Lineage for Protein: Methylmalonyl CoA decarboxylase

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2852293Fold c.14: ClpP/crotonase [52095] (1 superfamily)
    core: 4 turns of (beta-beta-alpha)n superhelix
  4. 2852294Superfamily c.14.1: ClpP/crotonase [52096] (5 families) (S)
  5. 2853061Family c.14.1.3: Crotonase-like [52103] (14 proteins)
  6. 2853193Protein Methylmalonyl CoA decarboxylase [52110] (2 species)


  1. 2853194Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [52111] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1ef8:
      1. 2853195Domain d1ef8a_: 1ef8 A: [30921]
        complexed with ni
      2. 2853196Domain d1ef8b_: 1ef8 B: [30922]
        complexed with ni
      3. 2853197Domain d1ef8c_: 1ef8 C: [30923]
        complexed with ni
    2. Domain for 1ef9:
  2. 2853199Escherichia coli [TaxId:83333] [367511] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 6n92:
      1. 2853206Domain d6n92a_: 6n92 A: [367604]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, k, kfv, kg7, ni, pg4
      2. 2853207Domain d6n92b_: 6n92 B: [367587]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, k, kfv, kg7, ni, pg4
      3. 2853208Domain d6n92c_: 6n92 C: [367558]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, k, kfv, kg7, ni, pg4
      4. 2853209Domain d6n92d_: 6n92 D: [367557]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, k, kfv, kg7, ni, pg4
      5. 2853210Domain d6n92e_: 6n92 E: [367547]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, k, kfv, kg7, ni, pg4
      6. 2853211Domain d6n92f_: 6n92 F: [367545]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, k, kfv, kg7, ni, pg4
    2. Domains for 6n93:
      1. 2853212Domain d6n93a_: 6n93 A: [367553]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, k, kg7, kga, ni, pg4
      2. 2853213Domain d6n93b_: 6n93 B: [367599]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, k, kg7, kga, ni, pg4
      3. 2853214Domain d6n93c_: 6n93 C: [367548]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, k, kg7, kga, ni, pg4
      4. 2853215Domain d6n93d_: 6n93 D: [367534]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, k, kg7, kga, ni, pg4
      5. 2853216Domain d6n93e_: 6n93 E: [367529]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, k, kg7, kga, ni, pg4
      6. 2853217Domain d6n93f_: 6n93 F: [367527]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, k, kg7, kga, ni, pg4
    3. Domains for 6n94:
      1. 2853218Domain d6n94a_: 6n94 A: [367560]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, k, kgj, ni, peg, pg4, pge
      2. 2853219Domain d6n94b_: 6n94 B: [367546]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, k, kgj, ni, peg, pg4, pge
      3. 2853220Domain d6n94c_: 6n94 C: [367549]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, k, kgj, ni, peg, pg4, pge
      4. 2853221Domain d6n94d_: 6n94 D: [367568]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, k, kgj, ni, peg, pg4, pge
      5. 2853222Domain d6n94e_: 6n94 E: [367520]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, k, kgj, ni, peg, pg4, pge
      6. 2853223Domain d6n94f_: 6n94 F: [367535]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, k, kgj, ni, peg, pg4, pge
    4. Domains for 6n95:
      1. 2853230Domain d6n95a_: 6n95 A: [367555]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with k, ni, peg, pg4, pge, yxr, yxs
      2. 2853231Domain d6n95b_: 6n95 B: [367551]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with k, ni, peg, pg4, pge, yxr, yxs
      3. 2853232Domain d6n95c_: 6n95 C: [367542]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with k, ni, peg, pg4, pge, yxr, yxs
      4. 2853233Domain d6n95d_: 6n95 D: [367559]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with k, ni, peg, pg4, pge, yxr, yxs
      5. 2853234Domain d6n95e_: 6n95 E: [367544]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with k, ni, peg, pg4, pge, yxr, yxs
      6. 2853235Domain d6n95f_: 6n95 F: [367589]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with k, ni, peg, pg4, pge, yxr, yxs
    5. Domains for 6n96:
      1. 2853200Domain d6n96a_: 6n96 A: [367556]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, lcv, so5
      2. 2853201Domain d6n96b_: 6n96 B: [367515]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, lcv, so5
      3. 2853202Domain d6n96c_: 6n96 C: [367552]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, lcv, so5
      4. 2853203Domain d6n96d_: 6n96 D: [367530]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, lcv, so5
      5. 2853204Domain d6n96e_: 6n96 E: [367550]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, lcv, so5
      6. 2853205Domain d6n96f_: 6n96 F: [367564]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, lcv, so5
    6. Domains for 6n97:
      1. 2853224Domain d6n97a_: 6n97 A: [367512]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, kgp, ni, yzs
      2. 2853225Domain d6n97b_: 6n97 B: [367554]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, kgp, ni, yzs
      3. 2853226Domain d6n97c_: 6n97 C: [367541]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, kgp, ni, yzs
      4. 2853227Domain d6n97d_: 6n97 D: [367526]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, kgp, ni, yzs
      5. 2853228Domain d6n97e_: 6n97 E: [367533]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, kgp, ni, yzs
      6. 2853229Domain d6n97f_: 6n97 F: [367528]
        automated match to d1ef8a_
        complexed with imd, kgp, ni, yzs

More info for Protein Methylmalonyl CoA decarboxylase from c.14.1.3: Crotonase-like

Timeline for Protein Methylmalonyl CoA decarboxylase from c.14.1.3: Crotonase-like: