Lineage for Superfamily a.60.10: Enzyme I of the PEP:sugar phosphotransferase system HPr-binding (sub)domain

  1. Root: SCOP 1.55
  2. 2Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (138 folds)
  3. 4264Fold a.60: SAM domain-like [47768] (10 superfamilies)
  4. 4505Superfamily a.60.10: Enzyme I of the PEP:sugar phosphotransferase system HPr-binding (sub)domain [47831] (1 family) (S)


More info for Superfamily a.60.10: Enzyme I of the PEP:sugar phosphotransferase system HPr-binding (sub)domain

Timeline for Superfamily a.60.10: Enzyme I of the PEP:sugar phosphotransferase system HPr-binding (sub)domain: