Lineage for Species: Rhodopseudomonas palustris [TaxId: 258594]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 3021034Class f: Membrane and cell surface proteins and peptides [56835] (69 folds)
  3. 3027280Fold f.26: Bacterial photosystem II reaction centre, L and M subunits [81484] (1 superfamily)
    five transmembrane helices forming a sheet-like structure
  4. 3027281Superfamily f.26.1: Bacterial photosystem II reaction centre, L and M subunits [81483] (1 family) (S)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF00124
  5. 3027282Family f.26.1.1: Bacterial photosystem II reaction centre, L and M subunits [81482] (5 proteins)
    L and M are probably related to each other
  6. 3027502Protein automated matches [190224] (17 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 3027592Species Rhodopseudomonas palustris [TaxId:258594] [401413] (2 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Rhodopseudomonas palustris [TaxId: 258594]:

  1. Domain(s) for 6z5r:
    1. 3027595Domain d6z5rl_: 6z5r L: [401459]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6z5r0_, d6z5r1_, d6z5r2_, d6z5r3_, d6z5r4_, d6z5r5_, d6z5r6_, d6z5r7_, d6z5r8_, d6z5r9_, d6z5ra_, d6z5rb_, d6z5rc_, d6z5rd_, d6z5re_, d6z5rf_, d6z5rg_, d6z5rh1, d6z5rh2, d6z5ri_, d6z5rj_, d6z5rk_, d6z5rn_, d6z5ro_, d6z5rp_, d6z5rq_, d6z5rr_, d6z5rs_, d6z5rt_, d6z5ru_, d6z5rv_, d6z5rx_, d6z5ry_, d6z5rz_
      automated match to d1txwl_
      complexed with 6pl, bcl, bph, cdl, crt, fe, fme, lmt, pgt, qak, u10
    2. 3027596Domain d6z5rm_: 6z5r M: [401457]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6z5r0_, d6z5r1_, d6z5r2_, d6z5r3_, d6z5r4_, d6z5r5_, d6z5r6_, d6z5r7_, d6z5r8_, d6z5r9_, d6z5ra_, d6z5rb_, d6z5rc_, d6z5rd_, d6z5re_, d6z5rf_, d6z5rg_, d6z5rh1, d6z5rh2, d6z5ri_, d6z5rj_, d6z5rk_, d6z5rn_, d6z5ro_, d6z5rp_, d6z5rq_, d6z5rr_, d6z5rs_, d6z5rt_, d6z5ru_, d6z5rv_, d6z5rx_, d6z5ry_, d6z5rz_
      automated match to d2j8dm_
      complexed with 6pl, bcl, bph, cdl, crt, fe, fme, lmt, pgt, qak, u10
  2. Domain(s) for 6z5s:
    1. 3027593Domain d6z5sl_: 6z5s L: [401414]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6z5s1_, d6z5s2_, d6z5s3_, d6z5s4_, d6z5s5_, d6z5s6_, d6z5sa_, d6z5sb_, d6z5sc_, d6z5sd_, d6z5se_, d6z5sf_, d6z5sg_, d6z5sh1, d6z5sh2, d6z5si_, d6z5sj_, d6z5sk_, d6z5sn_, d6z5so_, d6z5sp_, d6z5sq_, d6z5sr_, d6z5ss_, d6z5st_, d6z5su_, d6z5sv_, d6z5sx_, d6z5sy_, d6z5sz_
      automated match to d1txwl_
      complexed with 6pl, bcl, bph, cdl, crt, fe, fme, lmt, pgt, qak, u10
    2. 3027594Domain d6z5sm_: 6z5s M: [401453]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6z5s1_, d6z5s2_, d6z5s3_, d6z5s4_, d6z5s5_, d6z5s6_, d6z5sa_, d6z5sb_, d6z5sc_, d6z5sd_, d6z5se_, d6z5sf_, d6z5sg_, d6z5sh1, d6z5sh2, d6z5si_, d6z5sj_, d6z5sk_, d6z5sn_, d6z5so_, d6z5sp_, d6z5sq_, d6z5sr_, d6z5ss_, d6z5st_, d6z5su_, d6z5sv_, d6z5sx_, d6z5sy_, d6z5sz_
      automated match to d2j8dm_
      complexed with 6pl, bcl, bph, cdl, crt, fe, fme, lmt, pgt, qak, u10

More info for Species Rhodopseudomonas palustris [TaxId:258594] from f.26.1.1 automated matches

Timeline for Species Rhodopseudomonas palustris [TaxId:258594] from f.26.1.1 automated matches: