Lineage for Protein: Sialic acid-binding protein SiaP

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2913607Fold c.94: Periplasmic binding protein-like II [53849] (1 superfamily)
    consists of two similar intertwined domain with 3 layers (a/b/a) each: duplication
    mixed beta-sheet of 5 strands, order 21354; strand 5 is antiparallel to the rest
  4. 2913608Superfamily c.94.1: Periplasmic binding protein-like II [53850] (4 families) (S)
    Similar in architecture to the superfamily I but partly differs in topology
  5. 2913609Family c.94.1.1: Phosphate binding protein-like [53851] (45 proteins)
    has additional insertions and/or extensions that are not grouped together
  6. 2914644Protein Sialic acid-binding protein SiaP [254345] (1 species)
    Pfam PF03480; TRAP transporter; homology to other Type II ESRs (Extracytoplasmic solute receptors) discussed in PubMed 16702222


  • 2914645Haemophilus influenzae [TaxId:727] [254778] (7 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2cex:
      1. 2914652Domain d2cexa_: 2cex A: [241447]
        automated match to d2ceya_
        complexed with dan, gol, zn

        has additional insertions and/or extensions that are not grouped together
      2. 2914653Domain d2cexb_: 2cex B: [241448]
        automated match to d2ceya_
        complexed with dan, gol, zn

        has additional insertions and/or extensions that are not grouped together
      3. 2914654Domain d2cexc_: 2cex C: [241449]
        automated match to d2ceya_
        complexed with dan, gol, zn

        has additional insertions and/or extensions that are not grouped together
      4. 2914655Domain d2cexd_: 2cex D: [241450]
        automated match to d2ceya_
        complexed with dan, gol, zn

        has additional insertions and/or extensions that are not grouped together
    2. Domain for 2cey:
      • 2914650Domain d2ceya_: 2cey A: [241451]
        complexed with zn
        has additional insertions and/or extensions that are not grouped together
    3. Domain for 2v4c:
      • 2914649Domain d2v4ca1: 2v4c A:1-306 [365675]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v4ca2
        automated match to d2cexb_
        complexed with kdn

        has additional insertions and/or extensions that are not grouped together
    4. Domain for 2wyk:
      • 2914648Domain d2wyka1: 2wyk A:1-306 [244355]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wyka2
        automated match to d2ceya_
        complexed with nge, scn

        has additional insertions and/or extensions that are not grouped together
    5. Domain for 2xwi:
      • 2914651Domain d2xwia1: 2xwi A:1-306 [244597]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xwia2
        automated match to d2ceya_
        complexed with slb; mutant

        has additional insertions and/or extensions that are not grouped together
    6. Domain for 2xwv:
      • 2914646Domain d2xwva1: 2xwv A:1-306 [244600]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xwva2
        automated match to d2ceya_
        complexed with slb

        has additional insertions and/or extensions that are not grouped together
    7. Domain for 3b50:
      • 2914647Domain d3b50a1: 3b50 A:1-306 [245359]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3b50a2
        automated match to d2ceya_
        complexed with slb

        has additional insertions and/or extensions that are not grouped together

More info for Protein Sialic acid-binding protein SiaP from c.94.1.1: Phosphate binding protein-like

Timeline for Protein Sialic acid-binding protein SiaP from c.94.1.1: Phosphate binding protein-like: