Lineage for Species: Sulfolobus solfataricus [TaxId: 273057]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2923792Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds)
  3. 2976821Fold d.131: DNA clamp [55978] (1 superfamily)
    contains two helices and two beta sheets
    duplication: fold has internal pseudo two-fold symmetry
  4. 2976822Superfamily d.131.1: DNA clamp [55979] (3 families) (S)
  5. 2977231Family d.131.1.0: automated matches [227185] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2977232Protein automated matches [226907] (28 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2977489Species Sulfolobus solfataricus [TaxId:273057] [225354] (3 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Sulfolobus solfataricus [TaxId: 273057]:

  1. Domain(s) for 2ijx:
    1. 2977490Domain d2ijxa1: 2ijx A:1-126 [204796]
      automated match to d1ud9a1
      complexed with edo
    2. 2977491Domain d2ijxa2: 2ijx A:127-244 [204797]
      automated match to d1ud9a2
      complexed with edo
    3. 2977492Domain d2ijxb1: 2ijx B:1-126 [204798]
      automated match to d1ud9a1
      complexed with edo
    4. 2977493Domain d2ijxb2: 2ijx B:127-244 [204799]
      automated match to d1ud9a2
      complexed with edo
    5. 2977494Domain d2ijxc1: 2ijx C:1-126 [204800]
      automated match to d1ud9a1
      complexed with edo
    6. 2977495Domain d2ijxc2: 2ijx C:127-244 [204801]
      automated match to d1ud9a2
      complexed with edo
    7. 2977496Domain d2ijxd1: 2ijx D:1-126 [204802]
      automated match to d1ud9a1
      complexed with edo
    8. 2977497Domain d2ijxd2: 2ijx D:127-244 [204803]
      automated match to d1ud9a2
      complexed with edo
  2. Domain(s) for 2io4:
    1. 2977510Domain d2io4b1: 2io4 B:1-127 [204830]
      automated match to d1ud9a1
      complexed with ca, mpd
    2. 2977511Domain d2io4b2: 2io4 B:128-246 [204831]
      automated match to d1ud9a2
      complexed with ca, mpd
    3. 2977512Domain d2io4d1: 2io4 D:1-127 [204832]
      automated match to d1ud9a1
      complexed with ca, mpd
    4. 2977513Domain d2io4d2: 2io4 D:128-245 [204833]
      automated match to d1ud9a2
      complexed with ca, mpd
  3. Domain(s) for 2nti:
    1. 2977498Domain d2ntib1: 2nti B:1-127 [205162]
      automated match to d1ud9a1
      complexed with 7pg, br, k
    2. 2977499Domain d2ntib2: 2nti B:128-245 [205163]
      automated match to d1ud9a2
      complexed with 7pg, br, k
    3. 2977500Domain d2ntic1: 2nti C:1-126 [205164]
      automated match to d1ud9a1
      complexed with 7pg, br, k
    4. 2977501Domain d2ntic2: 2nti C:127-244 [205165]
      automated match to d1ud9a2
      complexed with 7pg, br, k
    5. 2977502Domain d2ntie1: 2nti E:1-127 [205166]
      automated match to d1ud9a1
      complexed with 7pg, br, k
    6. 2977503Domain d2ntie2: 2nti E:128-246 [205167]
      automated match to d1ud9a2
      complexed with 7pg, br, k
    7. 2977504Domain d2ntif1: 2nti F:1-126 [205168]
      automated match to d1ud9a1
      complexed with 7pg, br, k
    8. 2977505Domain d2ntif2: 2nti F:127-244 [205169]
      automated match to d1ud9a2
      complexed with 7pg, br, k
    9. 2977506Domain d2ntih1: 2nti H:1-127 [205170]
      automated match to d1ud9a1
      complexed with 7pg, br, k
    10. 2977507Domain d2ntih2: 2nti H:128-246 [205171]
      automated match to d1ud9a2
      complexed with 7pg, br, k
    11. 2977508Domain d2ntii1: 2nti I:1-126 [205172]
      automated match to d1ud9a1
      complexed with 7pg, br, k
    12. 2977509Domain d2ntii2: 2nti I:127-244 [205173]
      automated match to d1ud9a2
      complexed with 7pg, br, k

More info for Species Sulfolobus solfataricus [TaxId:273057] from d.131.1.0 automated matches

Timeline for Species Sulfolobus solfataricus [TaxId:273057] from d.131.1.0 automated matches: