Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (178 folds) |
Fold b.2: Common fold of diphtheria toxin/transcription factors/cytochrome f [49379] (9 superfamilies) sandwich; 9 strands in 2 sheet; greek-key; subclass of immunoglobin-like fold |
Superfamily b.2.3: Bacterial adhesins [49401] (7 families) |
Family b.2.3.2: Pilus subunits [49405] (10 proteins) |
Protein automated matches [190569] (9 species) not a true protein |
Species Escherichia coli [TaxId:83333] [269237] (14 PDB entries) |
Domain d4cssa_: 4css A: [269238] automated match to d3zl2a_ complexed with cwx, gol |
Domain d4csta_: 4cst A: [269239] automated match to d3zl2a_ complexed with cwk |
Domain d4xoba1: 4xob A:1-158 [311863] automated match to d3zl2a_ complexed with kgm, so4 |
Domain d4xoba2: 4xob A:159-279 [311864] automated match to d1klfb2 complexed with kgm, so4 |
Domain d4xobc1: 4xob C:1-158 [311758] automated match to d3zl2a_ complexed with kgm, so4 |
Domain d4xobc2: 4xob C:159-279 [311759] automated match to d1klfb2 complexed with kgm, so4 |
Domain d4xobe1: 4xob E:1-158 [311919] automated match to d3zl2a_ complexed with kgm, so4 |
Domain d4xobe2: 4xob E:159-279 [311920] automated match to d1klfb2 complexed with kgm, so4 |
Domain d4xobg1: 4xob G:1-158 [311647] automated match to d3zl2a_ complexed with kgm, so4 |
Domain d4xobg2: 4xob G:159-279 [311648] automated match to d1klfb2 complexed with kgm, so4 |
Domain d5aala_: 5aal A: [312478] automated match to d4csta_ complexed with 8l8, ni, so4 |
Domain d5aalb_: 5aal B: [313088] automated match to d4csta_ complexed with 8l8, ni, so4 |
Domain d5aapa_: 5aap A: [312583] automated match to d4csta_ complexed with edo, gol, vny |
Domain d5abza_: 5abz A: [313051] automated match to d4csta_ complexed with ni, z47 |
Domain d5abzb_: 5abz B: [313048] automated match to d4csta_ complexed with ni, z47 |
Domain d5fs5a_: 5fs5 A: [326621] automated match to d4csta_ complexed with kgm, na; mutant |
Domain d5fwra_: 5fwr A: [326642] automated match to d4csta_ complexed with 3x8; mutant |
Domain d5fwrb_: 5fwr B: [326643] automated match to d4csta_ complexed with 3x8; mutant |
Domain d5fwrc_: 5fwr C: [326684] automated match to d4csta_ complexed with 3x8; mutant |
Domain d5fwrd_: 5fwr D: [326663] automated match to d4csta_ complexed with 3x8; mutant |
Domain d5fwre_: 5fwr E: [326722] automated match to d4csta_ complexed with 3x8; mutant |
Domain d5fwrf_: 5fwr F: [326707] automated match to d4csta_ complexed with 3x8; mutant |
Domain d5fwrg_: 5fwr G: [326782] automated match to d4csta_ complexed with 3x8; mutant |
Domain d5fwrh_: 5fwr H: [326625] automated match to d4csta_ complexed with 3x8; mutant |
Domain d5fx3a_: 5fx3 A: [328458] automated match to d4csta_ complexed with edt; mutant |
Domain d5muca_: 5muc A: [346544] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with ah2 |
Domain d5mucb_: 5muc B: [346532] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with ah2 |
Domain d6g2ra_: 6g2r A: [366456] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with ejk, epe, so4 |
Domain d6g2rb_: 6g2r B: [366452] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with ejk, epe, so4 |
Domain d6g2sa_: 6g2s A: [366524] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with ejn, so4 |
Domain d6g2sb_: 6g2s B: [366472] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with ejn, so4 |
Domain d6g2sc_: 6g2s C: [366451] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with ejn, so4 |
Domain d6g2sd_: 6g2s D: [366523] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with ejn, so4 |
Domain d6g2se_: 6g2s E: [366547] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with ejn, so4 |
Domain d6g2sf_: 6g2s F: [366462] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with ejn, so4 |
Domain d6g2sg_: 6g2s G: [366494] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with ejn, so4 |
Domain d6g2sh_: 6g2s H: [366520] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with ejn, so4 |
Domain d6g2si_: 6g2s I: [366507] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with ejn, so4 |
Domain d6gtxa_: 6gtx A: [362167] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with man, mma, so4 |
Domain d6gtxb_: 6gtx B: [362159] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with man, mma, so4 |
Domain d6gtxc_: 6gtx C: [362206] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with man, mma, so4 |
Domain d6gtxd_: 6gtx D: [362145] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with man, mma, so4 |
Domain d6gtya_: 6gty A: [362173] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with man, mma |
Domain d6gtyb_: 6gty B: [362172] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with man, mma |
Domain d6gtyc_: 6gty C: [362221] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with man, mma |
Domain d6gtyd_: 6gty D: [362163] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with man, mma |
Domain d6gtye_: 6gty E: [362164] automated match to d5ab1a_ complexed with man, mma |
Timeline for Species Escherichia coli [TaxId:83333] from b.2.3.2 automated matches: