Lineage for Species: Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.05
  2. 1715731Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (286 folds)
  3. 1726514Fold a.24: Four-helical up-and-down bundle [47161] (28 superfamilies)
    core: 4 helices; bundle, closed or partly opened, left-handed twist; up-and-down
  4. 1726557Superfamily a.24.3: Cytochromes [47175] (3 families) (S)
    Heme-containing proteins
  5. 1726558Family a.24.3.1: Cytochrome b562 [47176] (2 proteins)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF07361
  6. 1726569Protein automated matches [190502] (2 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 1726570Species Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [187450] (34 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562]:

  1. Domain(s) for 2bc5:
    1. 1726634Domain d2bc5a_: 2bc5 A: [163036]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, so4
    2. 1726635Domain d2bc5b_: 2bc5 B: [163037]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, so4
    3. 1726636Domain d2bc5c_: 2bc5 C: [163038]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, so4
    4. 1726637Domain d2bc5d_: 2bc5 D: [163039]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, so4
  2. Domain(s) for 2qla:
    1. 1726698Domain d2qlaa_: 2qla A: [167702]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    2. 1726699Domain d2qlab_: 2qla B: [167703]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    3. 1726700Domain d2qlac_: 2qla C: [167704]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    4. 1726701Domain d2qlad_: 2qla D: [167705]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
  3. Domain(s) for 3c62:
    1. 1726595Domain d3c62a_: 3c62 A: [173052]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with ca, hem, zn
    2. 1726596Domain d3c62b_: 3c62 B: [173053]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with ca, hem, zn
    3. 1726597Domain d3c62c_: 3c62 C: [173054]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with ca, hem, zn
    4. 1726598Domain d3c62d_: 3c62 D: [173055]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with ca, hem, zn
  4. Domain(s) for 3c63:
    1. 1726579Domain d3c63a_: 3c63 A: [173056]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with ca, hem, zn
    2. 1726580Domain d3c63b_: 3c63 B: [173057]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with ca, hem, zn
    3. 1726581Domain d3c63c_: 3c63 C: [173058]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with ca, hem, zn
    4. 1726582Domain d3c63d_: 3c63 D: [173059]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with ca, hem, zn
  5. Domain(s) for 3de8:
    1. 1726575Domain d3de8a_: 3de8 A: [173861]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with ca, cu, hem
    2. 1726576Domain d3de8b_: 3de8 B: [173862]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with ca, cu, hem
    3. 1726577Domain d3de8c_: 3de8 C: [173863]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with ca, cu, hem
    4. 1726578Domain d3de8d_: 3de8 D: [173864]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with ca, cu, hem
  6. Domain(s) for 3de9:
  7. Domain(s) for 3foo:
    1. 1726652Domain d3fooa_: 3foo A: [175935]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, ni, pxx
    2. 1726653Domain d3foob_: 3foo B: [175936]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, ni, pxx
    3. 1726654Domain d3fooc_: 3foo C: [175937]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, ni, pxx
    4. 1726655Domain d3food_: 3foo D: [175938]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, ni, pxx
    5. 1726656Domain d3fooe_: 3foo E: [175939]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, ni, pxx
    6. 1726657Domain d3foof_: 3foo F: [175940]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, ni, pxx
    7. 1726658Domain d3foog_: 3foo G: [175941]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, ni, pxx
    8. 1726659Domain d3fooh_: 3foo H: [175942]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, ni, pxx
    9. 1726660Domain d3fooi_: 3foo I: [175943]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, ni, pxx
    10. 1726661Domain d3fooj_: 3foo J: [175944]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, ni, pxx
    11. 1726662Domain d3fook_: 3foo K: [175945]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, ni, pxx
    12. 1726663Domain d3fool_: 3foo L: [175946]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, ni, pxx
  8. Domain(s) for 3fop:
    1. 1726688Domain d3fopa_: 3fop A: [246177]
      automated match to d3fooa_
      complexed with hem, ni, pxx
    2. 1726689Domain d3fopb_: 3fop B: [246178]
      automated match to d3fooa_
      complexed with hem, ni, pxx
  9. Domain(s) for 3hni:
    1. 1726640Domain d3hnia_: 3hni A: [177706]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    2. 1726641Domain d3hnib_: 3hni B: [177707]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    3. 1726642Domain d3hnic_: 3hni C: [177708]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    4. 1726643Domain d3hnid_: 3hni D: [177709]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    5. 1726644Domain d3hnie_: 3hni E: [177710]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    6. 1726645Domain d3hnif_: 3hni F: [177711]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    7. 1726646Domain d3hnig_: 3hni G: [177712]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    8. 1726647Domain d3hnih_: 3hni H: [177713]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
  10. Domain(s) for 3hnj:
    1. 1726615Domain d3hnja_: 3hnj A: [177714]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    2. 1726616Domain d3hnjb_: 3hnj B: [177715]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    3. 1726617Domain d3hnjc_: 3hnj C: [177716]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    4. 1726618Domain d3hnjd_: 3hnj D: [177717]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
  11. Domain(s) for 3hnk:
    1. 1726605Domain d3hnka_: 3hnk A: [177718]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem
    2. 1726606Domain d3hnkb_: 3hnk B: [177719]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem
  12. Domain(s) for 3hnl:
    1. 1726620Domain d3hnla_: 3hnl A: [177720]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with cl, cu, hem
    2. 1726621Domain d3hnlb_: 3hnl B: [177721]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with cl, cu, hem
  13. Domain(s) for 3iq5:
    1. 1726622Domain d3iq5a_: 3iq5 A: [178521]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem
    2. 1726623Domain d3iq5b_: 3iq5 B: [178522]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem
    3. 1726624Domain d3iq5c_: 3iq5 C: [178523]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem
    4. 1726625Domain d3iq5d_: 3iq5 D: [178524]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem
  14. Domain(s) for 3iq6:
    1. 1726668Domain d3iq6a_: 3iq6 A: [178525]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    2. 1726669Domain d3iq6b_: 3iq6 B: [178526]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    3. 1726670Domain d3iq6c_: 3iq6 C: [178527]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    4. 1726671Domain d3iq6d_: 3iq6 D: [178528]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    5. 1726672Domain d3iq6e_: 3iq6 E: [178529]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    6. 1726673Domain d3iq6f_: 3iq6 F: [178530]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    7. 1726674Domain d3iq6g_: 3iq6 G: [178531]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    8. 1726675Domain d3iq6h_: 3iq6 H: [178532]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
  15. Domain(s) for 3l1m:
  16. Domain(s) for 3m15:
    1. 1726681Domain d3m15a_: 3m15 A: [180706]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    2. 1726682Domain d3m15b_: 3m15 B: [180707]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    3. 1726683Domain d3m15c_: 3m15 C: [180708]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
  17. Domain(s) for 3m4b:
    1. 1726648Domain d3m4ba_: 3m4b A: [180820]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with act, hem, zn
    2. 1726649Domain d3m4bb_: 3m4b B: [180821]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with act, hem, zn
    3. 1726650Domain d3m4bc_: 3m4b C: [180822]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with act, hem, zn
    4. 1726651Domain d3m4bd_: 3m4b D: [180823]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with act, hem, zn
  18. Domain(s) for 3m4c:
    1. 1726587Domain d3m4ca_: 3m4c A: [180824]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with act, hem, zn
    2. 1726588Domain d3m4cb_: 3m4c B: [180825]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with act, hem, zn
    3. 1726589Domain d3m4cc_: 3m4c C: [180826]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with act, hem, zn
    4. 1726590Domain d3m4cd_: 3m4c D: [180827]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with act, hem, zn
  19. Domain(s) for 3m79:
    1. 1726607Domain d3m79a_: 3m79 A: [180901]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    2. 1726608Domain d3m79b_: 3m79 B: [180902]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    3. 1726609Domain d3m79c_: 3m79 C: [180903]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    4. 1726610Domain d3m79d_: 3m79 D: [180904]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    5. 1726611Domain d3m79e_: 3m79 E: [180905]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    6. 1726612Domain d3m79f_: 3m79 F: [180906]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    7. 1726613Domain d3m79g_: 3m79 G: [180907]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    8. 1726614Domain d3m79h_: 3m79 H: [180908]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, zn
  20. Domain(s) for 3nmi:
    1. 1726599Domain d3nmia_: 3nmi A: [182397]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with act, hem, pxx
    2. 1726600Domain d3nmib_: 3nmi B: [182398]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with act, hem, pxx
    3. 1726601Domain d3nmic_: 3nmi C: [182399]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with act, hem, pxx
    4. 1726602Domain d3nmid_: 3nmi D: [182400]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with act, hem, pxx
    5. 1726603Domain d3nmie_: 3nmi E: [182401]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with act, hem, pxx
    6. 1726604Domain d3nmif_: 3nmi F: [182402]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with act, hem, pxx
  21. Domain(s) for 3nmj:
    1. 1726690Domain d3nmja_: 3nmj A: [247960]
      automated match to d3nmia_
      complexed with hem, ni, pxx
    2. 1726691Domain d3nmjb_: 3nmj B: [247961]
      automated match to d3nmia_
      complexed with hem, ni, pxx
    3. 1726692Domain d3nmjc_: 3nmj C: [247962]
      automated match to d3nmia_
      complexed with hem, ni, pxx
    4. 1726693Domain d3nmjd_: 3nmj D: [247963]
      automated match to d3nmia_
      complexed with hem, ni, pxx
  22. Domain(s) for 3nmk:
    1. 1726677Domain d3nmka_: 3nmk A: [182403]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, pxx, zn
    2. 1726678Domain d3nmkb_: 3nmk B: [182404]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, pxx, zn
    3. 1726679Domain d3nmkc_: 3nmk C: [182405]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, pxx, zn
    4. 1726680Domain d3nmkd_: 3nmk D: [182406]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, pxx, zn
  23. Domain(s) for 3qvy:
    1. 1726664Domain d3qvya_: 3qvy A: [184647]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, me7, zn
    2. 1726665Domain d3qvyb_: 3qvy B: [184648]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, me7, zn
    3. 1726666Domain d3qvyc_: 3qvy C: [184649]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, me7, zn
    4. 1726667Domain d3qvyd_: 3qvy D: [184650]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, me7, zn
  24. Domain(s) for 3qvz:
    1. 1726694Domain d3qvza_: 3qvz A: [184651]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with cu, hem, me7, zn
    2. 1726695Domain d3qvzb_: 3qvz B: [184652]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with cu, hem, me7, zn
    3. 1726696Domain d3qvzc_: 3qvz C: [184653]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with cu, hem, me7, zn
    4. 1726697Domain d3qvzd_: 3qvz D: [184654]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with cu, hem, me7, zn
  25. Domain(s) for 3qw0:
    1. 1726583Domain d3qw0a_: 3qw0 A: [184655]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with btb, hem, me9, zn
    2. 1726584Domain d3qw0b_: 3qw0 B: [184656]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with btb, hem, me9, zn
    3. 1726585Domain d3qw0c_: 3qw0 C: [184657]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with btb, hem, me9, zn
    4. 1726586Domain d3qw0d_: 3qw0 D: [184658]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with btb, hem, me9, zn
  26. Domain(s) for 3qw1:
    1. 1726702Domain d3qw1a_: 3qw1 A: [184659]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, lcy, zn
    2. 1726703Domain d3qw1b_: 3qw1 B: [184660]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, lcy, zn
    3. 1726704Domain d3qw1c_: 3qw1 C: [184661]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, lcy, zn
    4. 1726705Domain d3qw1d_: 3qw1 D: [184662]
      automated match to d1qq3a_
      complexed with hem, lcy, zn
  27. Domain(s) for 3tol:
    1. 1726591Domain d3tola_: 3tol A: [200853]
      automated match to d3tolc_
      complexed with ca, hem, zn
    2. 1726592Domain d3tolb_: 3tol B: [194998]
      automated match to d3de8a_
      complexed with ca, hem, zn
    3. 1726593Domain d3tolc_: 3tol C: [194997]
      automated match to d3de8a_
      complexed with ca, hem, zn
    4. 1726594Domain d3told_: 3tol D: [200854]
      automated match to d3tolc_
      complexed with ca, hem, zn
  28. Domain(s) for 3tom:
    1. 1726628Domain d3toma_: 3tom A: [216916]
      automated match to d3tolc_
      complexed with hem, zn
    2. 1726629Domain d3tomb_: 3tom B: [216917]
      automated match to d3tolc_
      complexed with hem, zn
    3. 1726630Domain d3tomc_: 3tom C: [216918]
      automated match to d3tolc_
      complexed with hem, zn
    4. 1726631Domain d3tomd_: 3tom D: [216919]
      automated match to d3tolc_
      complexed with hem, zn
  29. Domain(s) for 4je9:
    1. 1726626Domain d4je9a_: 4je9 A: [223766]
      automated match to d3m79a_
      complexed with hem
    2. 1726627Domain d4je9b_: 4je9 B: [223767]
      automated match to d3m79a_
      complexed with hem
  30. Domain(s) for 4jea:
    1. 1726571Domain d4jeaa_: 4jea A: [223768]
      automated match to d3m79a_
      complexed with hem, so4, zn
    2. 1726572Domain d4jeab_: 4jea B: [223769]
      automated match to d3m79a_
      complexed with hem, so4, zn
    3. 1726573Domain d4jeac_: 4jea C: [223770]
      automated match to d3m79a_
      complexed with hem, so4, zn
    4. 1726574Domain d4jead_: 4jea D: [223771]
      automated match to d3m79a_
      complexed with hem, so4, zn
  31. Domain(s) for 4jeb:
    1. 1726638Domain d4jeba_: 4jeb A: [223772]
      automated match to d3m15a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    2. 1726639Domain d4jebb_: 4jeb B: [223773]
      automated match to d3m15a_
      complexed with hem, zn
  32. Domain(s) for 4u9d:
    1. 1726684Domain d4u9da_: 4u9d A: [268927]
      automated match to d3m79a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    2. 1726685Domain d4u9db_: 4u9d B: [268933]
      automated match to d3m79a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    3. 1726686Domain d4u9dc_: 4u9d C: [268932]
      automated match to d3m79a_
      complexed with hem, zn
    4. 1726687Domain d4u9dd_: 4u9d D: [268930]
      automated match to d3m79a_
      complexed with hem, zn
  33. Domain(s) for 4u9e:
  34. Domain(s) for 5awi:
    1. 1726632Domain d5awia_: 5awi A: [278307]
      automated match to d2bc5a_
      complexed with hem, so4, zn
    2. 1726633Domain d5awib_: 5awi B: [278308]
      automated match to d2bc5a_
      complexed with hem, so4, zn

More info for Species Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] from a.24.3.1 automated matches

Timeline for Species Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] from a.24.3.1 automated matches: