Lineage for Protein: Diphthine synthase, DphB

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2434694Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2519171Fold c.90: Tetrapyrrole methylase [53789] (1 superfamily)
    consists of two non-similar domains
    Domain 1 has parallel sheet of 5 strands, order 32415
    Domain 2 has mixed sheet of 5 strands, order 12534; strands 4 & 5 are antiparallel to the rest
  4. 2519172Superfamily c.90.1: Tetrapyrrole methylase [53790] (2 families) (S)
  5. 2519173Family c.90.1.1: Tetrapyrrole methylase [53791] (8 proteins)
    Pfam PF00590
  6. 2519178Protein Diphthine synthase, DphB [102684] (3 species)
    diphthamide biosynthesis methyltransferase


  1. 2519179Aeropyrum pernix [TaxId:56636] [117735] (1 PDB entry)
    SQ Q9YDI2; APE0931
  2. 2519181Archaeoglobus fulgidus [TaxId:2234] [102685] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 2519184Pyrococcus horikoshii [TaxId:53953] [142779] (80 PDB entries)
    Uniprot O58456 1-265
    1. Domain for 1vce:
    2. Domains for 2dsg:
      1. 2519215Domain d2dsga_: 2dsg A: [163675]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519216Domain d2dsgb_: 2dsg B: [163676]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
    3. Domains for 2dsh:
      1. 2519229Domain d2dsha_: 2dsh A: [163677]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519230Domain d2dshb_: 2dsh B: [163678]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
    4. Domains for 2dsi:
      1. 2519278Domain d2dsia_: 2dsi A: [163679]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519279Domain d2dsib_: 2dsi B: [163680]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
    5. Domains for 2dv3:
      1. 2519219Domain d2dv3a_: 2dv3 A: [163711]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with cl, fmt, gol, na, sah; mutant
      2. 2519220Domain d2dv3b_: 2dv3 B: [163712]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with cl, fmt, gol, na, sah; mutant
    6. Domains for 2dv4:
      1. 2519288Domain d2dv4a_: 2dv4 A: [163713]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with cl, gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519289Domain d2dv4b_: 2dv4 B: [163714]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with cl, gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
    7. Domains for 2dv5:
      1. 2519280Domain d2dv5a_: 2dv5 A: [163715]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519281Domain d2dv5b_: 2dv5 B: [163716]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
    8. Domains for 2dv7:
      1. 2519305Domain d2dv7a_: 2dv7 A: [163717]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519306Domain d2dv7b_: 2dv7 B: [163718]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
    9. Domains for 2dxv:
      1. 2519213Domain d2dxva_: 2dxv A: [163736]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519214Domain d2dxvb_: 2dxv B: [163737]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
    10. Domains for 2dxw:
      1. 2519199Domain d2dxwa_: 2dxw A: [163738]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519200Domain d2dxwb_: 2dxw B: [163739]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
    11. Domains for 2dxx:
      1. 2519189Domain d2dxxa_: 2dxx A: [163740]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519190Domain d2dxxb_: 2dxx B: [163741]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
    12. Domains for 2e07:
      1. 2519211Domain d2e07a_: 2e07 A: [163775]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519212Domain d2e07b_: 2e07 B: [163776]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
    13. Domains for 2e08:
      1. 2519231Domain d2e08a_: 2e08 A: [163777]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519232Domain d2e08b_: 2e08 B: [163778]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
    14. Domains for 2e15:
      1. 2519191Domain d2e15a_: 2e15 A: [163796]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519192Domain d2e15b_: 2e15 B: [163797]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
    15. Domains for 2e16:
      1. 2519235Domain d2e16a_: 2e16 A: [163798]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519236Domain d2e16b_: 2e16 B: [163799]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
    16. Domains for 2e17:
      1. 2519203Domain d2e17a_: 2e17 A: [163800]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519204Domain d2e17b_: 2e17 B: [163801]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
    17. Domains for 2e4n:
      1. 2519201Domain d2e4na_: 2e4n A: [163818]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah; mutant
      2. 2519202Domain d2e4nb_: 2e4n B: [163819]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah; mutant
    18. Domains for 2e4r:
      1. 2519274Domain d2e4ra_: 2e4r A: [163828]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah; mutant
      2. 2519275Domain d2e4rb_: 2e4r B: [163829]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah; mutant
    19. Domains for 2e7r:
      1. 2519197Domain d2e7ra_: 2e7r A: [163897]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519198Domain d2e7rb_: 2e7r B: [163898]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
    20. Domains for 2e8h:
      1. 2519257Domain d2e8ha_: 2e8h A: [163903]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
      2. 2519258Domain d2e8hb_: 2e8h B: [163904]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
    21. Domains for 2e8q:
      1. 2519327Domain d2e8qa_: 2e8q A: [163906]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
      2. 2519328Domain d2e8qb_: 2e8q B: [163907]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
    22. Domains for 2e8r:
      1. 2519217Domain d2e8ra_: 2e8r A: [163908]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
      2. 2519218Domain d2e8rb_: 2e8r B: [163909]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
    23. Domains for 2e8s:
      1. 2519317Domain d2e8sa_: 2e8s A: [163910]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
      2. 2519318Domain d2e8sb_: 2e8s B: [163911]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
    24. Domains for 2ed3:
      1. 2519331Domain d2ed3a_: 2ed3 A: [163956]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah; mutant
      2. 2519332Domain d2ed3b_: 2ed3 B: [163957]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah; mutant
    25. Domains for 2ed5:
      1. 2519253Domain d2ed5a_: 2ed5 A: [163958]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, na, sah; mutant
      2. 2519254Domain d2ed5b_: 2ed5 B: [163959]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, na, sah; mutant
    26. Domains for 2eeq:
      1. 2519315Domain d2eeqa_: 2eeq A: [163963]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519316Domain d2eeqb_: 2eeq B: [163964]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, sah, so4; mutant
    27. Domains for 2egb:
      1. 2519207Domain d2egba_: 2egb A: [163997]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519208Domain d2egbb_: 2egb B: [163998]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
    28. Domains for 2egl:
      1. 2519195Domain d2egla_: 2egl A: [164013]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519196Domain d2eglb_: 2egl B: [164014]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
    29. Domains for 2egs:
      1. 2519241Domain d2egsa_: 2egs A: [164017]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519242Domain d2egsb_: 2egs B: [164018]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
    30. Domains for 2eh2:
      1. 2519221Domain d2eh2a_: 2eh2 A: [164019]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519222Domain d2eh2b_: 2eh2 B: [164020]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with mes, sah, so4; mutant
    31. Domains for 2eh4:
      1. 2519243Domain d2eh4a_: 2eh4 A: [164021]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah; mutant
      2. 2519244Domain d2eh4b_: 2eh4 B: [164022]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah; mutant
    32. Domains for 2eh5:
      1. 2519307Domain d2eh5a_: 2eh5 A: [164023]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah; mutant
      2. 2519308Domain d2eh5b_: 2eh5 B: [164024]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah; mutant
    33. Domains for 2ehc:
      1. 2519193Domain d2ehca_: 2ehc A: [164026]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519194Domain d2ehcb_: 2ehc B: [164027]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
    34. Domains for 2ehl:
      1. 2519187Domain d2ehla_: 2ehl A: [164038]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519188Domain d2ehlb_: 2ehl B: [164039]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
    35. Domains for 2ejj:
      1. 2519247Domain d2ejja_: 2ejj A: [164099]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, na, sah; mutant
      2. 2519248Domain d2ejjb_: 2ejj B: [164100]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, na, sah; mutant
    36. Domains for 2ejk:
      1. 2519294Domain d2ejka_: 2ejk A: [164101]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519295Domain d2ejkb_: 2ejk B: [164102]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah, so4; mutant
    37. Domains for 2ejz:
      1. 2519209Domain d2ejza_: 2ejz A: [164105]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, na, sah
      2. 2519210Domain d2ejzb_: 2ejz B: [164106]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, na, sah
    38. Domains for 2ek2:
      1. 2519265Domain d2ek2a_: 2ek2 A: [164115]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
      2. 2519266Domain d2ek2b_: 2ek2 B: [164116]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
    39. Domains for 2ek3:
      1. 2519333Domain d2ek3a_: 2ek3 A: [164117]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
      2. 2519334Domain d2ek3b_: 2ek3 B: [164118]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
    40. Domains for 2ek4:
      1. 2519259Domain d2ek4a_: 2ek4 A: [164119]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
      2. 2519260Domain d2ek4b_: 2ek4 B: [164120]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
    41. Domains for 2ek7:
      1. 2519225Domain d2ek7a_: 2ek7 A: [164125]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
      2. 2519226Domain d2ek7b_: 2ek7 B: [164126]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
    42. Domains for 2eka:
      1. 2519313Domain d2ekaa_: 2eka A: [164127]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
      2. 2519314Domain d2ekab_: 2eka B: [164128]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
    43. Domains for 2el0:
      1. 2519290Domain d2el0a_: 2el0 A: [164149]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
      2. 2519291Domain d2el0b_: 2el0 B: [164150]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
    44. Domains for 2el1:
      1. 2519270Domain d2el1a_: 2el1 A: [164151]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
      2. 2519271Domain d2el1b_: 2el1 B: [164152]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
    45. Domains for 2el2:
      1. 2519286Domain d2el2a_: 2el2 A: [164153]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
      2. 2519287Domain d2el2b_: 2el2 B: [164154]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
    46. Domains for 2el3:
      1. 2519296Domain d2el3a_: 2el3 A: [164155]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
      2. 2519297Domain d2el3b_: 2el3 B: [164156]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
    47. Domains for 2eld:
      1. 2519292Domain d2elda_: 2eld A: [164159]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, na, sah; mutant
      2. 2519293Domain d2eldb_: 2eld B: [164160]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, na, sah; mutant
    48. Domains for 2ele:
      1. 2519299Domain d2elea_: 2ele A: [164161]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah; mutant
      2. 2519300Domain d2eleb_: 2ele B: [164162]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah; mutant
    49. Domains for 2emr:
      1. 2519303Domain d2emra_: 2emr A: [164165]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah; mutant
      2. 2519304Domain d2emrb_: 2emr B: [164166]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah; mutant
    50. Domains for 2emu:
      1. 2519268Domain d2emua_: 2emu A: [164167]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah; mutant
      2. 2519269Domain d2emub_: 2emu B: [164168]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah; mutant
    51. Domains for 2en5:
      1. 2519205Domain d2en5a_: 2en5 A: [164169]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, na, sah; mutant
      2. 2519206Domain d2en5b_: 2en5 B: [164170]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, na, sah; mutant
    52. Domains for 2eni:
      1. 2519309Domain d2enia_: 2eni A: [164171]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah; mutant
      2. 2519310Domain d2enib_: 2eni B: [164172]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah; mutant
    53. Domains for 2hr8:
      1. 2519337Domain d2hr8a_: 2hr8 A: [165211]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with pt, sah
      2. 2519338Domain d2hr8b_: 2hr8 B: [165212]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with pt, sah
    54. Domains for 2huq:
      1. 2519284Domain d2huqa_: 2huq A: [165286]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with pt, sah
      2. 2519285Domain d2huqb_: 2huq B: [165287]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with pt, sah
    55. Domains for 2hut:
      1. 2519325Domain d2huta_: 2hut A: [165294]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
      2. 2519326Domain d2hutb_: 2hut B: [165295]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
    56. Domains for 2huv:
      1. 2519261Domain d2huva_: 2huv A: [165298]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, pt, sah
      2. 2519262Domain d2huvb_: 2huv B: [165299]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, pt, sah
    57. Domains for 2hux:
      1. 2519329Domain d2huxa_: 2hux A: [165300]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with pt, sah
      2. 2519330Domain d2huxb_: 2hux B: [165301]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with pt, sah
    58. Domain for 2owf:
    59. Domains for 2owg:
      1. 2519255Domain d2owga_: 2owg A: [166878]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
      2. 2519256Domain d2owgb_: 2owg B: [166879]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
    60. Domains for 2owk:
      1. 2519239Domain d2owka_: 2owk A: [166880]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah, so4
      2. 2519240Domain d2owkb_: 2owk B: [166881]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah, so4
    61. Domains for 2owu:
      1. 2519301Domain d2owua_: 2owu A: [166882]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
      2. 2519302Domain d2owub_: 2owu B: [166883]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
    62. Domains for 2owv:
      1. 2519341Domain d2owva_: 2owv A: [166884]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
      2. 2519342Domain d2owvb_: 2owv B: [166885]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
    63. Domains for 2p2x:
      1. 2519339Domain d2p2xa_: 2p2x A: [166976]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
      2. 2519340Domain d2p2xb_: 2p2x B: [166977]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
    64. Domains for 2p5c:
      1. 2519311Domain d2p5ca_: 2p5c A: [167009]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, sah
      2. 2519312Domain d2p5cb_: 2p5c B: [167010]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, sah
    65. Domains for 2p5f:
      1. 2519323Domain d2p5fa_: 2p5f A: [167012]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
      2. 2519324Domain d2p5fb_: 2p5f B: [167013]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
    66. Domains for 2p6d:
      1. 2519321Domain d2p6da_: 2p6d A: [167027]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
      2. 2519322Domain d2p6db_: 2p6d B: [167028]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
    67. Domains for 2p6i:
      1. 2519282Domain d2p6ia_: 2p6i A: [167029]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
      2. 2519283Domain d2p6ib_: 2p6i B: [167030]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
    68. Domains for 2p6k:
      1. 2519245Domain d2p6ka_: 2p6k A: [167031]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah, so4
      2. 2519246Domain d2p6kb_: 2p6k B: [167032]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah, so4
    69. Domains for 2p6l:
      1. 2519237Domain d2p6la_: 2p6l A: [167033]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
      2. 2519238Domain d2p6lb_: 2p6l B: [167034]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
    70. Domains for 2p9d:
      1. 2519251Domain d2p9da_: 2p9d A: [167083]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with fmt, gol, sah
      2. 2519252Domain d2p9db_: 2p9d B: [167084]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with fmt, gol, sah
    71. Domains for 2pb4:
      1. 2519263Domain d2pb4a_: 2pb4 A: [167103]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, sah
      2. 2519264Domain d2pb4b_: 2pb4 B: [167104]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, sah
    72. Domains for 2pb5:
      1. 2519249Domain d2pb5a_: 2pb5 A: [167105]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with fmt, gol, sah
      2. 2519250Domain d2pb5b_: 2pb5 B: [167106]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with fmt, gol, sah
    73. Domains for 2pb6:
      1. 2519272Domain d2pb6a_: 2pb6 A: [167107]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with fmt, gol, sah
      2. 2519273Domain d2pb6b_: 2pb6 B: [167108]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with fmt, gol, sah
    74. Domains for 2pca:
      1. 2519233Domain d2pcaa_: 2pca A: [167119]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
      2. 2519234Domain d2pcab_: 2pca B: [167120]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
    75. Domains for 2pcg:
      1. 2519276Domain d2pcga_: 2pcg A: [167121]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
      2. 2519277Domain d2pcgb_: 2pcg B: [167122]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
    76. Domains for 2pch:
      1. 2519227Domain d2pcha_: 2pch A: [167123]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
      2. 2519228Domain d2pchb_: 2pch B: [167124]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with na, sah
    77. Domains for 2pci:
      1. 2519223Domain d2pcia_: 2pci A: [167125]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
      2. 2519224Domain d2pcib_: 2pci B: [167126]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
    78. Domains for 2pck:
      1. 2519335Domain d2pcka_: 2pck A: [167129]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
      2. 2519336Domain d2pckb_: 2pck B: [167130]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with sah
    79. Domains for 2pcm:
      1. 2519319Domain d2pcma_: 2pcm A: [167132]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, sah
      2. 2519320Domain d2pcmb_: 2pcm B: [167133]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, sah
    80. Domains for 2z6r:
      1. 2519185Domain d2z6ra_: 2z6r A: [171087]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant
      2. 2519186Domain d2z6rb_: 2z6r B: [171088]
        automated match to d1vcea1
        complexed with gol, mes, sah, so4; mutant

More info for Protein Diphthine synthase, DphB from c.90.1.1: Tetrapyrrole methylase

Timeline for Protein Diphthine synthase, DphB from c.90.1.1: Tetrapyrrole methylase: