Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.03
  2. 1287432Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (174 folds)
  3. 1333738Fold b.97: Cytolysin/lectin [63723] (1 superfamily)
    sandwich, 10 strands in 2 sheets;
  4. 1333739Superfamily b.97.1: Cytolysin/lectin [63724] (2 families) (S)
    some topological similarity to osmotin
  5. 1333755Family b.97.1.2: Fungal fruit body lectin [117119] (3 proteins)
    Pfam PF07367
  6. 1333774Protein automated matches [190758] (3 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 1333775Athelia rolfsii [TaxId:39291] [187957] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2ofc:
      1. 1333776Domain d2ofca_: 2ofc A: [166674]
        automated match to d1y2ta_
        complexed with act, mpd, trs
      2. 1333777Domain d2ofcb_: 2ofc B: [166675]
        automated match to d1y2ta_
        complexed with act, mpd, trs
    2. Domains for 2ofd:
      1. 1333780Domain d2ofda_: 2ofd A: [166676]
        automated match to d1y2ta_
        complexed with act, nga
      2. 1333781Domain d2ofdb_: 2ofd B: [166677]
        automated match to d1y2ta_
        complexed with act, nga
    3. Domains for 2ofe:
      1. 1333778Domain d2ofea_: 2ofe A: [166678]
        automated match to d1y2ta_
        complexed with act, mpd, nag
      2. 1333779Domain d2ofeb_: 2ofe B: [166679]
        automated match to d1y2ta_
        complexed with act, mpd, nag
  2. 1333782Boletus edulis [TaxId:36056] [189648] (7 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3qds:
      1. 1333783Domain d3qdsa_: 3qds A: [184345]
        automated match to d1x99a_
      2. 1333784Domain d3qdsb_: 3qds B: [184346]
        automated match to d1x99a_
    2. Domains for 3qdt:
      1. 1333787Domain d3qdta_: 3qdt A: [184347]
        automated match to d1x99a_
      2. 1333788Domain d3qdtb_: 3qdt B: [184348]
        automated match to d1x99a_
    3. Domains for 3qdu:
      1. 1333795Domain d3qdua_: 3qdu A: [184349]
        automated match to d1x99a_
        complexed with cbs
      2. 1333796Domain d3qdub_: 3qdu B: [184350]
        automated match to d1x99a_
        complexed with cbs
      3. 1333797Domain d3qduc_: 3qdu C: [184351]
        automated match to d1x99a_
        complexed with cbs
      4. 1333798Domain d3qdud_: 3qdu D: [184352]
        automated match to d1x99a_
        complexed with cbs
    4. Domains for 3qdv:
      1. 1333785Domain d3qdva_: 3qdv A: [184353]
        automated match to d1x99a_
        complexed with a2g, ndg
      2. 1333786Domain d3qdvb_: 3qdv B: [184354]
        automated match to d1x99a_
        complexed with a2g, ndg
    5. Domains for 3qdw:
      1. 1333791Domain d3qdwa_: 3qdw A: [184355]
        automated match to d1x99a_
        complexed with a2g, ndg
      2. 1333792Domain d3qdwb_: 3qdw B: [184356]
        automated match to d1x99a_
        complexed with a2g, ndg
    6. Domains for 3qdx:
      1. 1333789Domain d3qdxa_: 3qdx A: [184357]
        automated match to d1x99a_
        complexed with cbs
      2. 1333790Domain d3qdxb_: 3qdx B: [184358]
        automated match to d1x99a_
        complexed with cbs
    7. Domains for 3qdy:
      1. 1333793Domain d3qdya_: 3qdy A: [184359]
        automated match to d1x99a_
        complexed with cbs
      2. 1333794Domain d3qdyb_: 3qdy B: [184360]
        automated match to d1x99a_
        complexed with cbs
  3. 1333799Xerocomus chrysenteron [TaxId:5386] [188119] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein automated matches from b.97.1.2: Fungal fruit body lectin

Timeline for Protein automated matches from b.97.1.2: Fungal fruit body lectin: