Lineage for Species: Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId: 1773]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.06
  2. 2170735Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (385 folds)
  3. 2208184Fold d.100: MbtH/L9 domain-like [55657] (2 superfamilies)
    beta(2)-alpha-beta-alpha; 3 layers: alpha/beta/alpha
  4. 2208248Superfamily d.100.2: MbtH-like [160582] (2 families) (S)
    the first helix is replaced with an extended loop; contains extra C-terminal helix of variable position
  5. 2208258Family d.100.2.0: automated matches [254253] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2208259Protein automated matches [254578] (5 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2208268Species Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:1773] [255347] (1 PDB entry)

PDB entry in Species: Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId: 1773]:

More info for Species Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:1773] from d.100.2.0 automated matches

Timeline for Species Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:1773] from d.100.2.0 automated matches: