Lineage for Species: Blastochloris viridis [TaxId: 1079]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2626587Class f: Membrane and cell surface proteins and peptides [56835] (60 folds)
  3. 2632594Fold f.26: Bacterial photosystem II reaction centre, L and M subunits [81484] (1 superfamily)
    five transmembrane helices forming a sheet-like structure
  4. 2632595Superfamily f.26.1: Bacterial photosystem II reaction centre, L and M subunits [81483] (1 family) (S)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF00124
  5. 2632596Family f.26.1.1: Bacterial photosystem II reaction centre, L and M subunits [81482] (5 proteins)
    L and M are probably related to each other
  6. 2632815Protein automated matches [190224] (14 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2632816Species Blastochloris viridis [TaxId:1079] [187141] (8 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Blastochloris viridis [TaxId: 1079]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1vrn:
    1. 2632823Domain d1vrnl_: 1vrn L: [161868]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1vrnc_, d1vrnh1, d1vrnh2
      automated match to d1prcl_
      complexed with bcb, bpb, fe2, hem, lda, mq9, ns5, so4, uq7
    2. 2632824Domain d1vrnm_: 1vrn M: [161869]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1vrnc_, d1vrnh1, d1vrnh2
      automated match to d1dxrm_
      complexed with bcb, bpb, fe2, hem, lda, mq9, ns5, so4, uq7
  2. Domain(s) for 2i5n:
    1. 2632819Domain d2i5nl_: 2i5n L: [137066]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2i5nc_, d2i5nh1, d2i5nh2
      automated match to d1prcl_
      complexed with bcb, bpb, fe2, hec, hto, lda, mq9, ns5, so4, unl, uq1
    2. 2632820Domain d2i5nm_: 2i5n M: [137067]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2i5nc_, d2i5nh1, d2i5nh2
      automated match to d1dxrm_
      complexed with bcb, bpb, fe2, hec, hto, lda, mq9, ns5, so4, unl, uq1
  3. Domain(s) for 2x5u:
    1. 2632827Domain d2x5ul_: 2x5u L: [244431]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2x5uc_, d2x5uh1, d2x5uh2
      automated match to d6prcl_
      complexed with bcb, bpb, fe2, hem, mq7
    2. 2632828Domain d2x5um_: 2x5u M: [244432]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2x5uc_, d2x5uh1, d2x5uh2
      automated match to d1dxrm_
      complexed with bcb, bpb, fe2, hem, mq7
  4. Domain(s) for 2x5v:
    1. 2632829Domain d2x5vl_: 2x5v L: [244436]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2x5vc_, d2x5vh1, d2x5vh2
      automated match to d6prcl_
      complexed with bcb, bpb, fe2, hem, mq7
    2. 2632830Domain d2x5vm_: 2x5v M: [244437]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2x5vc_, d2x5vh1, d2x5vh2
      automated match to d1dxrm_
      complexed with bcb, bpb, fe2, hem, mq7
  5. Domain(s) for 3g7f:
    1. 2632825Domain d3g7fl_: 3g7f L: [176408]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3g7fc_, d3g7fh1, d3g7fh2
      automated match to d1prcl_
      complexed with bcb, bpb, fe2, hec, hto, lda, mq9, ns5, so4, uq1; mutant
    2. 2632826Domain d3g7fm_: 3g7f M: [176409]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3g7fc_, d3g7fh1, d3g7fh2
      automated match to d1dxrm_
      complexed with bcb, bpb, fe2, hec, hto, lda, mq9, ns5, so4, uq1; mutant
  6. Domain(s) for 3t6d:
    1. 2632821Domain d3t6dl_: 3t6d L: [185658]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3t6dc_, d3t6dh1, d3t6dh2
      automated match to d1prcl_
      complexed with bcb, bpb, dga, fe2, gol, hec, hth, hto, lda, mq9, ns5, so4, uq9
    2. 2632822Domain d3t6dm_: 3t6d M: [185659]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3t6dc_, d3t6dh1, d3t6dh2
      automated match to d1dxrm_
      complexed with bcb, bpb, dga, fe2, gol, hec, hth, hto, lda, mq9, ns5, so4, uq9
  7. Domain(s) for 3t6e:
    1. 2632817Domain d3t6el_: 3t6e L: [185660]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3t6ec_, d3t6eh1, d3t6eh2
      automated match to d1prcl_
      complexed with bcb, bpb, dga, fe2, gol, hec, hto, lda, mq9, ns5, so4, uq9
    2. 2632818Domain d3t6em_: 3t6e M: [185661]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3t6ec_, d3t6eh1, d3t6eh2
      automated match to d1dxrm_
      complexed with bcb, bpb, dga, fe2, gol, hec, hto, lda, mq9, ns5, so4, uq9
  8. Domain(s) for 6et5:

More info for Species Blastochloris viridis [TaxId:1079] from f.26.1.1 automated matches

Timeline for Species Blastochloris viridis [TaxId:1079] from f.26.1.1 automated matches: