Lineage for Species: Jackfruit (Artocarpus integrifolia)

  1. Root: SCOP 1.71
  2. 546417Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (149 folds)
  3. 566741Fold b.77: beta-Prism I [51091] (3 superfamilies)
    consists of 3 4-stranded sheets; strands are parallel to the 3-fold axis
    duplication: has internal pseudo threefold symmetry
  4. 566759Superfamily b.77.3: Mannose-binding lectins [51101] (1 family) (S)
  5. 566760Family b.77.3.1: Mannose-binding lectins [51102] (5 proteins)
  6. 566800Protein Jacalin [51103] (2 species)
  7. 566810Species Jackfruit (Artocarpus integrifolia) [51104] (10 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Jackfruit (Artocarpus integrifolia):

  1. Domain(s) for 1jac:
    1. 566833Domain d1jac.5: 1jac B:,A: [27978]
    2. 566834Domain d1jac.6: 1jac D:,C: [27979]
    3. 566835Domain d1jac.7: 1jac F:,E: [27980]
    4. 566836Domain d1jac.8: 1jac H:,G: [27981]
      complexed with amg
  2. Domain(s) for 1ku8:
    1. 566820Domain d1ku8.1: 1ku8 B:,A: [73003]
    2. 566821Domain d1ku8.2: 1ku8 D:,C: [73004]
    3. 566822Domain d1ku8.3: 1ku8 F:,E: [73005]
    4. 566823Domain d1ku8.4: 1ku8 H:,G: [73006]
  3. Domain(s) for 1kuj:
    1. 566825Domain d1kuj.1: 1kuj B:,A: [73010]
    2. 566826Domain d1kuj.2: 1kuj D:,C: [73011]
    3. 566827Domain d1kuj.3: 1kuj F:,E: [73012]
    4. 566828Domain d1kuj.4: 1kuj H:,G: [73013]
      complexed with mam
  4. Domain(s) for 1m26:
    1. 566812Domain d1m26.1: 1m26 B:,A: [78468]
    2. 566813Domain d1m26.2: 1m26 D:,C: [78469]
    3. 566814Domain d1m26.3: 1m26 F:,E: [78470]
    4. 566815Domain d1m26.4: 1m26 H:,G: [78471]
      complexed with gal, nga
  5. Domain(s) for 1pxd:
  6. Domain(s) for 1ugw:
    1. 566816Domain d1ugw.1: 1ugw B:,A: [99368]
    2. 566817Domain d1ugw.2: 1ugw D:,C: [99369]
    3. 566818Domain d1ugw.3: 1ugw F:,E: [99370]
    4. 566819Domain d1ugw.4: 1ugw H:,G: [99371]
      complexed with gal
  7. Domain(s) for 1ugx:
  8. Domain(s) for 1ugy:
    1. 566829Domain d1ugy.1: 1ugy B:,A: [99373]
    2. 566830Domain d1ugy.2: 1ugy D:,C: [99374]
    3. 566831Domain d1ugy.3: 1ugy F:,E: [99375]
    4. 566832Domain d1ugy.4: 1ugy H:,G: [99376]
      complexed with gal, glc
  9. Domain(s) for 1uh0:
    1. 566837Domain d1uh0.1: 1uh0 B:,A: [99377]
    2. 566838Domain d1uh0.2: 1uh0 D:,C: [99378]
    3. 566839Domain d1uh0.3: 1uh0 F:,E: [99379]
    4. 566840Domain d1uh0.4: 1uh0 H:,G: [99380]
      complexed with ch3, nga
  10. Domain(s) for 1uh1:
    1. 566841Domain d1uh1.1: 1uh1 B:,A: [99381]
    2. 566842Domain d1uh1.2: 1uh1 D:,C: [99382]
    3. 566843Domain d1uh1.3: 1uh1 F:,E: [99383]
    4. 566844Domain d1uh1.4: 1uh1 H:,G: [99384]
      complexed with amg, ch3, nga

More info for Species Jackfruit (Artocarpus integrifolia) from b.77.3.1 Jacalin

Timeline for Species Jackfruit (Artocarpus integrifolia) from b.77.3.1 Jacalin: