Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (380 folds) |
Fold d.386: Tyrosinase cofactor MelC1-like [254118] (1 superfamily) 2 layers: a/b; antiparallel beta-sheet of 6 strands partly surrounding one helix. Fold-level similarity and potential homology to SH2 domains (d.93) noted in PubMed 16436386 |
Superfamily d.386.1: Tyrosinase cofactor MelC1 [254141] (1 family) Pfam PF06236 |
Family d.386.1.1: Tyrosinase cofactor MelC1 [254186] (1 protein) |
Protein Tyrosinase cofactor MelC1 [254410] (1 species) |
Species Streptomyces castaneoglobisporus [TaxId:79261] [254849] (22 PDB entries) |
Domain d2ahkb_: 2ahk B: [241231] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ahka_ complexed with cu, no3 |
PDB Entry: 2ahk (more details), 1.71 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d2ahkb_:
Sequence, based on SEQRES records: (download)
>d2ahkb_ d.386.1.1 (B:) Tyrosinase cofactor MelC1 {Streptomyces castaneoglobisporus [TaxId: 79261]} aapesfdevykgrriqgrpargaahhhehgggyevfvdgvqlhvmrnadgswisvvshyd pvptpraaaraavdelqgapllp
>d2ahkb_ d.386.1.1 (B:) Tyrosinase cofactor MelC1 {Streptomyces castaneoglobisporus [TaxId: 79261]} aapesfdevykgrriqgrpagyevfvdgvqlhvmrnadgswisvvshydpvptpraaara avdelqgapllp
Timeline for d2ahkb_: