Lineage for Species: Comamonas testosteroni [TaxId: 285]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2352458Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (178 folds)
  3. 2392350Fold b.34: SH3-like barrel [50036] (21 superfamilies)
    barrel, partly opened; n*=4, S*=8; meander
    the last strand is interrupted by a turn of 3-10 helix
  4. 2393361Superfamily b.34.4: Electron transport accessory proteins [50090] (5 families) (S)
  5. 2393472Family b.34.4.0: automated matches [191659] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2393473Protein automated matches [191237] (6 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2393481Species Comamonas testosteroni [TaxId:285] [193572] (4 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Comamonas testosteroni [TaxId: 285]:

  1. Domain(s) for 4fm4:
    1. 2393482Domain d4fm4b_: 4fm4 B: [202047]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fm4a_, d4fm4c_, d4fm4e_, d4fm4g_, d4fm4i_, d4fm4k_, d4fm4m_, d4fm4o_
      automated match to d4fm4j_
      complexed with fe, po4
    2. 2393483Domain d4fm4d_: 4fm4 D: [202049]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fm4a_, d4fm4c_, d4fm4e_, d4fm4g_, d4fm4i_, d4fm4k_, d4fm4m_, d4fm4o_
      automated match to d4fm4j_
      complexed with fe, po4
    3. 2393484Domain d4fm4f_: 4fm4 F: [202051]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fm4a_, d4fm4c_, d4fm4e_, d4fm4g_, d4fm4i_, d4fm4k_, d4fm4m_, d4fm4o_
      automated match to d4fm4j_
      complexed with fe, po4
    4. 2393485Domain d4fm4h_: 4fm4 H: [202053]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fm4a_, d4fm4c_, d4fm4e_, d4fm4g_, d4fm4i_, d4fm4k_, d4fm4m_, d4fm4o_
      automated match to d4fm4j_
      complexed with fe, po4
    5. 2393486Domain d4fm4j_: 4fm4 J: [193573]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fm4a_, d4fm4c_, d4fm4e_, d4fm4g_, d4fm4i_, d4fm4k_, d4fm4m_, d4fm4o_
      automated match to d3a8gb_
      complexed with fe, po4
    6. 2393487Domain d4fm4l_: 4fm4 L: [202056]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fm4a_, d4fm4c_, d4fm4e_, d4fm4g_, d4fm4i_, d4fm4k_, d4fm4m_, d4fm4o_
      automated match to d4fm4j_
      complexed with fe, po4
    7. 2393488Domain d4fm4n_: 4fm4 N: [202058]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fm4a_, d4fm4c_, d4fm4e_, d4fm4g_, d4fm4i_, d4fm4k_, d4fm4m_, d4fm4o_
      automated match to d4fm4j_
      complexed with fe, po4
    8. 2393489Domain d4fm4p_: 4fm4 P: [202059]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fm4a_, d4fm4c_, d4fm4e_, d4fm4g_, d4fm4i_, d4fm4k_, d4fm4m_, d4fm4o_
      automated match to d4fm4j_
      complexed with fe, po4
  2. Domain(s) for 4zgd:
    1. 2393498Domain d4zgdb_: 4zgd B: [274616]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
    2. 2393499Domain d4zgdd_: 4zgd D: [274615]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
    3. 2393500Domain d4zgdf_: 4zgd F: [274617]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
    4. 2393501Domain d4zgdh_: 4zgd H: [274618]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
    5. 2393502Domain d4zgdj_: 4zgd J: [274619]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
    6. 2393503Domain d4zgdl_: 4zgd L: [274620]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
    7. 2393504Domain d4zgdn_: 4zgd N: [274621]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
    8. 2393505Domain d4zgdp_: 4zgd P: [274622]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
  3. Domain(s) for 4zge:
    1. 2393506Domain d4zgeb_: 4zge B: [274623]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
    2. 2393507Domain d4zged_: 4zge D: [274624]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
    3. 2393508Domain d4zgef_: 4zge F: [274625]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
    4. 2393509Domain d4zgeh_: 4zge H: [274626]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
    5. 2393510Domain d4zgej_: 4zge J: [274627]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
    6. 2393511Domain d4zgel_: 4zge L: [274628]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
    7. 2393512Domain d4zgen_: 4zge N: [274629]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
    8. 2393513Domain d4zgep_: 4zge P: [274630]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
  4. Domain(s) for 4zgj:
    1. 2393490Domain d4zgjb_: 4zgj B: [274631]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
    2. 2393491Domain d4zgjd_: 4zgj D: [274632]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
    3. 2393492Domain d4zgjf_: 4zgj F: [274633]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
    4. 2393493Domain d4zgjh_: 4zgj H: [274634]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
    5. 2393494Domain d4zgjj_: 4zgj J: [274635]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
    6. 2393495Domain d4zgjl_: 4zgj L: [274636]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
    7. 2393496Domain d4zgjn_: 4zgj N: [274637]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant
    8. 2393497Domain d4zgjp_: 4zgj P: [274638]
      automated match to d4fm4b_
      complexed with fe; mutant

More info for Species Comamonas testosteroni [TaxId:285] from b.34.4.0 automated matches

Timeline for Species Comamonas testosteroni [TaxId:285] from b.34.4.0 automated matches: