542]
      automated match to d5e0sh_
    9. 2854025Domain d6vgkj_: 6vgk J: [382543]
      automated match to d5e0sh_
    10. 2854026Domain d6vgkk_: 6vgk K: [382516]
      automated match to d5e0sh_
    11. 2854027Domain d6vgkl_: 6vgk L: [382547]
      automated match to d5e0sh_
    12. 2854028Domain d6vgkm_: 6vgk M: [382521]
      automated match to d5e0sh_
    13. 2854029Domain d6vgkn_: 6vgk N: [382508]
      automated match to d5e0sh_

More info for Species Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:83331] from c.14.1.0 automated matches

Timeline for Species Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:83331] from c.14.1.0 automated matches: