Lineage for d3b2up1 (3b2u P:311-480)

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2851636Fold c.10: Leucine-rich repeat, LRR (right-handed beta-alpha superhelix) [52046] (3 superfamilies)
    2 curved layers, a/b; parallel beta-sheet; order 1234...N; there are sequence similarities between different superfamilies
  4. 2851705Superfamily c.10.2: L domain-like [52058] (9 families) (S)
    less regular structure consisting of variable repeats
  5. 2851793Family c.10.2.5: L domain [52071] (6 proteins)
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 1n8z C:42-66 found in domain
  6. 2851794Protein EGF receptor extracellular domain [82326] (1 species)
  7. 2851795Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [82327] (7 PDB entries)
  8. 2851802Domain d3b2up1: 3b2u P:311-480 [154790]
    Other proteins in same PDB: d3b2ua2, d3b2ua3, d3b2ub2, d3b2ub3, d3b2uc1, d3b2uc2, d3b2uc3, d3b2ud1, d3b2ud2, d3b2ue2, d3b2ue3, d3b2uf1, d3b2uf2, d3b2uf3, d3b2ug1, d3b2ug2, d3b2uh1, d3b2uh2, d3b2uh3, d3b2ui2, d3b2ui3, d3b2uj1, d3b2uj2, d3b2uj3, d3b2uk1, d3b2uk2, d3b2ul1, d3b2ul2, d3b2um2, d3b2um3, d3b2un1, d3b2un2, d3b2un3, d3b2uo1, d3b2uo2, d3b2up2, d3b2up3, d3b2uq1, d3b2uq2, d3b2uq3, d3b2ur1, d3b2ur2, d3b2us2, d3b2us3, d3b2ut1, d3b2ut2, d3b2ut3, d3b2uu1, d3b2uu2, d3b2uv2, d3b2uv3, d3b2uw1, d3b2uw2, d3b2uw3, d3b2ux1, d3b2ux2
    automated match to d4krla1
    complexed with nag, so4

Details for d3b2up1

PDB Entry: 3b2u (more details), 2.58 Å

PDB Description: crystal structure of isolated domain iii of the extracellular region of the epidermal growth factor receptor in complex with the fab fragment of imc-11f8
PDB Compounds: (P:) Epidermal growth factor receptor

SCOPe Domain Sequences for d3b2up1:

Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)

>d3b2up1 c.10.2.5 (P:311-480) EGF receptor extracellular domain {Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]}

SCOPe Domain Coordinates for d3b2up1:

Click to download the PDB-style file with coordinates for d3b2up1.
(The format of our PDB-style files is described here.)

Timeline for d3b2up1:

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Domains from other chains:
(mouse over for more information)
d3b2ua1, d3b2ua2, d3b2ua3, d3b2ub1, d3b2ub2, d3b2ub3, d3b2uc1, d3b2uc2, d3b2uc3, d3b2ud1, d3b2ud2, d3b2ue1, d3b2ue2, d3b2ue3, d3b2uf1, d3b2uf2, d3b2uf3, d3b2ug1, d3b2ug2, d3b2uh1, d3b2uh2, d3b2uh3, d3b2ui1, d3b2ui2, d3b2ui3, d3b2uj1, d3b2uj2, d3b2uj3, d3b2uk1, d3b2uk2, d3b2ul1, d3b2ul2, d3b2um1, d3b2um2, d3b2um3, d3b2un1, d3b2un2, d3b2un3, d3b2uo1, d3b2uo2, d3b2uq1, d3b2uq2, d3b2uq3, d3b2ur1, d3b2ur2, d3b2us1, d3b2us2, d3b2us3, d3b2ut1, d3b2ut2, d3b2ut3, d3b2uu1, d3b2uu2, d3b2uv1, d3b2uv2, d3b2uv3, d3b2uw1, d3b2uw2, d3b2uw3, d3b2ux1, d3b2ux2