Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds) |
Fold d.181: Insert subdomain of RNA polymerase alpha subunit [56552] (1 superfamily) unusual fold; contains a left-handed beta-alpha-beta unit |
Superfamily d.181.1: Insert subdomain of RNA polymerase alpha subunit [56553] (1 family) automatically mapped to Pfam PF01000 |
Family d.181.1.1: Insert subdomain of RNA polymerase alpha subunit [56554] (3 proteins) |
Protein RNA polymerase alpha subunit [56555] (3 species) |
Species Thermus thermophilus [TaxId:274] [75595] (16 PDB entries) Uniprot Q9Z9H6; part of multichain biological unit |
Domain d4g7ok2: 4g7o K:50-172 [202212] Other proteins in same PDB: d4g7oa1, d4g7ob1, d4g7oc_, d4g7od_, d4g7oe_, d4g7of1, d4g7of2, d4g7of3, d4g7ok1, d4g7ol1, d4g7om_, d4g7on_, d4g7oo_, d4g7op1, d4g7op2, d4g7op3 automated match to d1smya2 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, zn |
PDB Entry: 4g7o (more details), 2.99 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d4g7ok2:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d4g7ok2 d.181.1.1 (K:50-172) RNA polymerase alpha subunit {Thermus thermophilus [TaxId: 274]} gtavtsvyiedvlhefstipgvkedvveiilnlkelvvrflnpslqtvtlllkaegpkev kardflpvadveimnpdlhiatleeggrlnmevrvdrgvgyvpaekhgikdrinaipvda vfs
Timeline for d4g7ok2: