Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds) |
Fold c.23: Flavodoxin-like [52171] (15 superfamilies) 3 layers, a/b/a; parallel beta-sheet of 5 strand, order 21345 |
Superfamily c.23.16: Class I glutamine amidotransferase-like [52317] (10 families) conserved positions of the oxyanion hole and catalytic nucleophile; different constituent families contain different additional structures |
Family c.23.16.2: DJ-1/PfpI [52325] (10 proteins) contains a catalytic triad or dyad different from the class I GAT triad |
Protein Intracellular protease [52326] (3 species) |
Species Pyrococcus horikoshii [TaxId:70601] [370077] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d6hf6a_: 6hf6 A: [370130] automated match to d1g2ia_ complexed with 7mt, mli, tb |
PDB Entry: 6hf6 (more details), 2 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d6hf6a_:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d6hf6a_ c.23.16.2 (A:) Intracellular protease {Pyrococcus horikoshii [TaxId: 70601]} mkvlfltanefedveliypyhrlkeeghavyiasfergtitgkhgysvkvdltfdkvnpa efdalvlpggrapervrlnakavsiarkmfsegkpvasichgpqilisagvlrgrkgtsy pgikddminagvewvdaevvvdgnwvssrvpadlyawmrefvkllk
Timeline for d6hf6a_: