Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds) |
Fold b.50: Acid proteases [50629] (1 superfamily) barrel, closed; n=6, S=10, complex topology |
Superfamily b.50.1: Acid proteases [50630] (4 families) |
Family b.50.1.3: LPG0085-like [159190] (1 protein) Pfam PF05618; DUF785; single-domain protein similar to one pepsin domain with the conserved catalytic Asp motif (not in a few archaeal members of this Pfam family) |
Protein Uncharacterized protein LPG0085 [159191] (1 species) |
Species Legionella pneumophila [TaxId:446] [159192] (1 PDB entry) Uniprot Q5ZZC6 26-166 |
Domain d2pmab2: 2pma B:26-166 [149658] Other proteins in same PDB: d2pmaa2, d2pmab3 automated match to d2pmaa1 complexed with act, fmt |
PDB Entry: 2pma (more details), 1.89 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d2pmab2:
Sequence, based on SEQRES records: (download)
>d2pmab2 b.50.1.3 (B:26-166) Uncharacterized protein LPG0085 {Legionella pneumophila [TaxId: 446]} iygyvekatlidqnltlsakldtgaksaslhavniteiekkgipylrftvptktgdysfe geyvgkvkikvrssetnpgllrttpikrpvvllniklgdkvrtikvnltnrkrflyplll grdaiidfngavdpaltfttk
>d2pmab2 b.50.1.3 (B:26-166) Uncharacterized protein LPG0085 {Legionella pneumophila [TaxId: 446]} iygyvekatlidqnltlsakldtgaksaslhavniteiekkgipylrftvptktgdysfe geyvgkvpikrpvvllniklgdkvrtikvnltnrkrflyplllgrdaiidfngavdpalt fttk
Timeline for d2pmab2: