Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (286 folds) |
Fold a.160: PAP/OAS1 substrate-binding domain [81632] (1 superfamily) core: 5-helical bundle; up-and-down; right-handed twist |
Superfamily a.160.1: PAP/OAS1 substrate-binding domain [81631] (7 families) this domain follows the catalytic nucleotidyltransferase domain |
Family a.160.1.6: cGAMP synthase, cGAS C-terminal domain [254175] (1 protein) PubMed 23647843; structurally very similar to hOAS1 (a.160.1.2) |
Protein cGAMP synthase, cGAS C-terminal domain [254395] (2 species) |
Species Pig (Sus scrofa) [TaxId:9823] [256337] (2 PDB entries) |
Domain d4jlzb2: 4jlz B:383-497 [252979] Other proteins in same PDB: d4jlza1, d4jlzb1 automated match to d4k8va2 protein/DNA complex; complexed with mg, utp, zn |
PDB Entry: 4jlz (more details), 2.27 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d4jlzb2:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d4jlzb2 a.160.1.6 (B:383-497) cGAMP synthase, cGAS C-terminal domain {Pig (Sus scrofa) [TaxId: 9823]} rkeclklmkylleqlkkkfgnrrelakfcsyhvktaffhvctqdphdnqwhlknleccfd ncvayflqclkteqlanyfipgvnlfsrdlidkpskeflskqieyernngfpvfw
Timeline for d4jlzb2: