Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (290 folds) |
Fold a.26: 4-helical cytokines [47265] (1 superfamily) core: 4 helices; bundle, closed; left-handed twist; 2 crossover connections |
Superfamily a.26.1: 4-helical cytokines [47266] (4 families) there are two different topoisomers of this fold with different entanglements of the two crossover connections |
Family a.26.1.1: Long-chain cytokines [47267] (10 proteins) |
Protein Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) [47268] (3 species) |
Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [47269] (4 PDB entries) |
Domain d1pgre_: 1pgr E: [16819] Other proteins in same PDB: d1pgrb1, d1pgrb2, d1pgrd1, d1pgrd2, d1pgrf1, d1pgrf2, d1pgrh1, d1pgrh2 |
PDB Entry: 1pgr (more details), 3.5 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d1pgre_:
Sequence, based on SEQRES records: (download)
>d1pgre_ a.26.1.1 (E:) Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) {Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]} gpasslpqsfllkcleqvrkiqgdgaalqeklcatyklchpeelvllghslgipwaplss cpsqalqlagclsqlhsglflyqgllqalegispelgptldtlqldvadfattiwqqmee lgmapalqptqgampafasafqrraggvlvashlqsflevsyrvlrhlaqp
>d1pgre_ a.26.1.1 (E:) Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) {Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]} gpasslpqsfllkcleqvrkiqgdgaalqeklcatyklchpeelvllghslgipwaplss cpsqalqlagclsqlhsglflyqgllqalegispelgptldtlqldvadfattiwqqmee lgmaampafasafqrraggvlvashlqsflevsyrvlrhlaqp
Timeline for d1pgre_: