Lineage for Species: Influenza virus [TaxId: 375457]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 3039230Class h: Coiled coil proteins [57942] (7 folds)
  3. 3040824Fold h.3: Stalk segment of viral fusion proteins [58063] (3 superfamilies)
    core: trimeric coiled coil
  4. 3040825Superfamily h.3.1: Influenza hemagglutinin (stalk) [58064] (2 families) (S)
  5. 3040826Family h.3.1.1: Influenza hemagglutinin (stalk) [58065] (2 proteins)
  6. 3041482Protein automated matches [254646] (29 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 3041773Species Influenza virus [TaxId:375457] [256203] (2 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Influenza virus [TaxId: 375457]:

  1. Domain(s) for 4bgz:
    1. 3041777Domain d4bgzb_: 4bgz B: [240017]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4bgza_, d4bgzc_, d4bgze1, d4bgze2
      automated match to d2fk0b1
      complexed with nag, po4
    2. 3041778Domain d4bgzd_: 4bgz D: [240018]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4bgza_, d4bgzc_, d4bgze1, d4bgze2
      automated match to d2fk0b1
      complexed with nag, po4
    3. 3041779Domain d4bgzf_: 4bgz F: [240019]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4bgza_, d4bgzc_, d4bgze1, d4bgze2
      automated match to d2fk0b1
      complexed with nag, po4
  2. Domain(s) for 4bh0:
    1. 3041774Domain d4bh0b_: 4bh0 B: [240020]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4bh0a_, d4bh0c_, d4bh0e1, d4bh0e2
      automated match to d2fk0b1
      complexed with nag, po4
    2. 3041775Domain d4bh0d_: 4bh0 D: [240021]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4bh0a_, d4bh0c_, d4bh0e1, d4bh0e2
      automated match to d2fk0b1
      complexed with nag, po4
    3. 3041776Domain d4bh0f_: 4bh0 F: [240022]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4bh0a_, d4bh0c_, d4bh0e1, d4bh0e2
      automated match to d2fk0b1
      complexed with nag, po4

More info for Species Influenza virus [TaxId:375457] from h.3.1.1 automated matches

Timeline for Species Influenza virus [TaxId:375457] from h.3.1.1 automated matches: