Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds) |
Fold d.129: TBP-like [55944] (11 superfamilies) beta-alpha-beta(4)-alpha |
Superfamily d.129.3: Bet v1-like [55961] (11 families) contains a single copy of this fold with a alpha-beta2 insertion after the first helix; there is a cavity between the beta-sheet and the long C-terminal helix |
Family d.129.3.0: automated matches [191339] (1 protein) not a true family |
Protein automated matches [190218] (21 species) not a true protein |
Species Burkholderia xenovorans [TaxId:266265] [226024] (9 PDB entries) |
Domain d2yfja2: 2yfj A:180-459 [198731] Other proteins in same PDB: d2yfja1, d2yfjb_, d2yfjc1, d2yfjd_, d2yfje1, d2yfjf_, d2yfjg1, d2yfjh_, d2yfji1, d2yfjj_, d2yfjk1, d2yfjl_ automated match to d1wqla2 complexed with 1it, fe2, fes |
PDB Entry: 2yfj (more details), 2.15 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d2yfja2:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d2yfja2 d.129.3.0 (A:180-459) automated matches {Burkholderia xenovorans [TaxId: 266265]} apdletylgdarpymdvmldrtpagtvaiggmqkwvipcnwkfaaeqfcsdmyhagttth lsgilagippemdlsqaqiptkgnqfraawgghgsgwyvdepgsllavmgpkvtqywteg paaelaeqrlghtgmpvrrmvgqhmtifptcsflpamnqirvwhprgpneievwaftlvd adapaeikeeyrrhnirnfsaggvfeqddgenwveiqkglrgykaksqpfnaqmglgrsq tghpdfpgnvgyvyaeeaargmyhhwmrmmsepswatlkp
Timeline for d2yfja2: