Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds) |
Fold c.4: Nucleotide-binding domain [51970] (1 superfamily) 3 layers: a/b/a; parallel beta-sheet of 5 strands, order 32145; Rossmann-like |
Superfamily c.4.1: Nucleotide-binding domain [51971] (3 families) this superfamily shares the common nucleotide-binding site with and provides a link between the Rossmann-fold NAD(P)-binding and FAD/NAD(P)-binding domains |
Family c.4.1.1: N-terminal domain of adrenodoxin reductase-like [51972] (5 proteins) |
Protein Trimethylamine dehydrogenase, middle domain [51973] (1 species) |
Species Methylophilus methylotrophus, w3a1 [TaxId:17] [51974] (5 PDB entries) |
Domain d1o95b3: 1o95 B:341-489,B:646-729 [81215] Other proteins in same PDB: d1o95a1, d1o95a2, d1o95b1, d1o95b2, d1o95c_, d1o95d_, d1o95e_, d1o95f_ complexed with adp, amp, fmn, sf4 |
PDB Entry: 1o95 (more details), 3.7 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d1o95b3:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d1o95b3 c.4.1.1 (B:341-489,B:646-729) Trimethylamine dehydrogenase, middle domain {Methylophilus methylotrophus, w3a1 [TaxId: 17]} dirvcigcnvcisrweiggppmictqnatageeyrrgwhpekfrqtknkdsvlivgagps gseaarvlmesgytvhltdtaekigghlnqvaalpglgewsyhrdyretqitkllkknke sqlalgqkpmtaddvlqygadkviiatgaXsectlwnelkaresewaendikgiyligda eaprliadatftghrvareieeanpqiaipykretiawgtphmpggnfkieykv
Timeline for d1o95b3: