Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (174 folds) |
Fold b.33: ISP domain [50021] (1 superfamily) consists of two all-beta subdomains: conserved small domain has a rubredoxin-like fold; larger domain consists of 6 beta-stands packed in either sandwich of two 3-stranded sheets or closed barrel (n=6; S=8) |
Superfamily b.33.1: ISP domain [50022] (4 families) |
Family b.33.1.0: automated matches [191455] (1 protein) not a true family |
Protein automated matches [190701] (8 species) not a true protein |
Species Burkholderia xenovorans [TaxId:266265] [226023] (6 PDB entries) |
Domain d2yflk1: 2yfl K:18-179 [198752] Other proteins in same PDB: d2yfla2, d2yflb_, d2yflc2, d2yfld_, d2yfle2, d2yflf_, d2yflg2, d2yflh_, d2yfli2, d2yflj_, d2yflk2, d2yfll_ automated match to d1wqla1 complexed with dc4, fe2, fes |
PDB Entry: 2yfl (more details), 2.6 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d2yflk1:
Sequence, based on SEQRES records: (download)
>d2yflk1 b.33.1.0 (K:18-179) automated matches {Burkholderia xenovorans [TaxId: 266265]} nwtpeairglvdqekglldpriyadqslyelelervfgrswlllgheshvpetgdflaty mgedpvvmvrqkdksikvflnqcrhrgmricrsdagnakaftcsyhgwaydiagklvnvp fekeafcdkkegdcgfdkaewgplqarvatykglvfanwdvq
>d2yflk1 b.33.1.0 (K:18-179) automated matches {Burkholderia xenovorans [TaxId: 266265]} nwtpeairglvdqekglldpriyadqslyelelervfgrswlllgheshvpetgdflaty mgedpvvmvrqkdksikvflnqcrhrgmricrsdagnakaftcsyhgwaydiagklvnvp fekeaffdkaewgplqarvatykglvfanwdvq
Timeline for d2yflk1: