Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2739516Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds)
  3. 2825302Fold b.159: AOC barrel-like [141492] (2 superfamilies)
    barrel, closed; n=8, S=10; meander; mirrored (reversed) topology to the Spreptavidin-like and Lipocalin-like folds
  4. 2825303Superfamily b.159.1: Allene oxide cyclase-like [141493] (2 families) (S)
  5. 2825304Family b.159.1.1: Allene oxide cyclase-like [141494] (2 proteins)
    Pfam PF06351
  6. 2825325Protein automated matches [190385] (2 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2825326Physcomitrella patens [TaxId:3218] [193452] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4h6b:
      1. 2825339Domain d4h6ba_: 4h6b A: [202375]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with 10x, 10y, hez, po4
      2. 2825340Domain d4h6bb_: 4h6b B: [193453]
        automated match to d1zvca1
        complexed with 10x, 10y, hez, po4
      3. 2825341Domain d4h6bc_: 4h6b C: [202376]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with 10x, 10y, hez, po4
      4. 2825342Domain d4h6bd_: 4h6b D: [193454]
        automated match to d1zvca1
        complexed with 10x, 10y, hez, po4
      5. 2825343Domain d4h6be_: 4h6b E: [202377]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with 10x, 10y, hez, po4
      6. 2825344Domain d4h6bf_: 4h6b F: [202378]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with 10x, 10y, hez, po4
      7. 2825345Domain d4h6bg_: 4h6b G: [202379]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with 10x, 10y, hez, po4
      8. 2825346Domain d4h6bh_: 4h6b H: [202380]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with 10x, 10y, hez, po4
      9. 2825347Domain d4h6bi_: 4h6b I: [202381]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with 10x, 10y, hez, po4
      10. 2825348Domain d4h6bj_: 4h6b J: [202382]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with 10x, 10y, hez, po4
      11. 2825349Domain d4h6bk_: 4h6b K: [202383]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with 10x, 10y, hez, po4
      12. 2825350Domain d4h6bl_: 4h6b L: [202384]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with 10x, 10y, hez, po4
    2. Domains for 4h6c:
      1. 2825327Domain d4h6ca_: 4h6c A: [222405]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with hez, po4
      2. 2825328Domain d4h6cb_: 4h6c B: [222406]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with hez, po4
      3. 2825329Domain d4h6cc_: 4h6c C: [222407]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with hez, po4
      4. 2825330Domain d4h6cd_: 4h6c D: [222408]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with hez, po4
      5. 2825331Domain d4h6ce_: 4h6c E: [222409]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with hez, po4
      6. 2825332Domain d4h6cf_: 4h6c F: [222410]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with hez, po4
      7. 2825333Domain d4h6cg_: 4h6c G: [222411]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with hez, po4
      8. 2825334Domain d4h6ch_: 4h6c H: [222412]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with hez, po4
      9. 2825335Domain d4h6ci_: 4h6c I: [222413]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with hez, po4
      10. 2825336Domain d4h6cj_: 4h6c J: [222414]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with hez, po4
      11. 2825337Domain d4h6ck_: 4h6c K: [222415]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with hez, po4
      12. 2825338Domain d4h6cl_: 4h6c L: [222416]
        automated match to d4h6bb_
        complexed with hez, po4
  2. 2825351Thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana) [TaxId:3702] [187238] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2brj:
      1. 2825352Domain d2brjb_: 2brj B: [146214]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2brja1
        automated match to d1z8ka1
        complexed with gol
      2. 2825353Domain d2brjc_: 2brj C: [146215]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2brja1
        automated match to d1z8ka1
        complexed with gol
    2. Domains for 4cq6:
      1. 2825357Domain d4cq6a_: 4cq6 A: [269626]
        automated match to d2brja1
        complexed with mrd, po4, t25
      2. 2825358Domain d4cq6b_: 4cq6 B: [269629]
        automated match to d2brja1
        complexed with mrd, po4, t25
      3. 2825359Domain d4cq6c_: 4cq6 C: [269628]
        automated match to d2brja1
        complexed with mrd, po4, t25
    3. Domains for 4cq7:
      1. 2825354Domain d4cq7a_: 4cq7 A: [269627]
        automated match to d2brja1
        complexed with mrd, whw
      2. 2825355Domain d4cq7b_: 4cq7 B: [269625]
        automated match to d2brja1
        complexed with mrd, whw
      3. 2825356Domain d4cq7c_: 4cq7 C: [269630]
        automated match to d2brja1
        complexed with mrd, whw

More info for Protein automated matches from b.159.1.1: Allene oxide cyclase-like

Timeline for Protein automated matches from b.159.1.1: Allene oxide cyclase-like: