Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds) |
Fold b.1: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich [48725] (33 superfamilies) sandwich; 7 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key some members of the fold have additional strands |
Superfamily b.1.1: Immunoglobulin [48726] (5 families) |
Family b.1.1.2: C1 set domains (antibody constant domain-like) [48942] (24 proteins) |
Protein Immunoglobulin heavy chain gamma constant domain 1, CH1-gamma [88574] (7 species) |
Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [88575] (173 PDB entries) including humanized antibodies (chimeric proteins with human constant domains) Uniprot Q6N089 20-243 # 95% sequence identity; natural chimera: antibody heavy chain (Fab HYB3) ! SQ NA # humanized antibody ! Uniprot P01857 # IGHG1_HUMAN Ig gamma-1 chain C region ! SQ NA # engineered antibody |
Domain d3b2uh2: 3b2u H:122-221 [154781] Other proteins in same PDB: d3b2ua1, d3b2ua2, d3b2ua3, d3b2ub1, d3b2ub2, d3b2ub3, d3b2uc1, d3b2uc3, d3b2ud1, d3b2ud2, d3b2ue1, d3b2ue2, d3b2ue3, d3b2uf1, d3b2uf3, d3b2ug1, d3b2ug2, d3b2uh1, d3b2uh3, d3b2ui1, d3b2ui2, d3b2ui3, d3b2uj1, d3b2uj3, d3b2uk1, d3b2uk2, d3b2ul1, d3b2ul2, d3b2um1, d3b2um2, d3b2um3, d3b2un1, d3b2un3, d3b2uo1, d3b2uo2, d3b2up1, d3b2up2, d3b2up3, d3b2uq1, d3b2uq3, d3b2ur1, d3b2ur2, d3b2us1, d3b2us2, d3b2us3, d3b2ut1, d3b2ut3, d3b2uu1, d3b2uu2, d3b2uv1, d3b2uv2, d3b2uv3, d3b2uw1, d3b2uw3, d3b2ux1, d3b2ux2 automatically matched to d1ngzb2 complexed with nag, so4 |
PDB Entry: 3b2u (more details), 2.58 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d3b2uh2:
Sequence, based on SEQRES records: (download)
>d3b2uh2 b.1.1.2 (H:122-221) Immunoglobulin heavy chain gamma constant domain 1, CH1-gamma {Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]} astkgpsvfplapsskstsggtaalgclvkdyfpepvtvswnsgaltsgvhtfpavlqss glyslssvvtvpssslgtqtyicnvnhkpsntkvdkkvep
>d3b2uh2 b.1.1.2 (H:122-221) Immunoglobulin heavy chain gamma constant domain 1, CH1-gamma {Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]} astkgpsvfplapssgtaalgclvkdyfpepvtvswnsgaltsgvhtfpavlqssglysl ssvvtvpssslgtqtyicnvnhkpsntkvdkkvep
Timeline for d3b2uh2:
View in 3D Domains from other chains: (mouse over for more information) d3b2ua1, d3b2ua2, d3b2ua3, d3b2ub1, d3b2ub2, d3b2ub3, d3b2uc1, d3b2uc2, d3b2uc3, d3b2ud1, d3b2ud2, d3b2ue1, d3b2ue2, d3b2ue3, d3b2uf1, d3b2uf2, d3b2uf3, d3b2ug1, d3b2ug2, d3b2ui1, d3b2ui2, d3b2ui3, d3b2uj1, d3b2uj2, d3b2uj3, d3b2uk1, d3b2uk2, d3b2ul1, d3b2ul2, d3b2um1, d3b2um2, d3b2um3, d3b2un1, d3b2un2, d3b2un3, d3b2uo1, d3b2uo2, d3b2up1, d3b2up2, d3b2up3, d3b2uq1, d3b2uq2, d3b2uq3, d3b2ur1, d3b2ur2, d3b2us1, d3b2us2, d3b2us3, d3b2ut1, d3b2ut2, d3b2ut3, d3b2uu1, d3b2uu2, d3b2uv1, d3b2uv2, d3b2uv3, d3b2uw1, d3b2uw2, d3b2uw3, d3b2ux1, d3b2ux2 |