Lineage for Species: Helicobacter pylori [TaxId: 210]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2530962Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (388 folds)
  3. 2550604Fold d.38: Thioesterase/thiol ester dehydrase-isomerase [54636] (1 superfamily)
    core: beta-alpha-beta(4); 2 layers: alpha/beta
  4. 2550605Superfamily d.38.1: Thioesterase/thiol ester dehydrase-isomerase [54637] (9 families) (S)
  5. 2551122Family d.38.1.6: FabZ-like [110902] (1 protein)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF07977
  6. 2551123Protein (3R)-hydroxymyristoyl ACP dehydrase FabZ [110903] (3 species)
  7. 2551124Species Helicobacter pylori [TaxId:210] [188573] (17 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Helicobacter pylori [TaxId: 210]:

  1. Domain(s) for 2gll:
    1. 2551125Domain d2glla_: 2gll A: [197958]
      automated match to d2gllf_
      complexed with ben, cl
    2. 2551126Domain d2gllb_: 2gll B: [197959]
      automated match to d2gllf_
      complexed with ben, cl
    3. 2551127Domain d2gllc_: 2gll C: [197960]
      automated match to d2gllf_
      complexed with ben, cl
    4. 2551128Domain d2glld_: 2gll D: [197961]
      automated match to d2gllf_
      complexed with ben, cl
    5. 2551129Domain d2glle_: 2gll E: [197962]
      automated match to d2gllf_
      complexed with ben, cl
    6. 2551130Domain d2gllf_: 2gll F: [193886]
      automated match to d3dp3a_
      complexed with ben, cl
  2. Domain(s) for 2glm:
    1. 2551179Domain d2glma_: 2glm A: [204411]
      automated match to d2gllf_
      complexed with ben, cl, scb
    2. 2551180Domain d2glmb_: 2glm B: [204412]
      automated match to d2gllf_
      complexed with ben, cl, scb
    3. 2551181Domain d2glmc_: 2glm C: [204413]
      automated match to d2gllf_
      complexed with ben, cl, scb
    4. 2551182Domain d2glmd_: 2glm D: [204414]
      automated match to d2gllf_
      complexed with ben, cl, scb
    5. 2551183Domain d2glme_: 2glm E: [204415]
      automated match to d2gllf_
      complexed with ben, cl, scb
    6. 2551184Domain d2glmf_: 2glm F: [204416]
      automated match to d2gllf_
      complexed with ben, cl, scb
  3. Domain(s) for 2glp:
    1. 2551209Domain d2glpa_: 2glp A: [204417]
      automated match to d2gllf_
      complexed with bde, ben, cl
    2. 2551210Domain d2glpb_: 2glp B: [204418]
      automated match to d2gllf_
      complexed with bde, ben, cl
    3. 2551211Domain d2glpc_: 2glp C: [204419]
      automated match to d2gllf_
      complexed with bde, ben, cl
    4. 2551212Domain d2glpd_: 2glp D: [204420]
      automated match to d2gllf_
      complexed with bde, ben, cl
    5. 2551213Domain d2glpe_: 2glp E: [204421]
      automated match to d2gllf_
      complexed with bde, ben, cl
    6. 2551214Domain d2glpf_: 2glp F: [204422]
      automated match to d2gllf_
      complexed with bde, ben, cl
  4. Domain(s) for 2glv:
    1. 2551215Domain d2glva_: 2glv A: [197963]
      automated match to d2glvl_
      complexed with cl; mutant
    2. 2551216Domain d2glvb_: 2glv B: [197964]
      automated match to d2glvl_
      complexed with cl; mutant
    3. 2551217Domain d2glvc_: 2glv C: [197965]
      automated match to d2glvl_
      complexed with cl; mutant
    4. 2551218Domain d2glvd_: 2glv D: [197966]
      automated match to d2glvl_
      complexed with cl; mutant
    5. 2551219Domain d2glve_: 2glv E: [197967]
      automated match to d2glvl_
      complexed with cl; mutant
    6. 2551220Domain d2glvf_: 2glv F: [197968]
      automated match to d2glvl_
      complexed with cl; mutant
    7. 2551221Domain d2glvg_: 2glv G: [197969]
      automated match to d2glvl_
      complexed with cl; mutant
    8. 2551222Domain d2glvh_: 2glv H: [197970]
      automated match to d2glvl_
      complexed with cl; mutant
    9. 2551223Domain d2glvi_: 2glv I: [197971]
      automated match to d2glvl_
      complexed with cl; mutant
    10. 2551224Domain d2glvj_: 2glv J: [197972]
      automated match to d2glvl_
      complexed with cl; mutant
    11. 2551225Domain d2glvk_: 2glv K: [197973]
      automated match to d2glvl_
      complexed with cl; mutant
    12. 2551226Domain d2glvl_: 2glv L: [193887]
      automated match to d3dp3a_
      complexed with cl; mutant
  5. Domain(s) for 3b7j:
    1. 2551149Domain d3b7ja_: 3b7j A: [172459]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, jug
    2. 2551150Domain d3b7jb_: 3b7j B: [172460]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, jug
    3. 2551151Domain d3b7jc_: 3b7j C: [172461]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, jug
    4. 2551152Domain d3b7jd_: 3b7j D: [172462]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, jug
    5. 2551153Domain d3b7je_: 3b7j E: [172463]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, jug
    6. 2551154Domain d3b7jf_: 3b7j F: [172464]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, jug
  6. Domain(s) for 3cf8:
    1. 2551191Domain d3cf8a_: 3cf8 A: [173189]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, que
    2. 2551192Domain d3cf8b_: 3cf8 B: [173190]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, que
    3. 2551193Domain d3cf8c_: 3cf8 C: [173191]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, que
    4. 2551194Domain d3cf8d_: 3cf8 D: [173192]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, que
    5. 2551195Domain d3cf8e_: 3cf8 E: [173193]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, que
    6. 2551196Domain d3cf8f_: 3cf8 F: [173194]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, que
  7. Domain(s) for 3cf9:
    1. 2551173Domain d3cf9a_: 3cf9 A: [173195]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with agi, ben, cl
    2. 2551174Domain d3cf9b_: 3cf9 B: [173196]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with agi, ben, cl
    3. 2551175Domain d3cf9c_: 3cf9 C: [173197]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with agi, ben, cl
    4. 2551176Domain d3cf9d_: 3cf9 D: [173198]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with agi, ben, cl
    5. 2551177Domain d3cf9e_: 3cf9 E: [173199]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with agi, ben, cl
    6. 2551178Domain d3cf9f_: 3cf9 F: [173200]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with agi, ben, cl
  8. Domain(s) for 3d04:
    1. 2551143Domain d3d04a_: 3d04 A: [173582]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, sak
    2. 2551144Domain d3d04b_: 3d04 B: [173583]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, sak
    3. 2551145Domain d3d04c_: 3d04 C: [173584]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, sak
    4. 2551146Domain d3d04d_: 3d04 D: [173585]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, sak
    5. 2551147Domain d3d04e_: 3d04 E: [173586]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, sak
    6. 2551148Domain d3d04f_: 3d04 F: [173587]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, sak
  9. Domain(s) for 3doy:
    1. 2551203Domain d3doya_: 3doy A: [174105]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 2be, ben, cl
    2. 2551204Domain d3doyb_: 3doy B: [174106]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 2be, ben, cl
    3. 2551205Domain d3doyc_: 3doy C: [174107]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 2be, ben, cl
    4. 2551206Domain d3doyd_: 3doy D: [174108]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 2be, ben, cl
    5. 2551207Domain d3doye_: 3doy E: [174109]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 2be, ben, cl
    6. 2551208Domain d3doyf_: 3doy F: [174110]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 2be, ben, cl
  10. Domain(s) for 3doz:
    1. 2551185Domain d3doza_: 3doz A: [174111]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 3be, ben, cl
    2. 2551186Domain d3dozb_: 3doz B: [174112]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 3be, ben, cl
    3. 2551187Domain d3dozc_: 3doz C: [174113]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 3be, ben, cl
    4. 2551188Domain d3dozd_: 3doz D: [174114]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 3be, ben, cl
    5. 2551189Domain d3doze_: 3doz E: [174115]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 3be, ben, cl
    6. 2551190Domain d3dozf_: 3doz F: [174116]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 3be, ben, cl
  11. Domain(s) for 3dp0:
    1. 2551167Domain d3dp0a_: 3dp0 A: [174117]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 2bc, ben, cl
    2. 2551168Domain d3dp0b_: 3dp0 B: [174118]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 2bc, ben, cl
    3. 2551169Domain d3dp0c_: 3dp0 C: [174119]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 2bc, ben, cl
    4. 2551170Domain d3dp0d_: 3dp0 D: [174120]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 2bc, ben, cl
    5. 2551171Domain d3dp0e_: 3dp0 E: [174121]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 2bc, ben, cl
    6. 2551172Domain d3dp0f_: 3dp0 F: [174122]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 2bc, ben, cl
  12. Domain(s) for 3dp1:
    1. 2551131Domain d3dp1a_: 3dp1 A: [174123]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 2rb, ben, cl
    2. 2551132Domain d3dp1b_: 3dp1 B: [174124]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 2rb, ben, cl
    3. 2551133Domain d3dp1c_: 3dp1 C: [174125]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 2rb, ben, cl
    4. 2551134Domain d3dp1d_: 3dp1 D: [174126]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 2rb, ben, cl
    5. 2551135Domain d3dp1e_: 3dp1 E: [174127]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 2rb, ben, cl
    6. 2551136Domain d3dp1f_: 3dp1 F: [174128]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 2rb, ben, cl
  13. Domain(s) for 3dp2:
    1. 2551155Domain d3dp2a_: 3dp2 A: [174129]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 4be, ben, cl
    2. 2551156Domain d3dp2b_: 3dp2 B: [174130]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 4be, ben, cl
    3. 2551157Domain d3dp2c_: 3dp2 C: [174131]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 4be, ben, cl
    4. 2551158Domain d3dp2d_: 3dp2 D: [174132]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 4be, ben, cl
    5. 2551159Domain d3dp2e_: 3dp2 E: [174133]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 4be, ben, cl
    6. 2551160Domain d3dp2f_: 3dp2 F: [174134]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 4be, ben, cl
  14. Domain(s) for 3dp3:
    1. 2551137Domain d3dp3a_: 3dp3 A: [174135]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 4bb, ben, cl
    2. 2551138Domain d3dp3b_: 3dp3 B: [174136]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 4bb, ben, cl
    3. 2551139Domain d3dp3c_: 3dp3 C: [174137]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 4bb, ben, cl
    4. 2551140Domain d3dp3d_: 3dp3 D: [174138]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 4bb, ben, cl
    5. 2551141Domain d3dp3e_: 3dp3 E: [174139]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 4bb, ben, cl
    6. 2551142Domain d3dp3f_: 3dp3 F: [174140]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with 4bb, ben, cl
  15. Domain(s) for 3ed0:
    1. 2551161Domain d3ed0a_: 3ed0 A: [174850]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, emo
    2. 2551162Domain d3ed0b_: 3ed0 B: [174851]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, emo
    3. 2551163Domain d3ed0c_: 3ed0 C: [174852]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, emo
    4. 2551164Domain d3ed0d_: 3ed0 D: [174853]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, emo
    5. 2551165Domain d3ed0e_: 3ed0 E: [174854]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, emo
    6. 2551166Domain d3ed0f_: 3ed0 F: [174855]
      automated match to d1u1za_
      complexed with ben, cl, emo
  16. Domain(s) for 4zjb:
    1. 2551227Domain d4zjba_: 4zjb A: [324755]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zjbg1, d4zjbg2
      automated match to d2glla_
      complexed with cit, pns
    2. 2551228Domain d4zjbb_: 4zjb B: [324749]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zjbg1, d4zjbg2
      automated match to d2glla_
      complexed with cit, pns
  17. Domain(s) for 6ihc:
    1. 2551197Domain d6ihca_: 6ihc A: [367494]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6ihcg_
      automated match to d2glva_
      complexed with cit, pn7; mutant
    2. 2551198Domain d6ihcb_: 6ihc B: [367460]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6ihcg_
      automated match to d2glva_
      complexed with cit, pn7; mutant
    3. 2551199Domain d6ihcc_: 6ihc C: [367490]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6ihcg_
      automated match to d2glva_
      complexed with cit, pn7; mutant
    4. 2551200Domain d6ihcd_: 6ihc D: [367500]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6ihcg_
      automated match to d2glva_
      complexed with cit, pn7; mutant
    5. 2551201Domain d6ihce_: 6ihc E: [367525]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6ihcg_
      automated match to d2glva_
      complexed with cit, pn7; mutant
    6. 2551202Domain d6ihcf_: 6ihc F: [367473]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6ihcg_
      automated match to d2glva_
      complexed with cit, pn7; mutant

More info for Species Helicobacter pylori [TaxId:210] from d.38.1.6 (3R)-hydroxymyristoyl ACP dehydrase FabZ

Timeline for Species Helicobacter pylori [TaxId:210] from d.38.1.6 (3R)-hydroxymyristoyl ACP dehydrase FabZ: