Lineage for d1smta_ (1smt A:)

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2685877Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (290 folds)
  3. 2691777Fold a.4: DNA/RNA-binding 3-helical bundle [46688] (14 superfamilies)
    core: 3-helices; bundle, closed or partly opened, right-handed twist; up-and down
  4. 2692959Superfamily a.4.5: 'Winged helix' DNA-binding domain [46785] (86 families) (S)
    contains a small beta-sheet (wing)
  5. 2693115Family a.4.5.5: ArsR-like transcriptional regulators [46801] (5 proteins)
    The N- and C-terminal helical extensions to the common fold form the dimer interface
  6. 2693136Protein SmtB repressor [46802] (1 species)
  7. 2693137Species Cyanobacteria (Synechococcus), pcc7942 [TaxId:1129] [46803] (4 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P30340
  8. 2693142Domain d1smta_: 1smt A: [16109]

Details for d1smta_

PDB Entry: 1smt (more details), 2.2 Å

PDB Description: smtb repressor from synechococcus pcc7942
PDB Compounds: (A:) Transcriptional repressor smtB

SCOPe Domain Sequences for d1smta_:

Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)

>d1smta_ a.4.5.5 (A:) SmtB repressor {Cyanobacteria (Synechococcus), pcc7942 [TaxId: 1129]}

SCOPe Domain Coordinates for d1smta_:

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Timeline for d1smta_:

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