Lineage for Protein: Bacterial aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV

  1. Root: SCOP 1.69
  2. 519077Class f: Membrane and cell surface proteins and peptides [56835] (47 folds)
  3. 519895Fold f.23: Single transmembrane helix [81407] (30 superfamilies)
    not a true fold
  4. 520022Superfamily f.23.8: Bacterial aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV [81469] (1 family) (S)
  5. 520023Family f.23.8.1: Bacterial aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV [81468] (1 protein)
  6. 520024Protein Bacterial aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV [81467] (2 species)
    interacts with subunit I and III, function unknown, non-essential for the enzymatic activity


  1. 520025Paracoccus denitrificans [TaxId:266] [81465] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 520027Rhodobacter sphaeroides [TaxId:1063] [81466] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1m56:
      1. 520028Domain d1m56d_: 1m56 D: [74475]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1m56a_, d1m56b1, d1m56b2, d1m56c_, d1m56g_, d1m56h1, d1m56h2, d1m56i_
      2. 520029Domain d1m56j_: 1m56 J: [74480]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1m56a_, d1m56b1, d1m56b2, d1m56c_, d1m56g_, d1m56h1, d1m56h2, d1m56i_
    2. Domains for 1m57:
      1. 520030Domain d1m57d_: 1m57 D: [74485]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1m57a_, d1m57b1, d1m57b2, d1m57c_, d1m57g_, d1m57h1, d1m57h2, d1m57i_
      2. 520031Domain d1m57j_: 1m57 J: [74490]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1m57a_, d1m57b1, d1m57b2, d1m57c_, d1m57g_, d1m57h1, d1m57h2, d1m57i_

More info for Protein Bacterial aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV from f.23.8.1: Bacterial aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV

Timeline for Protein Bacterial aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV from f.23.8.1: Bacterial aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV:

  • Protein Bacterial aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV from f.23.8.1: Bacterial aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV first appeared in SCOP 1.63
  • Protein Bacterial aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV from f.23.8.1: Bacterial aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV appears in SCOP 1.67
  • Protein Bacterial aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV from f.23.8.1: Bacterial aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV appears in SCOP 1.71
  • Protein Bacterial aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV from f.23.8.1: Bacterial aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV appears in the current release, SCOPe 2.08