Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (290 folds) |
Fold a.224: Glycolipid transfer protein, GLTP [110003] (1 superfamily) multihelical; 2 layers or orthogonally packed helices |
Superfamily a.224.1: Glycolipid transfer protein, GLTP [110004] (1 family) |
Family a.224.1.1: Glycolipid transfer protein, GLTP [110005] (2 proteins) |
Protein Glycolipid transfer protein, GLTP [110006] (2 species) |
Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [110007] (20 PDB entries) Uniprot Q9NZD2 |
Domain d2evsa_: 2evs A: [132442] automated match to d1sx6a_ complexed with d10, glc, hex |
PDB Entry: 2evs (more details), 2.2 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d2evsa_:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d2evsa_ a.224.1.1 (A:) Glycolipid transfer protein, GLTP {Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]} aehllkplpadkqietgpfleavshlppffdclgspvftpikadisgnitkikavydtnp akfrtlqnilevekemygaewpkvgatlalmwlkrglrfiqvflqsicdgerdenhpnli rvnatkayemalkkyhgwivqkifqaalyaapyksdflkalskgqnvteeeclekirlfl vnytatidviyemytqmnaelnykv
Timeline for d2evsa_: