Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (174 folds) |
Fold b.53: Ribosomal protein L25-like [50714] (1 superfamily) barrel, closed; n=6, S=10; complex topology |
Superfamily b.53.1: Ribosomal protein L25-like [50715] (2 families) |
Family b.53.1.1: Ribosomal protein L25-like [50716] (2 proteins) |
Protein Ribosomal protein TL5 (general stress protein CTC) [63798] (2 species) contains additional all-beta (sub)domain in the C-terminal extension |
Species Thermus thermophilus [TaxId:274] [63799] (12 PDB entries) |
Domain d2j01z1: 2j01 Z:3-179 [145582] Other proteins in same PDB: d2j0111, d2j0121, d2j0131, d2j0141, d2j0151, d2j0161, d2j0171, d2j0181, d2j01c1, d2j01d1, d2j01d2, d2j01e1, d2j01f1, d2j01g1, d2j01h1, d2j01h2, d2j01i1, d2j01i2, d2j01n1, d2j01o1, d2j01p1, d2j01q1, d2j01r1, d2j01s1, d2j01t1, d2j01u1, d2j01v1, d2j01w1, d2j01x1, d2j01y1 Representative structure |
PDB Entry: 2j01 (more details), 2.8 Å
SCOP Domain Sequences for d2j01z1:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d2j01z1 b.53.1.1 (Z:3-179) Ribosomal protein TL5 (general stress protein CTC) {Thermus thermophilus [TaxId: 274]} yrlkayyregekpsalrragklpgvmynrhlnrkvyvdlvefdkvfrqasihhvivlelp dgqslptlvrqvnldkrrrrpehvdffvlsdepvemyvplrfvgtpagvraggvlqeihr dilvkvsprnipefievdvsgleigdslhasdlklppgvelavspeetiaavvpped
Timeline for d2j01z1:
View in 3D Domains from other chains: (mouse over for more information) d2j0111, d2j0121, d2j0131, d2j0141, d2j0151, d2j0161, d2j0171, d2j0181, d2j01c1, d2j01d1, d2j01d2, d2j01e1, d2j01f1, d2j01g1, d2j01h1, d2j01h2, d2j01i1, d2j01i2, d2j01n1, d2j01o1, d2j01p1, d2j01q1, d2j01r1, d2j01s1, d2j01t1, d2j01u1, d2j01v1, d2j01w1, d2j01x1, d2j01y1 |