Lineage for Protein: Biotin carboxylase (BC), C-domain

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.03
  2. 1287432Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (174 folds)
  3. 1332005Fold b.84: Barrel-sandwich hybrid [51229] (4 superfamilies)
    sandwich of half-barrel shaped beta-sheets
  4. 1332090Superfamily b.84.2: Rudiment single hybrid motif [51246] (2 families) (S)
  5. 1332091Family b.84.2.1: BC C-terminal domain-like [51247] (5 proteins)
    probable rudiment form of the biotinyl-carrier domain
  6. 1332098Protein Biotin carboxylase (BC), C-domain [51248] (2 species)
    subunit of acetyl-CoA and pyruvate carboxylases


  1. 1332099Aquifex aeolicus [TaxId:63363] [102004] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 1332101Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [51249] (19 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1bnc:
      1. 1332134Domain d1bnca1: 1bnc A:331-446 [28236]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1bnca2, d1bnca3, d1bncb2, d1bncb3
        complexed with po4
      2. 1332135Domain d1bncb1: 1bnc B:331-448 [28237]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1bnca2, d1bnca3, d1bncb2, d1bncb3
        complexed with po4
    2. Domains for 1dv1:
      1. 1332112Domain d1dv1a1: 1dv1 A:331-446 [28234]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1dv1a2, d1dv1a3, d1dv1b2, d1dv1b3
        complexed with po4
      2. 1332113Domain d1dv1b1: 1dv1 B:331-448 [28235]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1dv1a2, d1dv1a3, d1dv1b2, d1dv1b3
        complexed with po4
    3. Domains for 1dv2:
      1. 1332138Domain d1dv2a1: 1dv2 A:331-447 [28238]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1dv2a2, d1dv2a3, d1dv2b2, d1dv2b3
        complexed with atp; mutant
      2. 1332139Domain d1dv2b1: 1dv2 B:331-447 [28239]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1dv2a2, d1dv2a3, d1dv2b2, d1dv2b3
        complexed with atp; mutant
    4. Domains for 2gps:
      1. 1332142Domain d2gpsa1: 2gps A:331-446 [135487]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gpsa2, d2gpsa3, d2gpsb2, d2gpsb3
        automatically matched to d1bncb1
      2. 1332143Domain d2gpsb1: 2gps B:331-446 [135490]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gpsa2, d2gpsa3, d2gpsb2, d2gpsb3
        automatically matched to d1bncb1
    5. Domains for 2gpw:
      1. 1332122Domain d2gpwa1: 2gpw A:331-447 [135497]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gpwa2, d2gpwa3, d2gpwb2, d2gpwb3, d2gpwc2, d2gpwc3, d2gpwd2, d2gpwd3
        automatically matched to d1bncb1
      2. 1332123Domain d2gpwb1: 2gpw B:331-447 [135500]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gpwa2, d2gpwa3, d2gpwb2, d2gpwb3, d2gpwc2, d2gpwc3, d2gpwd2, d2gpwd3
        automatically matched to d1bncb1
      3. 1332124Domain d2gpwc1: 2gpw C:331-447 [135503]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gpwa2, d2gpwa3, d2gpwb2, d2gpwb3, d2gpwc2, d2gpwc3, d2gpwd2, d2gpwd3
        automatically matched to d1bncb1
      4. 1332125Domain d2gpwd1: 2gpw D:331-447 [135506]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gpwa2, d2gpwa3, d2gpwb2, d2gpwb3, d2gpwc2, d2gpwc3, d2gpwd2, d2gpwd3
        automatically matched to d1bncb1
    6. Domains for 2j9g:
      1. 1332118Domain d2j9ga1: 2j9g A:331-446 [147937]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j9ga2, d2j9ga3, d2j9gb2, d2j9gb3
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with adp, anp, mg, so4
      2. 1332119Domain d2j9gb1: 2j9g B:331-447 [147940]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j9ga2, d2j9ga3, d2j9gb2, d2j9gb3
        automated match to d1dv1b1
        complexed with adp, anp, mg, so4
    7. Domains for 2v58:
      1. 1332120Domain d2v58a3: 2v58 A:331-447 [206213]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v58a1, d2v58a2, d2v58b1, d2v58b2
        automated match to d1dv1b1
        complexed with cl, lzj
      2. 1332121Domain d2v58b3: 2v58 B:331-446 [206216]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v58a1, d2v58a2, d2v58b1, d2v58b2
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with cl, lzj
    8. Domains for 2v59:
      1. 1332128Domain d2v59a3: 2v59 A:331-445 [206219]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v59a1, d2v59a2, d2v59b1, d2v59b2
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with lzk
      2. 1332129Domain d2v59b3: 2v59 B:331-445 [206222]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v59a1, d2v59a2, d2v59b1, d2v59b2
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with lzk
    9. Domains for 2v5a:
      1. 1332126Domain d2v5aa3: 2v5a A:331-447 [206225]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v5aa1, d2v5aa2, d2v5ab1, d2v5ab2
        automated match to d1dv1b1
        complexed with cl, lzl
      2. 1332127Domain d2v5ab3: 2v5a B:331-446 [206228]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v5aa1, d2v5aa2, d2v5ab1, d2v5ab2
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with cl, lzl
    10. Domains for 2vr1:
      1. 1332136Domain d2vr1a1: 2vr1 A:331-446 [153489]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vr1a2, d2vr1a3, d2vr1b2, d2vr1b3
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with atf, cl
      2. 1332137Domain d2vr1b1: 2vr1 B:331-446 [153492]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vr1a2, d2vr1a3, d2vr1b2, d2vr1b3
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with atf, cl
    11. Domains for 2w6m:
      1. 1332110Domain d2w6ma3: 2w6m A:331-447 [206644]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w6ma1, d2w6ma2, d2w6mb1, d2w6mb2
        automated match to d1dv1b1
        complexed with cl, oa1
      2. 1332111Domain d2w6mb3: 2w6m B:331-446 [206647]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w6ma1, d2w6ma2, d2w6mb1, d2w6mb2
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with cl, oa1
    12. Domains for 2w6n:
      1. 1332104Domain d2w6na3: 2w6n A:331-445 [206650]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w6na1, d2w6na2, d2w6nb1, d2w6nb2
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with cl, oa2
      2. 1332105Domain d2w6nb3: 2w6n B:331-445 [206653]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w6na1, d2w6na2, d2w6nb1, d2w6nb2
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with cl, oa2
    13. Domains for 2w6o:
      1. 1332140Domain d2w6oa3: 2w6o A:331-445 [206656]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w6oa1, d2w6oa2, d2w6oc1, d2w6oc2
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with cl, oa3
      2. 1332141Domain d2w6oc3: 2w6o C:331-446 [206659]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w6oa1, d2w6oa2, d2w6oc1, d2w6oc2
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with cl, oa3
    14. Domains for 2w6p:
      1. 1332106Domain d2w6pa3: 2w6p A:331-446 [206662]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w6pa1, d2w6pa2, d2w6pb1, d2w6pb2
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with oa4
      2. 1332107Domain d2w6pb3: 2w6p B:331-445 [206665]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w6pa1, d2w6pa2, d2w6pb1, d2w6pb2
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with oa4
    15. Domains for 2w6q:
      1. 1332116Domain d2w6qa3: 2w6q A:331-447 [206668]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w6qa1, d2w6qa2, d2w6qb1, d2w6qb2
        automated match to d1dv1b1
        complexed with cl, oa5
      2. 1332117Domain d2w6qb3: 2w6q B:331-446 [206671]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w6qa1, d2w6qa2, d2w6qb1, d2w6qb2
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with cl, oa5
    16. Domains for 2w6z:
      1. 1332108Domain d2w6za3: 2w6z A:331-447 [206674]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w6za1, d2w6za2, d2w6zb1, d2w6zb2
        automated match to d1dv1b1
        complexed with cl, l21
      2. 1332109Domain d2w6zb3: 2w6z B:331-446 [206677]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w6za1, d2w6za2, d2w6zb1, d2w6zb2
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with cl, l21
    17. Domains for 2w70:
      1. 1332102Domain d2w70a3: 2w70 A:331-446 [206680]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w70a1, d2w70a2, d2w70b1, d2w70b2
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with cl, l22
      2. 1332103Domain d2w70b3: 2w70 B:331-446 [206683]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w70a1, d2w70a2, d2w70b1, d2w70b2
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with cl, l22
    18. Domains for 2w71:
      1. 1332114Domain d2w71a3: 2w71 A:331-447 [206686]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w71a1, d2w71a2, d2w71c1, d2w71c2
        automated match to d1dv1b1
        complexed with cl, l23
      2. 1332115Domain d2w71c3: 2w71 C:331-447 [206689]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w71a1, d2w71a2, d2w71c1, d2w71c2
        automated match to d1dv1b1
        complexed with cl, l23
    19. Domains for 4hr7:
      1. 1332130Domain d4hr7a3: 4hr7 A:331-446 [222722]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hr7a1, d4hr7a2, d4hr7c1, d4hr7c2, d4hr7e1, d4hr7e2, d4hr7f1, d4hr7f2
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with edo, so4
      2. 1332131Domain d4hr7c3: 4hr7 C:331-446 [222725]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hr7a1, d4hr7a2, d4hr7c1, d4hr7c2, d4hr7e1, d4hr7e2, d4hr7f1, d4hr7f2
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with edo, so4
      3. 1332132Domain d4hr7e3: 4hr7 E:331-446 [222728]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hr7a1, d4hr7a2, d4hr7c1, d4hr7c2, d4hr7e1, d4hr7e2, d4hr7f1, d4hr7f2
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with edo, so4
      4. 1332133Domain d4hr7f3: 4hr7 F:331-446 [222731]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hr7a1, d4hr7a2, d4hr7c1, d4hr7c2, d4hr7e1, d4hr7e2, d4hr7f1, d4hr7f2
        automated match to d1dv1a1
        complexed with edo, so4

More info for Protein Biotin carboxylase (BC), C-domain from b.84.2.1: BC C-terminal domain-like

Timeline for Protein Biotin carboxylase (BC), C-domain from b.84.2.1: BC C-terminal domain-like: