Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2352458Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (178 folds)
  3. 2430565Fold b.115: Calcium-mediated lectin [82025] (1 superfamily)
    sandwich; 9 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key
  4. 2430566Superfamily b.115.1: Calcium-mediated lectin [82026] (2 families) (S)
  5. 2430714Family b.115.1.0: automated matches [191398] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2430715Protein automated matches [190521] (2 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2430716Burkholderia cenocepacia [TaxId:216591] [188413] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2vnv:
      1. 2430718Domain d2vnva_: 2vnv A: [168733]
        automated match to d1uqxa_
        complexed with ca, mma, so4
      2. 2430719Domain d2vnvb_: 2vnv B: [168734]
        automated match to d1uqxa_
        complexed with ca, mma, so4
      3. 2430720Domain d2vnvc_: 2vnv C: [168735]
        automated match to d1uqxa_
        complexed with ca, mma, so4
      4. 2430721Domain d2vnvd_: 2vnv D: [168736]
        automated match to d1uqxa_
        complexed with ca, mma, so4
      5. 2430722Domain d2vnve_: 2vnv E: [168737]
        automated match to d1uqxa_
        complexed with ca, mma, so4
    2. Domains for 2wr9:
      1. 2430723Domain d2wr9a_: 2wr9 A: [169597]
        automated match to d1uqxa_
        complexed with ca, man, so4
      2. 2430724Domain d2wr9b_: 2wr9 B: [169598]
        automated match to d1uqxa_
        complexed with ca, man, so4
      3. 2430725Domain d2wr9c_: 2wr9 C: [169599]
        automated match to d1uqxa_
        complexed with ca, man, so4
      4. 2430726Domain d2wr9d_: 2wr9 D: [169600]
        automated match to d1uqxa_
        complexed with ca, man, so4
    3. Domain for 2wra:
    4. Domains for 2xr4:
      1. 2430727Domain d2xr4a1: 2xr4 A:1-115 [198613]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xr4a2, d2xr4b2
        automated match to d2xr4b_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2430728Domain d2xr4b1: 2xr4 B:1-115 [196258]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xr4a2, d2xr4b2
        automated match to d2bv4a_
        complexed with so4
    5. Domains for 4aoc:
      1. 2430729Domain d4aoca_: 4aoc A: [194822]
        automated match to d2vnvb_
        complexed with a1q, ca, so4
      2. 2430730Domain d4aocb_: 4aoc B: [194821]
        automated match to d2vnvb_
        complexed with a1q, ca, so4
      3. 2430731Domain d4aocc_: 4aoc C: [194820]
        automated match to d2vnvb_
        complexed with a1q, ca, so4
      4. 2430732Domain d4aocd_: 4aoc D: [194824]
        automated match to d2vnvb_
        complexed with a1q, ca, so4
      5. 2430733Domain d4aoce_: 4aoc E: [194823]
        automated match to d2vnvb_
        complexed with a1q, ca, so4
  2. 2430734Chromobacterium violaceum [TaxId:536] [187479] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2boi:
      1. 2430737Domain d2boia_: 2boi A: [163135]
        automated match to d1uqxa_
        complexed with ca, mfu
      2. 2430738Domain d2boib_: 2boi B: [163136]
        automated match to d1uqxa_
        complexed with ca, mfu
    2. Domains for 2bv4:
      1. 2430735Domain d2bv4a_: 2bv4 A: [163169]
        automated match to d1uqxa_
        complexed with ca, mma
      2. 2430736Domain d2bv4b_: 2bv4 B: [163170]
        automated match to d1uqxa_
        complexed with ca, mma

More info for Protein automated matches from b.115.1.0: automated matches

Timeline for Protein automated matches from b.115.1.0: automated matches: