Lineage for Species: Helicobacter pylori [TaxId: 85962]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2434694Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2495627Fold c.56: Phosphorylase/hydrolase-like [53162] (8 superfamilies)
    core: 3 layers, a/b/a ; mixed sheet of 5 strands: order 21354; strand 4 is antiparallel to the rest; contains crossover loops
  4. 2495644Superfamily c.56.2: Purine and uridine phosphorylases [53167] (2 families) (S)
    complex architecture; contains mixed beta-sheet of 8 strands, order 23415867, strands 3, 6 & 7 are antiparallel to the rest; and barrel, closed; n=5, S=8
  5. 2496659Family c.56.2.0: automated matches [191488] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2496660Protein automated matches [190781] (45 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2496905Species Helicobacter pylori [TaxId:85962] [227827] (10 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Helicobacter pylori [TaxId: 85962]:

  1. Domain(s) for 4bmx:
    1. 2496911Domain d4bmxa1: 4bmx A:1-231 [227831]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4bmxa2, d4bmxb2
      automated match to d4f2wb_
      complexed with ade, trs
    2. 2496912Domain d4bmxb1: 4bmx B:1-231 [234201]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4bmxa2, d4bmxb2
      automated match to d4bmxa_
      complexed with ade, trs
  2. Domain(s) for 4bmy:
    1. 2496909Domain d4bmya_: 4bmy A: [227830]
      automated match to d4f2wb_
      complexed with so4; mutant
    2. 2496910Domain d4bmyb_: 4bmy B: [234202]
      automated match to d4bmya_
      complexed with so4; mutant
  3. Domain(s) for 4bmz:
    1. 2496915Domain d4bmza_: 4bmz A: [227828]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4bmzb2
      automated match to d4f2pb_
      complexed with mta; mutant
    2. 2496916Domain d4bmzb1: 4bmz B:1-231 [227829]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4bmzb2
      automated match to d4f2pb_
      complexed with mta; mutant
  4. Domain(s) for 4bn0:
    1. 2496928Domain d4bn0a1: 4bn0 A:1-231 [227832]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4bn0a2, d4bn0c2
      automated match to d4f2pb_
    2. 2496929Domain d4bn0b_: 4bn0 B: [234203]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4bn0a2, d4bn0c2
      automated match to d4bn0a_
    3. 2496930Domain d4bn0c1: 4bn0 C:1-231 [234204]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4bn0a2, d4bn0c2
      automated match to d4bn0a_
    4. 2496931Domain d4bn0d_: 4bn0 D: [234205]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4bn0a2, d4bn0c2
      automated match to d4bn0a_
  5. Domain(s) for 4ojt:
  6. Domain(s) for 6dyu:
    1. 2496913Domain d6dyua1: 6dyu A:1-230 [366388]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6dyua2, d6dyub2
      automated match to d4bn0b_
      complexed with edo, nh4, os2
    2. 2496914Domain d6dyub1: 6dyu B:1-230 [366371]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6dyua2, d6dyub2
      automated match to d4bn0b_
      complexed with edo, nh4, os2
  7. Domain(s) for 6dyv:
    1. 2496920Domain d6dyva1: 6dyv A:1-230 [366431]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6dyva2, d6dyvb2
      automated match to d4bn0b_
      complexed with edo, os3
    2. 2496921Domain d6dyvb1: 6dyv B:1-230 [366393]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6dyva2, d6dyvb2
      automated match to d4bn0b_
      complexed with edo, os3
  8. Domain(s) for 6dyw:
    1. 2496907Domain d6dywa1: 6dyw A:1-230 [366436]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6dywa2, d6dywb2
      automated match to d4bn0b_
      complexed with edo, nh4, os5
    2. 2496908Domain d6dywb1: 6dyw B:1-230 [366405]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6dywa2, d6dywb2
      automated match to d4bn0b_
      complexed with edo, nh4, os5
  9. Domain(s) for 6dyy:
    1. 2496917Domain d6dyyb_: 6dyy B: [366402]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6dyya2, d6dyyd2
      automated match to d4bn0b_
      complexed with edo, mg, os6
    2. 2496918Domain d6dyyc_: 6dyy C: [366417]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6dyya2, d6dyyd2
      automated match to d4bn0b_
      complexed with edo, mg, os6
    3. 2496919Domain d6dyyd1: 6dyy D:1-230 [366369]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6dyya2, d6dyyd2
      automated match to d4bn0b_
      complexed with edo, mg, os6
  10. Domain(s) for 6g7x:
    1. 2496922Domain d6g7xa_: 6g7x A: [355927]
      automated match to d5lu0a_
      complexed with imd, po4
    2. 2496923Domain d6g7xb_: 6g7x B: [355728]
      automated match to d5lu0a_
      complexed with imd, po4
    3. 2496924Domain d6g7xc_: 6g7x C: [355782]
      automated match to d5lu0a_
      complexed with imd, po4
    4. 2496925Domain d6g7xd_: 6g7x D: [355847]
      automated match to d5lu0a_
      complexed with imd, po4
    5. 2496926Domain d6g7xe_: 6g7x E: [355729]
      automated match to d5lu0a_
      complexed with imd, po4
    6. 2496927Domain d6g7xf_: 6g7x F: [355867]
      automated match to d5lu0a_
      complexed with imd, po4

More info for Species Helicobacter pylori [TaxId:85962] from c.56.2.0 automated matches

Timeline for Species Helicobacter pylori [TaxId:85962] from c.56.2.0 automated matches: