Lineage for Protein: Ferric-binding protein FbpA

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2434694Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2520986Fold c.94: Periplasmic binding protein-like II [53849] (1 superfamily)
    consists of two similar intertwined domain with 3 layers (a/b/a) each: duplication
    mixed beta-sheet of 5 strands, order 21354; strand 5 is antiparallel to the rest
  4. 2520987Superfamily c.94.1: Periplasmic binding protein-like II [53850] (4 families) (S)
    Similar in architecture to the superfamily I but partly differs in topology
  5. 2520988Family c.94.1.1: Phosphate binding protein-like [53851] (45 proteins)
  6. 2521176Protein Ferric-binding protein FbpA [53867] (7 species)


  1. 2521177Bordetella pertussis [TaxId:520] [117745] (1 PDB entry)
    Uniprot Q7VXW9 31-349
  2. 2521179Campylobacter jejuni [TaxId:197] [117744] (2 PDB entries)
    Uniprot Q9PIV4 17-334
    1. Domains for 1y4t:
      1. 2521181Domain d1y4ta_: 1y4t A: [116464]
        complexed with fe
      2. 2521182Domain d1y4td_: 1y4t D: [116465]
        complexed with fe
    2. Domain for 3e13:
  3. 2521183Haemophilus influenzae [TaxId:727] [53868] (12 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1d9v:
    2. Domain for 1mrp:
    3. Domain for 1nnf:
    4. Domain for 1qvs:
    5. Domain for 1qw0:
    6. Domain for 2o68:
    7. Domain for 2o69:
    8. Domain for 2o6a:
    9. Domain for 3kn7:
    10. Domain for 3kn8:
    11. Domain for 3od7:
    12. Domain for 3odb:
  4. 2521196Mannheimia haemolytica [TaxId:75985] [102691] (3 PDB entries)
    Uniprot Q9Z4N6
    1. Domain for 1q35:
    2. Domain for 1si0:
    3. Domain for 1si1:
  5. 2521200Neisseria gonorrhoeae [TaxId:485] [53869] (5 PDB entries)
    Uniprot Q50964 23-331
    1. Domain for 1d9y:
    2. Domains for 1o7t:
      1. 2521210Domain d1o7ta_: 1o7t A: [86645]
        complexed with hf3, hf5, phf
      2. 2521211Domain d1o7tb_: 1o7t B: [86646]
        complexed with hf3, hf5, phf
      3. 2521212Domain d1o7tc_: 1o7t C: [86647]
        complexed with hf3, hf5, phf
      4. 2521213Domain d1o7td_: 1o7t D: [86648]
        complexed with hf3, hf5, phf
      5. 2521214Domain d1o7te_: 1o7t E: [86649]
        complexed with hf3, hf5, phf
      6. 2521215Domain d1o7tf_: 1o7t F: [86650]
        complexed with hf3, hf5, phf
      7. 2521216Domain d1o7tg_: 1o7t G: [86651]
        complexed with hf3, hf5, phf
      8. 2521217Domain d1o7th_: 1o7t H: [86652]
        complexed with hf3, hf5, phf
      9. 2521218Domain d1o7ti_: 1o7t I: [86653]
        complexed with hf3, hf5, phf
    3. Domains for 1r1n:
      1. 2521219Domain d1r1na_: 1r1n A: [96821]
        complexed with cn1, cnb, cnf
      2. 2521220Domain d1r1nb_: 1r1n B: [96822]
        complexed with cn1, cnb, cnf
      3. 2521221Domain d1r1nc_: 1r1n C: [96823]
        complexed with cn1, cnb, cnf
      4. 2521222Domain d1r1nd_: 1r1n D: [96824]
        complexed with cn1, cnb, cnf
      5. 2521223Domain d1r1ne_: 1r1n E: [96825]
        complexed with cn1, cnb, cnf
      6. 2521224Domain d1r1nf_: 1r1n F: [96826]
        complexed with cn1, cnb, cnf
      7. 2521225Domain d1r1ng_: 1r1n G: [96827]
        complexed with cn1, cnb, cnf
      8. 2521226Domain d1r1nh_: 1r1n H: [96828]
        complexed with cn1, cnb, cnf
      9. 2521227Domain d1r1ni_: 1r1n I: [96829]
        complexed with cn1, cnb, cnf
    4. Domains for 1xc1:
      1. 2521201Domain d1xc1a_: 1xc1 A: [109543]
        complexed with zrc
      2. 2521202Domain d1xc1b_: 1xc1 B: [109544]
        complexed with zrc
      3. 2521203Domain d1xc1c_: 1xc1 C: [109545]
        complexed with zrc
      4. 2521204Domain d1xc1d_: 1xc1 D: [109546]
        complexed with zrc
      5. 2521205Domain d1xc1e_: 1xc1 E: [109547]
        complexed with zrc
      6. 2521206Domain d1xc1f_: 1xc1 F: [109548]
        complexed with zrc
      7. 2521207Domain d1xc1g_: 1xc1 G: [109549]
        complexed with zrc
      8. 2521208Domain d1xc1h_: 1xc1 H: [109550]
        complexed with zrc
      9. 2521209Domain d1xc1i_: 1xc1 I: [109551]
        complexed with zrc
    5. Domains for 3tyh:
      1. 2521228Domain d3tyha_: 3tyh A: [200893]
        automated match to d1xc1a_
        complexed with cu
      2. 2521229Domain d3tyhb_: 3tyh B: [200894]
        automated match to d1xc1a_
        complexed with cu
      3. 2521230Domain d3tyhc_: 3tyh C: [200895]
        automated match to d1xc1a_
        complexed with cu
      4. 2521231Domain d3tyhd_: 3tyh D: [200896]
        automated match to d1xc1a_
        complexed with cu
      5. 2521232Domain d3tyhe_: 3tyh E: [200897]
        automated match to d1xc1a_
        complexed with cu
      6. 2521233Domain d3tyhf_: 3tyh F: [200898]
        automated match to d1xc1a_
        complexed with cu
      7. 2521234Domain d3tyhg_: 3tyh G: [200899]
        automated match to d1xc1a_
        complexed with cu
      8. 2521235Domain d3tyhh_: 3tyh H: [200900]
        automated match to d1xc1a_
        complexed with cu
      9. 2521236Domain d3tyhi_: 3tyh I: [194616]
        automated match to d1xc1a_
        complexed with cu
  6. 2521238Serratia marcescens, SfuA [TaxId:615] [117743] (1 PDB entry)
    Uniprot P21408 32-338
  7. 2521240Yersinia enterocolitica, YfuA [TaxId:630] [117742] (1 PDB entry)
    Uniprot Q56925 28-338

More info for Protein Ferric-binding protein FbpA from c.94.1.1: Phosphate binding protein-like

Timeline for Protein Ferric-binding protein FbpA from c.94.1.1: Phosphate binding protein-like: